This is also known as the "Alternate" or "Spock" medical scanner that can be seen in these episodes:
A private Little War (Vulcan Medical Scanner) (Used briefly at the beginning of the episode on Spock by Dr. M'Benga)
The Ultimate Computer (Sciences Scanner) (Used briefly near the middle of the episode to analyze the M9 equipment by Dr. Daystrom, which is my favorite scene!)
The scanner is machined out of aluminum and comes with a single cell 3v battery already installed so it's ready for use.
This updated version of the scanner includes a newer LED which displays up to 7 colors including purple, red, green, blue, etc. pulsating and twinkling. The updated scanner also now weighs less than 3 ounces.
Please see my project run thread for more information:

Limited Run - Star Trek TOS Science Scanner Run for 2024 - Spares Available!
Prototype 1 Video Clip: This is also known as the "Science" or "Spock/Vulcan" scanner that can be seen in these episodes: A private Little War (Vulcan Medical Scanner) (Used briefly at the beginning of the episode on Spock) The Ultimate Computer (Sciences Scanner) (Used briefly near the...

The price is $262 shipped in the US. If you're outside of the US, just send me a pm with your country name for additional shipping charges.
If it's possible, please sent payment as "Friends/Family" in Paypal to
Please include your shipping address and the note, "Star Trek Scanner".

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