Secret parts please look...what can this be?


Master Member
What parts can this be?

The brass piece seems to be a type of rivet (first thing that came to mind was the type typically found on denim jeans in the corners of pockets)

Notice in the second sharper picture that the middle of it looks to be a crushed hollow tube
And these all remind me of crush grommets like you’d find in the corners of tarps

And as I was searching for an example image of a tarp grommet to add to the post, I also found this…

Which kinda resembles that black piece you also pointed to (apparently also known as a shade cloth gripper)
Do we know roughly what size this is? It looks like it could be a small pulley.
Oh yes the size...Its on the side of a Kroenenmask from Hellboy.These parts are very small.

The top right part looks like a brass knurled thumbscrew glued on head down, at around M2/M3 size. The screw part looks truncated. Or it could be a thumbnut with the head of the screw inside the helmet. As it does look like its holding the metal bracket piece below it in place.

It could also be some form of small brass drawer pull glued in place. I'd expect it came out of someone's miscellaneous bits box.
So far it's just a feeling, but those might be parts of an old sewing machine. Like an old Singer type or the like.
I'm especially thinking about the parts that guide the thread.
I think the brass "spool" could be just a small knob, glued face in.

There are thumbscrews with similar shapes on sewing machines, for holding the foot in place, but I am unsure about the scale, and the heads often have a knurled edge.

However, there are also brass knobs/push-pins, intended for small furniture: such as knobs for drawers for storing small trinkeys or jewellery. (there's probably a fancy word for that kind of chest but I don't know it).
Some are threaded for wood, others have just a nail.
Edit: If you'd search for "jewelry box knobs" you'll find lots.

For the crank, my first thought goes to old mechanical telephones ... but there are many things it could have been from.
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That side piece does look like a sewing machine part. The curved metal piece that comes out, could be used to line up thread from
bobbins maybe, as stated earlier!