TASM replica build + Fitness FINISHED SUIT!


Sr Member
Hey guys!

This is my first post, although this is not my first build. Following your tips I was able to build two Iron Man armors before. Also I build a paper Iron Man helmet from scratch, molded it and been selling helmets for the last 3 months.


However, Spider-Man is, by far, my favorite superhero so I decided I was going to put together a replica suit from the first Amazing Spider-Man movie (which I loved). Now, Peter Parker is great because he's basically a nerd like me, but I didn't have a radioactive spider to bite my hand and give me a totally hot bod to put on a suit. Basically, I was this totally skinny guy (about 100lbs) wanting to be Spider-man under a very limited budget. Now, you can't start more from scratch than that. Here's my journey so far.

(Before I start please note that I'm from Mexico, but all my expenses will be in US dollars to save you the time to look up the exchange rate. Also, I'm sorry if you see any grammatical mistake, please let me know and I'll fix it right away)


I started working out on December. Now I don't have any photos of ho I looked like when I started (because my cellphone somehow erased those, guess it was embarrassed for having such a skinny owner) but here's the best photo I have from before working out:


You may agree with me that I can't wear a Spidey costume looking like that.

The first four weeks I started working out I followed Sam Odimi's Andrew Garfield Spider-man Workout. It's a great basic workout for beginners like me. Includes cardio to help you tone those muscles and the routines are quite simple and easy, divided in one day for upper body, another for lower body, a full day for core and two optional days for HIIT to help you tone those muscles. With that routine I just consumed a protein shake in the morning and another after workout. I used the delicious ON Gold WHEY that a friend of mine practically gave me since he didn't thought I would follow it through.

I started reading a LOT about workout and muscle gains so, starting February, I started with a new workout: Jim Stropani's 12 week-shortcut to size. You have GOT to give it a try if you are looking to gain muscle. It includes a ton of info about literally EVERYTHING you need to know about muscle gaining and then some. Since I'm working on a budget, here's what I bought as supplements:

Dymatize Creatine - $15.00: One scoop with water as a pre-workout and half with the post-workout protein shake.

Dymatize Elite Protein - around $30.00: It's amazing and tasty. One scoop with a banana and a scoop of peanut butter makes waking up something you actually look forward to. Also does not tastes that bad as a post-workout shake.

Multi-Vitamin and Omega 3&6 - less than $20.00: Turns out you need this stuff for a bunch of reasons.

If you are looking for a gainer and have the money I'd strongly advice you look into Pure Nature's Real Mass, it's pretty awesome. Now, I can't afford to eat salmon and 4 pounds of meat every day, so I drove to Costco and bought a whole bunch of tuna cans. I ate like two or three every day in every way you can imagine. Sandwiches, salads, cooked with tomatoes and served as tacos (what? I told you guys I was mexican, right?), everything. And to be honest, it's not that bad tasting. I can eat that stuff 24/7. Combine that with a second breakfast full of eggs and divide them in 5 meals a day and you got a pretty good high-protein diet right there.

I'm having a little but of trouble updating the pics of the suit, I'll post them in an hour ;)
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Re: TASM replica build + Fitness ON A BUDGET

So, as I promised, here is the progress for the costume.

The suit:

I found this guy on ebay that was selling the pattern for 10 dlls or Best Offer. I offered 5 bucks and had the pattern in less than an hour. He was even kind enough to send me a 3 piece version of the mask once I realized the 4 piece mask was going to be difficult to put together. Now, I live in Guadalajara, which is a fairly large and important city down here, so I figured I wouldn't have any problem printing the pattern, right? Wrong!

I was extremely dissapointed with the first print. I made the mistake of not checking it out when I picked it up, so all I got was a partial refund for the 90 bucks I paid. Check it out:


As you can see, not only the colors are very faded, but the red honeycomb pattern is just barely there. Not only that, they shrinked it down to the size of a 12 year old and they used a ver low quality 2-way strech lycra. I was getting worried. I've seen how much people over here spend on prints. I've seen guys spending over 400 dlls, and I didn't have that kind of money for a suit.

After a long, long quest, I finally found this small cool place where they promised they'll have it in awesome quality, but I had to bring the fabric. After a whole day downtown I finally got this beautiful silk soft, slightly shinning 4-way strech lycra for less than 50 bucks. I had to slightly change the design so I could fit in the printer, but after a couple of days, here's the result:



As you can see, it was a lot better than the other. The cost? Everything, fabric included, was less than 150 bucks (how do I sell stuff over here? Because if you are like me and need a print on a very low budget, I'd love to help you out. We can look into shipping fees. I know how it is to not being able to buy something you need because you can't afford it).
Now all I needed to do was to puff paint it.

All the reds that I found were very bright so I combined it with black but it looked a little bit like magenta, had to pick up a yellow one and, while I was out, I also bought cheap plastic needle points dispensers for like 2 bucks, here's the result:


I don't know what's the normal technique for the puff paint, what I do is that I trace a line of the paint first and then I just trace the lines in between once it's dried out.

Right now I have about 40% of the suit done, looking to finish it before the weekend to do shenanigans downtown, I'll post stuff about the lenses tomorrow.

EDIT -- Finished suit!

I ended up using no faceshell and some different soles, but I like it a lot. Went out to do shenannigans yesterday downtown. What do you guys think?



And then I met an amazing photographer who just loved the suit, here are his shots:

hombre araña01.jpg

hombre araña02.jpg

hombre araña03.jpg

I ended up going over mu budget though, but I just loved it. Unfortunately, I ran out of money to pay for my tuition, so I'll have to put this on sale, you can look it un in the junkyard if you are interested. Thanks for watching!
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Re: TASM replica build + Fitness ON A BUDGET

Bodybuilder/ soon to be personal trainer checking in.
The creatine isn't needed, its basically water weight/water gain once you stop taking the creatine you lose the weight added by the water it retained.
Scimmed through your fitness stuff.

To gain weight you need a caloric surplus
300-500 over your maintenance calories.
If you're like myself and have trouble gaining weight you'll need to up your calories maybe by a 1000.
When I started I was 115 lbs eating double my caloric intake, beside the protein shake you can invest in a weight gainer. Its bascially like a protein shake except much more calorie dense.
You need to track your macro nutrients and calories, yes just to gain weight you should track your stuff its a good habbit to get into. Use my fitness pal just to add your calories and count your macro.
Your macros are the nutrients essential to your body, fats, carbs, protein and fiber.
In order to figure that out use this IIFYM Calculator
That will give you the calories and macros you need to achieve everyday.
As for programs and guides, I would like you to remember the gains they made or claim that the professionals are saying let me tell you they don't exist and if they do its because one has extremely good genetics or there on the juice. Don't believe me do more research, alot of the articles are full of broscience as we call it. Alot of is bs or just stuff that has not been backed up at all. What I'm telling you is based off research and whats worked for me, I've been doing this for around 4 years now. No I'm not a professional or have competed yet but I have helped , trained numerous people.
You will make phenomenal gains at first known as noob gains if you workout hard, eat how you're suppose to and get your sleep.
As for the workout regimen you can honestly do anything and make gains off at this point.
You can go with a 2 body part split 6 times a week what that means is for ex
chest tri
bicep back
shoulders and legs
then repeat that and rest sunday, of course you can include your ab workout and or cardio. Personally I do a split just like this and it works amazing for me personally and I do abs one day and cardio every other day.
Everybodys body reacts different so what works for one may not work for another, as for reps I enjoy 12-8 reps with 3 sets. I also enjoy adding in super sets/drop sets/negatives.
With your lifts take it easy find the weight that you can do properly for your designated reps with good form. Bad form = bad for you and ripping yourself off of gains.
Don't try to be a strongman and just pick heavy weight that you do with crappy form.
Rome wasn't built in a day neither was a body so don't forget that.
If you need any other information feel free to shoot me a pm
Re: TASM replica build + Fitness ON A BUDGET

Bodybuilder/ soon to be personal trainer checking in.
The creatine isn't needed, its basically water weight/water gain once you stop taking the creatine you lose the weight added by the water it retained.

Bodybuilder/first responder/current personal trainer for first responders checking in.

What? Ummm. Research that again. It's one of the few supplements that is independently scientifically proven to assist with gains. Unless you're referring to the fact that most people think it's a weight gainer? Strength + proper diet = size.

Also, there are plenty of workouts you can try and if the one you found is what keeps you lifting, then stick to it. Even a bad workout can get good results with enough hard work. IMO, though, something like a Wendler or Rippetoe routine would work better for you. AllPro at the bodybuilding.com forums has an excellent hypertrophy workout, too.
Re: TASM replica build + Fitness ON A BUDGET

Bodybuilder/first responder/current personal trainer for first responders checking in.

What? Ummm. Research that again. It's one of the few supplements that is independently scientifically proven to assist with gains. Unless you're referring to the fact that most people think it's a weight gainer? Strength + proper diet = size.

Also, there are plenty of workouts you can try and if the one you found is what keeps you lifting, then stick to it. Even a bad workout can get good results with enough hard work. IMO, though, something like a Wendler or Rippetoe routine would work better for you. AllPro at the bodybuilding.com forums has an excellent hypertrophy workout, too.

The gains = water retention, your muscles hold more water that's why it appears as gains.
You get creatine in meat, and personally taking creatine has done nothing for me.
Re: TASM replica build + Fitness ON A BUDGET

I take creatine not so much for the gains, but for endurance and recovery. Although every body reacts differently, I've found I can lift more weight and I'm not as sore the day after.
Re: TASM replica build + Fitness ON A BUDGET

The gains = water retention, your muscles hold more water that's why it appears as gains.
You get creatine in meat, and personally taking creatine has done nothing for me.

I think we're talking about two different things here, dude. Creatine has been scientifically proven over and over again to give you solid STRENGTH gains. With a solid diet, strength gains will see size gains aside from water weight.

- - - Updated - - -

I take creatine not so much for the gains, but for endurance and recovery. Although every body reacts differently, I've found I can lift more weight and I'm not as sore the day after.

As it should be.
Re: TASM replica build + Fitness ON A BUDGET >190$

I'm in the middle of the spider, figured I'd share with you the technique I'm using, maybe you have a better one?
At first I draw the outline:

Then I start to fill it on the inside:

This was the largest part so I had to fill it on the outline and then procees filling it:

And done!

Also, I went back to the other place with the crappy fabric, talked to the manager and got a full refund!
Re: TASM replica build + Fitness ON A BUDGET (>190dlls)

So I FINALLY finished puff painting the suit and will be sewing it tomorrow since I'm sick of it for today, sorry for the crappy phone photos. Every little detail is puff painted except for a couple of inside lines in the crotch and inner arm for better mobility.


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Re: TASM replica build + Fitness ON A BUDGET (>190dlls)

Teaser. The costume is as awesome as the blurryness of the photo.


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Re: TASM replica build + Fitness ON A BUDGET (>190dlls)

Btw the sleeves are too tight and you can't imagine how happy that made me.
Re: TASM replica build + Fitness ON A BUDGET (>190dlls)

No actually there's a closed variation that I'm building.
Re: TASM replica build + Fitness ON A BUDGET (>190dlls)

And btw 5 bucks is a ripoff, you can get it for free if you look enough ;)
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Re: TASM replica build + Fitness ON A BUDGET (>190dlls)

So this is my progress so far, the first one was two months ago, the other one was today.


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Re: TASM replica build + Fitness ON A BUDGET (>190dlls)

yeah we can see the pecs,way more bigger,pecs is the most important muscle to have when you wear the costume since we cant see ur abs in it..
Re: TASM replica build + Fitness ON A BUDGET (>190dlls)

yeah we can see the pecs,way more bigger,pecs is the most important muscle to have when you wear the costume since we cant see ur abs in it..

Thank you! Is the biggest my pecs have been actually, so I'm really glad eventhough that I'm nos as jacked as some spider dudes.

Today I started a half faceshell as well, don't know how to proceed though, ideas welcome.


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