Predatorium posting in marketplace


New Member
Hi i wanted to post in the marketplace in a "want to buy" but it says I'm not privileged enough. Id like to know what i need to do so i am privileged. Also i see people use "bump" a lot and don't know what it means.
Thank you
Bump it t get your post/ what your selling or wanting to the top again after a week only thou.

You can only sell things after a certain number of posts or time I think, read the rules and regs buddy, it explains all.
pretty sure it's 20 posts anywhere... I'm not there yet so I'm not sure :rolleyes:

Doh just saw you have more than 20... not sure what's up
Hi, here are the requirements to post in the Marketplace. First of all 90 days membership and 50+ posts. You must integrate with the community. First and foremost this will allow you to meet the other brothers and sisters. You can then gain some aid in your journey as a hunter. 90 days = 3 months.
I called it the 'probationary period' dum dum daaaaaaa
But that's not the case it's just a waiting time to ensure you feel that you are part of the forum. :)
*I call it*
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