Talek, The Jedi Yautja


New Member
I thought I'd share some of my Yautja's back story and pics of uniforms I've worn for Talek.

Basically, since my club is all about Light Sabers, I wanted to create a Yautja that used sabers, but was he a good guy or a baddie bounty hunter. I chose him to be a Jedi because I bend that way myself. Although I am a Buddhist, I think a Yautja could easily be a Grey Jedi. and so Talek was born.

Here's some sketches of what a comic artist friend of ours thought my character should dress like and the results.

Here's an upclose image of my helmet. It's light and very soft, and is indeed covered in silver spandex. It's fantastic to use onstage fighting, and I can see fairly well in it. Hasn't fogged yet either.

Here's a close up of the Pred Sabers I had customized for Talek. They go together and make a staff. If you look at the picture with the Ws, you can kind of see the gun-slinger saber holsters I made. Yup, he carries them Billy the Kid Style!

"What is Talek?"

"Standing at 6 feet, Talek is smaller than most of his brethren, moving quicker than most of them, thus making him a very fast hunter. However, he could never get the upper hand when in close combat with other Yautja. He thereby trained even harder, but still needed to find a different style of fighting that suited his size. He is actually 140 Earth years old, but a mere late 20-something on his world."

You can read his entire back story here.

And some more random-ish pics.

Me getting the body suit painted by my very good friend, James Vogel. He also did the black beast costume. I'm in that one too.
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ok pal i love the costume up to now and i love how you gave your character a back story a lot of people don't do this because there fans and just want a costume for showing off purposes ... (cough) (dicks) (cough) .. anyway im gonna be honest about what i like and what i don't pred fan to pred fan. Anything i say about the pred i don't like please dont hate me for!!.
Ok i love the black beast costume and i think it goes well because hes a light weight pred and not using heavy amour. The matching wrist gauntlets aso work well with the body costume underneath which appears done well .... can we have some more pics of the under body suit? , i plan to bring this thread to life so we can make him even better. Now heres what i don't like , the mask and the dreads and the boots . Don't hate me!!. One question before i carry on , does he have an undermask?. If not theres a link here that shows you the cheapest way to make a pred head appear under the mask and add new dreads which you should definitely consider making from backer rods. You can find loadsa tuts on them too in the huntorial section of the website. Now depending on how much your willing to spend theres 2 ways to make the new bio .. well of course you could keep yours but in MY OPINON i think it doesn't look very predish and too light also not the same base shape. You could purchase a rubies used in that tutorial and simply keep the bio free with that and spray it your color of choice whilst also adding in your own specific details. Or purchase a bio off this forum , theres loadsa guys that sell send and ship these things to people everywhere go to the members buy and sell section or look around. Theres a guy by the name of usurper who sells face masks , if you ask him he may know a few who sell bio masks. Just go to the members section in the top right of the forum page and type in his name and send him a pm. Lets hope he can help. Now the feet are a prob..
If hes a jedi , hes got to be jumping around and stuff with his lightsaber ..lol , star wars has always been a highlight of my life but i always imagine theres way to much happening to join some sort of forum .. im scared .
So anyway i would recommend no shoes and maybe some more material around the ankles again depending on your budget theres 2 options.
1. Go to a local costume store and buy like some hairy werewolf feet then buy some of those witches nails , go home cut the fur of the wolf feet and spray the nails the colour of your choice hopefully not pink !! . Unless your going for the not so common " gay pred effect" lol :lol: .
Now after that spray the feet base the same color of the skin body suit and add in extra details , i would recommend going over it in liquid late first , then spraying it if available in your budget.
Right if your budgets higher contact monstermaker and he and some others he will know make feet for around £60 about 120 dollars us .. soz i didn't look where you where at. They should look great once its all put together.
I really think this needs another mask badly!!. And dreads!!!. Oh and also if your budget is high i would use ebay to buy proper dreads from a guy named bambooie!!.
Ok well i hope i have been of help and once again please don't take all of this as an insult im just tryna help pal.
. check this 2 maybe a little inspiration 2 you.
Well be sure to comment back and if you have any trouble with anything i said please just send me a pm or add me as a friend and i will get back to you asap. cya.
by the way hope you like the lair and enjoy our stay with us.. lol i sound like one of those plane women .. we will also be serving peanuts as well!!.
Also the link to read his full back story requires a sign up proccess to that site. Maybe you could sign out of your profile find your thread then mae a new link. Could you also give me an idea of a budget for improvements on this pred ? .
thanks... dark hunter.

Edit: If you haven't already introduce yourself in the new members section so we can all understand and get to know why your eactly a member.
Wow, a Yautja* jedi.

I honestly never thought of that....just might have to "borrow" your idea, as I'm joining the Rebel Legion soon and am trying to find a way to make my jedi unique. I hope you don't mind my filching your idea.

Where did you get your saber from? I'm still racking my brain on where to get a halfway decent lightsaber for my costume.

Keep up teh good work and keep us posted,

*I still don't know how to pronounce "yautja." someone told me it's similar to "yah-tah-jay," is this true?
lol i say ya- 2-jaa lol
who knows lets just all so it how we like it , this guys still not got these messages so lts not go astray on the subject.. lol
when he comes on tomorrow well all be talking about the way you say yautja lol.
i dont know if you have seen it but theres a darth maul predator in the finished costume section one sec i will get it let me just open a new tab...
god found it finally lol

well maybe you could make a fan film together lol..
he looks a little meatier but im sure if you bounced over his head and stuck your lightsaber up his butt it would kill him lol.
Hey guys!

I say Yowt-jah.

Thanks for all the comments! Sorry so long since I got to reply. My website is going crazy! THAT RED PRED WARRIOR IS AWESOME!!! HA! And the Pred-Maul! FIERCE MAN!!! HAH!!!!! That's BigGunns work, right? I was told she was going to be at the NYC Halloween Parade as an Alien Queen!

YES! YES! YES! I know and agree on just about every critic, Dark Hunter! I actually have been talking to a few people on this site getting prices on parts, Bios and feets included! I also want hands, but i think I'm going to do a mix of fingerless gloves with shaped tips. either from leather or cloth. Doin more with the gauntlet design too. I craft leather stuff, so I'll show that soon.

My dreads are made out of black flat fabric with batting to give shape! Personally, i want REAL dreads (i WILL be contacting recommended peeps). They're nice and soft and the girls like to braid them. but i also like the attention Plus they move well and aren't too heavy. I want them to glow at will. Make the glowing blood he has show thru his dreads!

The helmet is made from foam-core sheets hot-glued together over a face mask for base structure. It's then covered in batting and silver spandex. There's been airbrushed accents around it. As far as design, I think it should be a bit different, I think, but recognizable. The dreads do that, but the general shape conveys the obvious direction of the character reference (people always call at me "Go Predator!"). But the lightness of the material allows me to move effectively for stage combat. THAT THINGS IS HOT AS IT IS!

Also I will be customizing his bio to not have the laser-sight. I took it out of his character definition since he senses with the force, it's not necessary. I just got a new air-brush (Iwata Eclipse dual action) and compressor, so I can't wait to play with it! haven't used one since I was like 20.

The body suit I will try to get you more pics.... but for now, the images you see here are the steps I've taken to get him where he's at now. Now that I've met YOU guys (HA-LAY-YUGHT-JAH!!!!) I want to really trick him out for a film project I want to do. [hint: any one local to NYC?]

The saber is Bob at ALW. He rocks. We're talking about Talek's next stick. Plector sound [ insert geek flavored mad-laughter]

As far as my budget, SKY IS THE LIMIT!!! Then I'll haggle you down to as much free stuff as I can get! Did someone say Sponsorship? Exposure or barter!? Capitalist pig? ME?!?!?!

Oh, I forgot. This is my ship. The Vaapad Seven. Or V7 as she likes to be called. Yes, it's a Gunstar for a reason.

Talek is a Yautja, or Predator as he's known is the Human-verse.

Standing at 6 feet, Talek is smaller than most of his brethren, moving quicker than most of them, thus making him a very fast hunter. However, he could never get the upper hand when in close combat with other Yautja. He thereby trained even harder, but still needed to find a different style of fighting that suited his size. He is actually 140 Earth years old, but a mere late 20-something on his world.

Talek was hunting in one of the Outer Rim planets (closer to his world than Courascant) when he accidentally discovered an Imperial ambush awaiting two Jedi. Of course as a warrior, he was curious and activated his stealth suit. Getting closer to the battalion of 25 to 30 clone soldiers, he looked at all the Imperial weaponry and found it standard boring stuff. Thier machines were interesting, though. And then they started getting into position. The Jedi were approaching.

Talek watched the attack with unwavering fascination as these two Jedi easily defeated the ambush. Using only their lightsabers and the Force, the attack was over in mere minutes. Talek was in awe of the laser sword weapon.

The Master and his Padawan didn't ease their stance however. "Show yourself," said the Master sensing another enemy still very close. Talek suddenly stood before them out of nowhere. The Jedi were locked for defense expecting another bounty hunter upon seeing the menacing warrior, but Talek did something else. He removed his shoulder gun and wrist blades, letting them fall to the forest floor. He offered his hand instead, exhibiting the human ritual for offering friendship. Master Dalen Vigue and Oni Tubari found not an enemy, but a future Jedi. They felt the Force in this creature. Not overly powerful, but holding a different strength and wisdom unlike any other.

The Jedi told him of their trainings, the Force, and the plight they've been running from, being hunted by the Empire. Talek communicated the best he could with them, and fully understood he found what he was really looking for. Not only another way of fighting, but of living, of peace. He knew it like it was a fact.

Talek working on a tip from Master Vigue, ventured into the home world of Master Yoda, Dagobah. He studied with the Jedi Master for only a few years before becoming very fluent and powerful in the Jedi ways. As master Yoda points out, "Size matters not," and Talek was more efficient than ever in his movements and fighting. He even gave up using the wrist blades and shoulder gun, but still keeps a few blades around for fun. After all, he does like his trophies.

After leaving master Yoda, he ventured to the planet where the Jedi and Sith acquire their lightsaber crystals and made himself two glowing green sabers, and has since trained with them and modified them several times over.

His training was complete. And after falling in love with his new favorite blade, Talek decided to use the art of intimidation and fashion glowing headgear for his tendriles (dreadlocks).

UPDATE 2/26/07:

After living through most of the purge by keeping his training a secret (his species was not on the regular list), his hunting often lent itself plenty of practice.

Due to the hunter instinct being so naturally strong in Talek, Master Yoda taught him the ways of Master Windu's method, Vaapad (Wiki/Wookie). His agression was then able to be channeled into a lighter focused direction, and directing the control of emotions became almost a hobby for him, directing anger and more elated emotion at opponents like force-hits. In Tibetan Buddhism, this would be compared to Tantric Method; quieting the mind and maintaining presense in every moment directly tapping into reality around you. Eventually, Talek's future instinct became so "Spidey-like" that he almost appeared to be anticiating his opponents moves in battle.

[inspired by this thread]Using Master Skywalker's methods of imbuing Force-energy into Crystals, he would switch his sabers to be powered by certain crystals which he keeps around his neck, depending upon the task at hand. From green to amber, his saber would change from hunting mood to a more aggressive, samurai-like economical defeat of an enemy. He can then almost weild the sabers as power extensions to his own force-energy.

Now don't laugh, but I've been thinking about having Talek discover a Guyer unit on a far away planet: Hehehehhhhhehe
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wow I totally love this! Great story! I have yet to officially name my pred...and give a backstory. OMG I love backround stories! Once my stuff comes in the mail, and all put together I will then be able to make a name and a story.

That is so not nerdy. lol
ok so i always wondered of a jedi predator but with a guyver unit too, this guy would be unbeatable.... maybe leave that out..... a jedi pred is stretching it enough.....
i dont know if you have seen it but theres a darth maul predator in the finished costume section one sec i will get it let me just open a new tab...
god found it finally lol

well maybe you could make a fan film together lol..
he looks a little meatier but im sure if you bounced over his head and stuck your lightsaber up his butt it would kill him lol.

thats Fing awesome and ive seen mooses pred costume before on predator fan and wow he does build some really cool but extra preds :D