Help! Amazing Spider-Man 2 costume build - a few questions!


New Member
Hi all,

I hope that this is the correct place to post this. I apologise if it's not. I'm still kinda new to the forums, so please excuse!

I'm in the UK, looking to put together an Amazing Spider-Man 2 costume, it would be the first time that I will have put a costume like this together, and so I seek the advice of those who have done this, if you can help please?

I have contacted Tjack about the eye frames and lenses, and also asked if he makes the under mask face shells. I'm awaiting an answer on this, but if he doesn't, could you recommend a face shell that will fit these eye frames/pieces? Also, how do you go about fitting them to the shell/mask? I've heard magnets? If so are these strong enough, and what type do I use? Are all the shells one size, or will I have to submit head measurements? (My head is quite long, not Giger's Alien long, but just bigger than average!)

The costume file that I was looking to purchase, and then get printed was the Orhader file (aka Gunhead Designs). Is that a good move? And, as I'm 6'1" tall, what software do I use to open the file to resize for my height/build? (Again - never done this before). Do you have any other advice on this procedure? Obviously I want the suit tight, and not baggy, as I've seen on some older Spidey costumes. Any advice on zip placement and concealment too?

Also, what do you wear underneath, and what is used to hide the obvious *ahem* private area, and how? (I don't want to look like a Spidey budgie smuggler!)

I was looking at asking Orhader to leave the main front spider off and apply a 3D one if possible. Firstly - who do I approach to get this 3D spider on here, and how do you apply it to the suit? Any recommended glues etc? I'm not going 3D on the webs etc.

Webshooters - I've seen a few listed in The Junkyard, which is the best for ASM2, and how are these attached to the suit?

Finally, for ASM 2 suit - what footwear do you recommend, and how does this attach to the foot of the costume? I've seen some that have just used a foot base, but then you can see the shape of the foot through the top of the costume, which I'd personally prefer covered up/smooth looking if possible.

Im trying to keep costs as low as possible, so the best recommendations at the cheapest prices would be great!

Thanks for taking the time to read through all of this. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

All the best!
Just giving this thread a little boost as it has now been moved here. If anyone can help answer my questions I'd really appreciate it, cheers!
I'll try to answer to the best of my ability, since I'm in the process of making my own suit soon.

tjack should have a amazing spiderman 2 faceshell, if not he should soon. I know he's working on one. As for frames/lenses he would either sell you a pair that you need to glue on, i'm not entirely sure if he has magnets but he should fill you in on everything soon enough he's answered all my pm's. And for the size of the faceshell it just needs to cover your face I believe or cover the front of the mask, I'm not entirely sure exactly.
As for Orhader file, good choice. That's the choice I went with, once you purchase it he should be able to resize it for you, I believe he's done that for other who need the size changed.

To hide your well package? You could do what luna did throw on a couple pair of briefs or maybe buy a cup/jockstrap? Not sure on that last thing as well the bulge of jockstrap would go through the suit and people may assume well yeah.

That's all I can help you with hopefully a experience member can chime in.
A dancer's belt is perfect for keeping control of your manhood.

I've used them in more than 100 ballet recitals and I have never had anything... POP out.

- - - Updated - - -

For the shoe/bottom?

Personally, I am just using a couple layers of plasti-dip on the bottom of the feet and then wearing a neoprene 3mm low top diving sock inside the suit to keep form.
The plasti-dip will allow me to have a surface to walk on without destroying the suit.

A lot of people just build a bottom sole from a thin sheet of rubber and then glue it to the bottom of the suit.

You should search around the spider-man threads and pick a solution that will work for your needs.
Thanks guys! I really appreciate your input. I'm saving like mad to get this project off the ground, so as soon as any progress is made I will report back here.

One last thing that I need to ask about is zips used, and their placement on the costume. Can anyone advise here?
invisible zippers are the way to go from what i've seen, and as far as zipper placement, it's more of a preference thing.
Thanks guys! I really appreciate your input. I'm saving like mad to get this project off the ground, so as soon as any progress is made I will report back here.

One last thing that I need to ask about is zips used, and their placement on the costume. Can anyone advise here?
Well, your print can't really accommodate the zipper set up used on the Amazing Spider-Man 2 movie. The Orhadar print you have is built on the pelting layout of the Raimi movie suits, and as such designed to use a u-zipper setup--which has the zipper run from one armpit, down the side, across the back of the belt, and then up the opposite side to end at the other armpit. You can see this kind of zipper in action here. Many hobby suit-makers use 2 zips to complete the u; one running down each side and both meeting in the middle at the back of the belt. Some people (and the first Amazing Spider-Man film) complete the u using 3 zippers at right angles to each other--one down each side and one horizontally across the back of the belt.

This pelting arrangement can also be put together using a spine zip, which is simpler to install and puts less stress on the zippers, but must be measured carefully to accommodate the stretch of the spine when the user bends forward and lowers their head, otherwise the zipper will greatly restrict mobility and fit. Most people I see with spine zips have fit issues resulting from not allowing enough give in the vertical axis.
Many people also like adding a rear mask zipper, as it makes getting your head through the neck of the mask a lot easier.

The ASM2 film suit has a total of 9 hidden zippers = one in each wrist, one in each ankle, one at the back of the mask, two in the crotch, one going around the bottom of the belt that splits the suit into two separate sections when opened, and one that goes vertically up part of the lower back area to allow the wearer's shoulders to fit through the waist section when donning the suit. This can't be done on your print because the belt and leg sections are contiguous (like on the Raimi films)
The pattern pieces are simply laid out too differently.

There is another zipper option that I'm trying out with my most recent suit that's built on the pelting pattern of the Orhadar print, don't know if I can fully recommend it yet, no pictures. It's a bit of a hybrid. Instead of the belt unzipping fully (because it can't) there are two horizontal zips along the back of the belt, a lower back zip like the movie, and then a pants zipper than runs down the middle of the rear end, from belt to crotch. This allows the back to open up without the bends of the u-zip or zippers down the sides, but it does reduce the elasticity of the spine by taking up a significant portion of the center seam with zippper. But like I said, still not sure if I can recommend it as a zipper placement yet.

Thanks Luna. I will talk to my seamstress and let her know what you have said re:zips. It sounds like the U zip will be the best option for me. Is there a special brand of zip used for extra flexibility?

Many thanks again. This is all great advice - Gary.
Hi folks!

Health issues have prevented me from pursuing my ASM 2 suit in these past few months, but now that I am on the mend (hopefully), I should be good to start getting pieces together again.

My question is, since February, has anyone made any advancements on their ASM 2 patterns? More movie accurate since more and more trailers have been produced? What I'm asking is, whose pattern do you recommend currently as the most movie accurate?

I'm looking for a completed pattern, webs, spiders, etc all in place, (peinted, not raised webbing, i will do that myself), and if possible for the pattern designer to resize it for me for my 6'1 frame, (as I'm no good at that kinda technical stuff!)

Could someone advise me on which movie accurate pattern is best to pursue please? Thanks in advance for your help. - Gary
Thanks Luna. This is really interesting because I am in the process of repairing a suit with a zipper problem. The problem - it was not hidden. More like hideous!
Not to mention there was no stretch across the back when reaching outwards. See photo. ebay Spidey (5) - Copy.jpg

So I had a local seamstress remove them and sew it back up. I asked her to put in 1 hidden zipper across the bottom of the belt line meeting in the right hip with another hidden coming down from the armpit (L-shaped); Essentially a modified U. She tells me that wont work because the hidden zipper is not open on one end. Likewise cannot be guided on like a regular zipper on a jacket. And that would effectively create a point of cloth attachment making it 2 circles. Not sure that makes sense.

Therein lies my other issue and question. Locally these hidden zippers can be found in max lengths of only 24". That leaves about 22" to get into the opening. Are there longer variations? Is she correct?

Any help would be appreciated. I have been reading for weeks on what is best and it isn't clear to me how this can be done.
I hope this concern helps guide you in your build PhantomJedi. I see a lot of other replacing their Spine/U-zip configs.


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