Spiderman Costume Advice


New Member
I am new to costuming and I've been browsing around the web for ideas. Has anyone here had any experience with spidermancostumediy.com. He sells a PDF design for the movie style spiderman costume, i have located a printer that can do the lycra sublimation for me, but i havent heard many reviews on this product. Thanks for any advice and I am stoked that I discovered this place.
It is a little far off movie quality. Brad at spidey4fun does them but at the moment he has suspended all projects due to workload. You could always try spideyplanet.com
Spideyplanet is selling them for $4,000 I dont mind spending between $500-800 more if its really good quality but $4,000 is a bit much for me. Thanks for the reply though, maybe once Brad starts again i can get one from him.
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