Overwatch Tracer Build


New Member
Hi members!

I planning on doing a Tracer build for Indy Pop Con in July and basically I'm gender-bending, but I'm doing her alt skin Slipstream from the Origins Edition. Now I'm currently stressing over everything because I've never done anything like this before, and I plan of expanding my cosplay and prop building skills. Now its the bracers and her guns that I'm struggling with, mainly her pulse guns have the only LEDs in this build. I just have a problem doing it. Is it safe to buy a 3D print of the guns or build it from scratch and paint it, which I prefer doing, so I can put LEDs in the gun, which I really enjoy wiring! If I'm going to do it out of foam how would I go about this? Lol, would it be safe to buy Bill Doran's foam smith books and just read that, or should I just keep browsing forum posts on how to do the builds? Any thoughts?

Orange and Blue // Slipstream and the Original to the right
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