Yes I know... another IRON MAN helmet (pic heavy... now with better pics)

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That is sooo cool!!! I love seeing Iron Man costumes come together. They are so highly detailed.. I love the design. Love what you did with the eyes!
can you show us the set-up of your LED eyes?

Agreed with TK here. Was interested in seeing how you have your LED set up as there are no signs of wires etc.

This is a great build. I do love it.
thanks guys, the reason it looks like the wires are hidden is because i housed eveything behind the face plate. sorry i cant share the entire wiring setup, I blacked out the eyes with foamies not only so i dont blind myself, but to secure the wiring so dont snag it on something, but i'd be glad to share what ever info you want to know, just ask. the battery is attached by two sided tape. It sticks pretty well, the switch, wiring, and battery i got at radio shack, and ordered the LEDs from ebay.

Yeah, I love the idea, but how the heck do you see? The eyes are blocked up!!!

Also, does it bash up your nose as Kyle said, if it doesn't then good going!
Does the battery smash up against your nose at all?

Yeah, I love the idea, but how the heck do you see? The eyes are blocked up!!!

Also, does it bash up your nose as Kyle said, if it doesn't then good going!

well i have this one as a display, so thats why you cant see through it. but the battery isnt rubbing against the nose at all, took this pic of my cousin wearing it to double check cause his head is bigger than mine. he said there was a good inch to inch and half clearance away from his nose

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