Serial Numbers on Frame of actual 1977 ANH Han Solo Blaster Mauser


Sr Member
Besides the 2813 on the Barrel has any new news come out recently about the Frame, Hammer, and frame lock serial numbers? Have searched near and far. Looked at every thread here (including the glorious 298 page one) and in other forums regarding the Serial Numbers on the ANH Han Blaster. As far as I can tell no pictures exist of this area.

Has anyone ever tried to contact Bapty to see if any records exist on the actual serial number on the lower frame and parts? I assume like American Prop Shops they would have had to log in Serialized firearms for multiple reasons. Maybe someone here has a contact across the pond and can kick up some new leads.

I know it's a long shot but figured what the heck. Another Harrison Ford prop - the infamous 1982 Blade Runner Blaster was "lost" for decades before it just pooped up one day in 2006 at Worldcon. Who knows miracles happen.

Thanks in advance.
A very good question to which I believe there is still no new evidence unfortunately. Hopefully new photos or info will pop up? Maybe Bapty still has the frame, hammer and frame lock? Heck the real scope popped up a few years ago, the other parts have to be around somewhere, ha!
That is a really good question. I have my doubts that they have these records...

For any new-comers:
Apparently the original blaster was altered, disassembled and used for something else, and when Bapty was sold the original scope and cradle were discovered in a random box. The vertical supports were mangled and cut off. I guess there were a few rifle-barreled mausers in their stock and the original mauser has not been found to this day.

The original scope and cradle were brazed to a newly machined mount, and fixed on another old messed up mauser from Bapty, with either a replica muzzle or a weirdly machined vintage one. Oh yea, and it was sold at auction advertised as the filming prop. We're totally not bitter.. :D

I also haven't seen any "muppet" casts or Merr Sonn casts that were clear enough to show any other serial numbers
That is a really good question. I have my doubts that they have these records...

For any new-comers:
Apparently the original blaster was altered, disassembled and used for something else, and when Bapty was sold the original scope and cradle were discovered in a random box. The vertical supports were mangled and cut off. I guess there were a few rifle-barreled mausers in their stock and the original mauser has not been found to this day.

The original scope and cradle were brazed to a newly machined mount, and fixed on another old messed up mauser from Bapty, with either a replica muzzle or a weirdly machined vintage one. Oh yea, and it was sold at auction advertised as the filming prop. We're totally not bitter.. :D

I also haven't seen any "muppet" casts or Merr Sonn casts that were clear enough to show any other serial numbers
From what I have seen all the Merr Sonns and Muppet castings has that rear area completely devoid of Serial numbers. Must have been filled in for the molding.

This is one of the few pics from the back of the blaster but the hammer unfortunately is back.

At this point, I don't think Bapty would be forthcoming with any true information or evidence, seeing as they helped authenticate the Pawn Stars blaster (and its serial numbers) as being the real deal. The winning bidder might have a lawsuit if the supporting "documentation" suddenly changed.
At this point, I don't think Bapty would be forthcoming with any true information or evidence, seeing as they helped authenticate the Pawn Stars blaster (and its serial numbers) as being the real deal. The winning bidder might have a lawsuit if the supporting "documentation" suddenly changed.
Jeez. I wasn't aware they authenticated the bogus auction Mauser. What a mess. Thanks for the info.
At this point, I don't think Bapty would be forthcoming with any true information or evidence, seeing as they helped authenticate the Pawn Stars blaster (and its serial numbers) as being the real deal. The winning bidder might have a lawsuit if the supporting "documentation" suddenly changed.

My general understanding is, that Bapty has NEVER been forthcoming with any information.
It was more of a "Why do people keep perstering us about Star Wars crap?!"
I've personally examined a real ANH casting and an ESB casting and could find no trace of the serials except for near the barrel.
Thank you for this. :) Not sure if you can answer, was it your impression that the S shaped scope mount on the ESB blasters came from a metal thing or was it like.. hand sculpted lol
It sounds like we have to hope for unseen photo evidence for the serial number mystery to be solved. Since that is unlikely almost 50 years later, can the manufacturing time period of the ANH hero be determined based on the existing pictures? I have read posts about it being a wartime commercial C96. Can anyone confirm that? Also saw posts about approximate C96 production dates and serial numbers. The first 2 serial number digits could range from 15 through 43 if the hero was produced for WWI between 1914 and 1918. The Mauser that was sold at auction started with 29 which puts it right in the middle of that range.

I’ve stamped the 2813 and 813 on parts of my build. If the hero can be narrowed down based on appearance, I would pick 2 digits from that range for the rear of my blaster.