Birth of a Hellraiser Cube


Well-Known Member
I love the Hellraiser Cube ... so I need to build it :D

First I cut golden metal foil with my cameo silhouette plotter.

Picking out all the tiny pices was the hell ! After that I stick the foil on a 1mm thick sheet of Styrene. Building the Mold and make a cold cast with Brass Powder.

Next step was polishing with steel wool

Sticking the Tiles on a Acryl cube and done :D Need more work on the eges ..but cool so far

Have Fun!

That is really cool! Do you have the vector file for the design? I have a plotter myself and I'd like to make something similar for halloween. Could you maybe shoot me a PM?


Not to nitpick too much, but there are 6 different panels used on the Hellraiser box. No piece is used twice. Other than that, pretty spiffy :)
No doubt they all look similar. That's how you tell the junkie from the recreational user


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The Hellraiser cubes are one of my favorite movie props, such a cool original design. The replicas in this tread look great!