What should I get to start painting Bio's?


New Member
Do I use airbrush? I assume so since it gives a clean paintjob, but what kind? And paints, I know high acrylics are good, but can they be shot from airbrush or do I need special tools? Any info greatly appreciated as I am a long time fan and new collector.
Do I use airbrush? I assume so since it gives a clean paintjob, but what kind? And paints, I know high acrylics are good, but can they be shot from airbrush or do I need special tools? Any info greatly appreciated as I am a long time fan and new collector.

For me I don't use an air brush. I just use a can of spray paint, and hand paint the bio. Don't go out and spend hundreds of dollars on some thing that you my just use one time. You can paint a bio will just a sponge and rag and i'll come out as good or even better.

I would practice on a good size of plastic. Paint it black and throw on some silvers, coppers, greens, on it ect. You can also use any types of paints, There's are a lot out there. It's up to you and what you fill comfortable with. There is also a bunch of stuff around the house that you can use to give your bio texture to.

Just come up with a system you like and stick with it. It Just takes a bunch of practice.

But It's a good idea to invest in a airbrush. It'll come in handy later on for sure.
Keep in mind that we are talking about ICE who seem able to paint a bio + mask using one of those model size brushes in under 2 hours... with his toes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

lol ^^ I'm still scared of Ice's ability = ]

Yeah basically an airbrush will come in handy for painting but it's not a neccesity for first timers..
Hey bud.... Honestly i start off with a spry can base coat and use a sea sponge and brushes for weathering and color, with this bio i used a flat black base and then used the sea sponge to add color and weathering..........

I use a spray paint, sponge, acrylic paint, water bottle, and some paper towels to weather my bio and armor. No need to use an airbrush unless you want to give is some some smooth high lights.





You know what dude, when it all comes down to it... it's just preferrence. I use an airbrush, and sponges. ICE uses a bristle brush, The Mortal Immortal uses sponges. It's all up to you.


I used only an airbrush on that helmet and I'm happy with the way that it turned out.


That one I did using both an airbrush and a sponge.


More airbrushing. I think however I over-did it with that P1.


More airbrush/sponge work. I also incorporated washing into this too. I think that's a great, albeit time consuming technique to use.

I do recommend that when base coating a helmet you use automotive primer followed by a Krylon metallic topcoat.
You don't need an airbrush to paint armor. All you really need is a chip brush that has been mashed on the brush end, and what ever else you can find that you think will make a good texture.

On my Ram I used a chip brush, and a rag. That was it. All arcylic paint- 7 or 8 colors of metal. Put down a base color of black and then dry brush and rag the rest.

This is my chopper- airbrushed Giger style. Just shows anything is possible!:

Definitely practice first though. It will pay off in the long run. One other tip- the smother the bio- the harder it is to get it textured.

Hey Rob- your bio paint up on the one you sculpted is so cool! I love that beat to **** look!
I really like how all the people with the right info posted pictures to show that they aren't talking out their ass. Ice you need to post some pictures, I know you have some.
I use Mainly brushes and sponges, i will however use a airbrush to mist over certain areas to blend if something is too sharp or if i want to give it a certain hue or get into cracks etc.


