Red Dwarf Escape Pod Filming Miniature


Sr Member
Hi folks.
Did you know there was a Red Dwarf Escape Pod !!
I didnt until i received this. Definitely something you don't see every day. It's an actual Bill Pearson filming model from Red Dwarf Season 8 Final episode (only the good).
Its here with me for a check over and possible refurb if needed, then i think it's going to be displayed together with the large yellow gantry prop i'm working on at the moment, as they are both seen together on screen.

Hope you like the video, keep on enjoying yourself with plastic and paint folks.

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I love his comment at a certain point in the vid: "decent paint job"o_Oo_O WHOT!! If I could paint like that; I would be very, very happy:rolleyes:(y)
The model was apparently shot in a side angle as well judging by the archived listing at The Prop Gallery, though oddly I just did a quick skim through the episode and I don't notice that shot - I only see a CGI model flying through space and then the practical model standing in the hangar. I wonder if that other shot was part of the original ending sequence that got scrapped. But in any case, there's some potential explanation for its horizontal display orientation.

Very cool piece. I'm grateful to have a piece of his work on Moon in my collection.
I love his comment at a certain point in the vid: "decent paint job"o_Oo_O WHOT!! If I could paint like that; I would be very, very happy:rolleyes:(y)
Yep, it's a beautiful paint job thats for sure. When compared to the yellow background piece the finish is Rolls Royce. Is so nice to see work done by other artists as their style comes through, and Bill Pearsons style was superb.
The model was apparently shot in a side angle as well judging by the archived listing at The Prop Gallery, though oddly I just did a quick skim through the episode and I don't notice that shot - I only see a CGI model flying through space and then the practical model standing in the hangar. I wonder if that other shot was part of the original ending sequence that got scrapped. But in any case, there's some potential explanation for its horizontal display orientation.

Very cool piece. I'm grateful to have a piece of his work on Moon in my collection.
Im not sure of the images on the prop gallery listing. I think they were shot by themselves against a black background. The stand is clearly visible in those shots with its little blob of epoxy :).

If there are any other shots of it which i'm missing i would love to see them.
Moon was also another great model fest movie. Which prop do you have on your shelf, I'd love to see it ?
If you look at TPG’s listing again, I was thinking the last three images were screenshots on account of their more reddish color rather than orange, but I could be wrong.

My Moon piece isn’t one of the models unfortunately (that’s on the wish-list!), but I have one of Sam Bell’s spacesuit helmet visors which Bill Pearson’s crew (I believe primarily Chris Hayes) fabricated. Thanks to the obvious scuff marks, it actually screen-matches to the helmet that “old Sam” puts on after crashing the rover, as well as the one placed back on him before he’s returned to the crashed rover in the end. Presumably it appeared in other scenes as well prior to acquiring the scuffs. One day I’d love to make a replica helmet for its display.


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If you look at TPG’s listing again, I was thinking the last three images were screenshots on account of their more reddish color rather than orange, but I could be wrong.

My Moon piece isn’t one of the models unfortunately (that’s on the wish-list!), but I have one of Sam Bell’s spacesuit helmet visors which Bill Pearson’s crew (I believe primarily Chris Hayes) fabricated. Thanks to the obvious scuff marks, it actually screen-matches to the helmet that “old Sam” puts on after crashing the rover, as well as the one placed back on him before he’s returned to the crashed rover in the end. Presumably it appeared in other scenes as well prior to acquiring the scuffs. One day I’d love to make a replica helmet for its display.
Thats really nice. I like that a lot. :)