The thing is that I own a real E-11 conversion, so it is not that of a big deal for me. But there are new gun laws today that make demilled conversions harder and harder to obtain by fans. Fieldmarsal replicas are cool but are coming from US, thus quite expensive, and could cause customs issues to international customers. While Denix is a Spanish company, thus making it a local company for EU customers, despite its possible issues with accuracy. I have the Denix Mauser converted as Merr Sonn Power 5, and is good enough for me, considering the real screen used Merr Sonns were resin pieces, and I also own the amazing Denix MG34, which I converted into a DLT-19 - as a real deactivated MG34 is a gun that would not be possible to own in my country, and many in many countries in the world either alas. So a Denix Sterling could be a choice for fans wanting a cheap enough piece, decently accurate and located in EU.