Ugly actors.. lets talk about them


Master Member
Some actors just don't need makeup to be ugly looking which might have given them the job in the first place.
Here are some that i find ugly.

Robert Z'Dar
DAMN....MST3K said it best with "a catcher's mitt with eyes"

Brian Thompson
Something with his jaw that makes him look ugly

vincent i really need to write something.

steve buscemi ain't good looking

Marty Feldman The eyes.....

Clint Howard........scary ugly
Okay let's talk about them.

They've all succeeded in doing something I wanted to, but never did.

Become an actor.

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To misquote the Dice Man- They live in a house in Bel Air and you drive a broken Pinto. They give a $@^& what you say.

And you didn't say much anyway. It's your topic, was that it?

I find many actors not considered classically beautiful or handsome to be far more interesting but it's all relative I guess.
I'm just glad to see people making money who haven't had plastic surgery or look like cookie cutter clones of what goes for attractive in Hollywood.
As i said i would talk about them and maybe i did not do in the first post :wacko
Anyhow, Most of these actors i have listed did get alot of movie roles in the 80s early 90s but not so much now. Could be that they are older (some are dead)

Robert Z'Dar got a lot of B-movies and did Tango and Cash with Kurt Russel and Stallone. Perfect evil guy

Brian Thompson, Terminator and X-files...that's all i can remember him from. I also confuse him with the guy that plays kurgan in highlander.

Steve buscemi still doing alot of movie roles that i guess is because he is one of the favorites actors for the Coen brothers.

Marty Feldman, Great comedian and i wish he had not died and could have been in more movies.

Clint Howard : also starred with Robert Z'Dar in tango and cash. Has done a lot of movies by his brother Ron Howard, and is still going strong with movies like Austin powers, apollo 13.

Jack Palance, Did have a Great ugly face, perfect for a comedy role or serious evil. Also has the chin of a evil guy.

Lee Van Cleef
Deep cheeks makes him perfect for the evil gunman roles..

Has the use of ugly actors for evil roles disappeared ? Robert Z'Dar has the perfect face for a evil dude but i have not seen anyone similar to him in the
the movies from 2000-2011. Those evil guy roles are mostly taken by handsome actors doing kung-fu moves or acting in a creepy way.

It's a bit sad, because i like seeing them in movie.
Danny Trejo is ugly but the ladies love him, just watch Machete.

Go meet him in real life. He's actually got quite a charm about him.
If I were a girl or gay, he'd be my pocket Bad-Boy biker!!

Has the use of ugly actors for evil roles disappeared ?
I'd rather ask the question - Why is everyone in Hollywood now a 'pretty boy' or a generic, tanned pretty girl?

Seriously, every girl looks like Megan Fox and even then, I couldn't pick her out from a crowded photo!!

Why is it every female role, especially hard-case military ones, is filled by some skinny chick who looks as if she might even struggle to lift the magazine to the weapon she carries?
Similarly, aside from the occasional Karl Urban, all the FBI, CIA, NYPD, LAPD, US military, emergency services and such all seem to be recruiting from model agencies - SERIOUSLY, when would the real life people doing such jobs have the time to go through the kind of rigourous skincare routine that would give them the appearance of the actors playing them???!!!

Look at Andrea Marcovicci in her 70s and 80s roles. That is proper beauty.
Milla Jovovich, you're gorgeous.
Dina Meyer, Neve Campbell, Collette Hiller, Jeanette Goldstein - Ladies, you are fabulous!!

Robert Davi, Lance Henriksen, Pete Postlethwaite (RIP), Ray Winstone... The list of realistic lookers who make top actors is endless. Leave the pretty stuff to Tom Cruise - He's good at that (although even he is getting into better stuff).

And why are there not more lead actors with beards?
Aside from the budgie-smuggling jumpsuit and the bloody blue headband, Barry Bostwick looked great in Megaforce!
Ron Perlman, Jeff Goldblum, John Travolta and even Tom Selleck, to name just a few, have all done great bearded roles.

I want my actors rough, realistic and fecking REAL!!!!!!!!!

I also want my rockstars dead, but that's just my daily Bill Hicks reference :lol
Walter Matthau and Karl Malden are two of my favorite actors, but there's too much money at stake nowadays to not go with your leads as four-quadrant pretty people. I can't even think of a 35-40 year old Ernest Borgnine-type getting work now at all much less as a lead.
You guys are forgetting some of the GREATEST heavies of all time.

Jack O'Halloran


Richard Kiel


And the original: Rondo Hatton


I think there's absolutely a place for "ugly" actors in Hollywood. You can't cast 'em as leads these days, unless they're crossing over from being long-time character actors and the role requires that they have a certain "look", but there's always a place for folks.

There are plenty of fat actors and actresses too. People who you'd think "How the hell do they have a movie career?" How? Simple. They're GOOD at what they do, they have the right look for a role, and (probably) they're well connected.

Besides. Character actors always get the most fun roles to play. I don't feel sorry for them. Hell, I'm just happy to watch 'em do their thing and appreciate 'em.
I agree if it wasn't for character actors movies would be dull and to be honest they usually have the most talent and are never out of work. look at the guy who played the Kurgan, Clancy Brown, he's gone on to do long term voice work from WB as lex luthor and others plus been in movies and tv shows.

Marty Feldman, I remember the first time I watched young frankenstein he had me in knots.

Steve Buscemi, may not be conventional but the guy knows how to do good entertainment. I recently found out he worked on Oz, my latest HBO obbsession, and alot of other prison drama stuff.
Why is it every female role, especially hard-case military ones, is filled by some skinny chick who looks as if she might even struggle to lift the magazine to the weapon she carries?
Similarly, aside from the occasional Karl Urban, all the FBI, CIA, NYPD, LAPD, US military, emergency services and such all seem to be recruiting from model agencies - SERIOUSLY, when would the real life people doing such jobs have the time to go through the kind of rigourous skincare routine that would give them the appearance of the actors playing them???!!!

I think we can thank Demi Moore for that. Seems to have started after her movie G.I. Jane in 1997:unsure

The movie FREAKS (1932) consist mostly of people with deformation and that movie is very good thanks to that they really looked like that.