Shadow Link's Sword


Sr Member
Last year I was commissioned by a schoolfriend to make a sword for her cosplay of (you guessed it!) Shadow Link. Now, I'm not really into Zelda n'all, but I've been reliably informed that Shadow Link is different to Dark Link; so now that's all cleared up.

Since the project is very near completion, I thought I'd better do a write up on what's been done and what's to be done.
I also must point out, that since I'm only 16, I've been using a family friend's workshop and quite frankly he's been more into the project than I have! Basically what I'm saying is I can't take credit for all the work, but probably a good half of what you see is my input.


This is the reference I went from, and was told that the colours were to be a silver blade, yellow hilt and pommel, black leather handgrip and purple jewels.

I started by guessing the rough scale to the average human, and then sized it down a little bit as the intended client was quite short. I knocked up some figures and blueprints in Inkscape


After a few weeks, I got up to the workshop and we started the build.
The blade and handle was cut out of Parana pine, less knotty than ordinary pine and a bit tougher.


Once that was done, we attacked the shape with a combination of chisels, surforms and glass paper


..and then the other side..


Once that was sorted, we wedged two blocks of Parana pine together and roughed out the hilt shape


..and test assembly...


We then shaped out the raised...triangular..thingies...from the hilt to the blade, cut and bent an aluminium tube into an oval, and cut out the pommel piece and tapered the hilt


After a couple of months off the project due to GCSE exams, we cut out the recessed grooves in the hilt, wrapped steel wire around the grip, glued on the pommel, sanded filled, sanded and filled and finally a coat of emulsion.


Then several coats of "Montana Gold" silver spray paint, and filling some small dents and pockmarks


After more filling an smoothing, more spray and more filling and smoothing etc etc I got up to this


You can't see it in the photo, but there's still a ton of work to be done before the blade is properly smoothed out.
And finally a shot of my arm holding it :p


That's as far as yesterday's work, I'll be doing more work on this later as I still have some other projects to do (which I'll post here too)

Any suggestions or criticisms welcome!
Looks great so far! My only criticism is the scale.. looks a little large compared to the reference picture. Specifically the crossguard, which looks like it just barely extends past either side of the closed fist in the picture.

Still, looking awesome!
And so I have done some more work! Well, not many people seem that interested at the moment, but hey-ho :lol


Once I finished sanding it, I went of with a thick automotive primer which I've used on other projects too, it's brilliant for filling in gaps but awful to sand as it has a tendancy to peel rather than abrase away ( that even the correct usage of the word?)


I then gave another two coats of silver, afterwards masking off the blade and spraying a basecoat of brown (if you hadn't noticed ;P)


Once that was done, I went over with a warm(ish) yellow; gradient'd to be stronger at the edges than the middle. I think I kinda failed at that


Aaaand a semi-final shot, this just resting on my shelf. I still need to:

-retouch paint
-add gemstones to hilt and pommel
-leather handgrip
(and possibly)
-clearcoat varnish

Suggestions etc welcome
Amazing job with that! But I agree with Syrus: It looks a little big. I suppose Shadow Link has a broadsword now :lol
Aye thanks all you guys for giving some interest :lol

@MooMooEgg and Syrus
I can see what you mean, it genuinely is off-scale proportionally; howeeverr
so is Shadow Link himself, classic manga style big head, big hands!
The way I scaled it was to assume that the pommel of the sword should come just past the hip; assuming that it does indeed come past the hip, the rest of the proportions are correct..ish..
I think if I ever had to make another one (please no..) I would take your advice and probably scale it down a little

I had a mooch around Brighton to look for beads and gems; not even the dedicated bead shop had any of the right ones! I'm still debating what to do about them
This project is now at about 98.5% completion, all that's left to do is attach the gemstones in place.

Whelp, I went about yesterday by sanding down the latest layer of paint so that it was nice, smooth and ready for spot filling,
once that was ready, I filled in the small dents and pockmarks with woodfiller.


..aaand then more sanding...


..aaand then another coat of paint..actually, that said, it was THE final coat of paint.


Once that was all drying and hanging around (how funny am I!) I found a plank of Cedar wood in the workshop ceiling racks which was the perfect piece for a stand, I couldn't have asked for a better piece really; all I had to do was plane the edges and then sand them off.
On a side note, I never knew what a beautiful smell Cedar wood gives off when cut!

And here's the unfinished sword on the unfinished stand being held by my partner in crime, Rodger.


Rodger then went about using a French varnish mix he'd made to...well...varnish the stand


I then gave the sword one more coat of yellow, started the jewel embeddings from Milliput...


And then the whole thing on display in its current state on my shelf, now starring ERTL AT-AT!

You could get crystals made (probably expensive though), it's been done before by Mutant-Enemy in his Cronos Device build. Nice looking sword so far!