Hey guys, I'm Laura - I've been cosplaying at a laughably amateur level for like 15 years, currently working on Tasha's costume from the cover of the'Tasha's Cauldron of Everything' 5e D&D book. I've always been obsessed with paper props, especially journals and books, so my entire Tasha cosplay has been derailed by my attempts to make the Demonomicon of Iggwilv. Not content with just making a cover over a foam core or old encyclopedia, I'm putting together the insides using demonic content from past and present D&D books, so in theory any page it's opened at will have cool-looking demon info.

I'm having a lot of fun with it and it's coming on quite well... dreaming about demon lords is just an occupational hazard!


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Hello everyone) My name is Oleksandr.
I have been doing pepakura as a hobby for a long time. I learned to model a little in SketchUp. But after modeling and assembling a 3D printer, I switched to other modeling programs. Then covid happened, he got sick with it. Got complications and health problems. It became impossible to do the rest of the hobby due to problems with the spine and eyesight. Then Pepakura became one of the main hobbies. I started learning Blender, because SketchUp is paid and has few features compared to Blender. I create my models for Pepakura, improving my skills in using Blender. I prefer only complex and detailed models. So that they are as similar as possible to the originals.I was interested in models from the game Fallout 4, but the PC is not suitable for this game. Too old)))
Maybe in the future I will have the opportunity to work with models from the archives of this game.

A couple of photos of my own models (I printed some parts over time on a 3D printer using my models for Pepakura):








Hi all,
I've been looking at the site for quite a while - I first found it while searching for info on the Warehouse 13 Farnsworth!

I like building things: The more detailed and technical the better, especially things that involve miniature engineering, electronics & programming,

I've not got any other prop replicas on the go, my other projects vary from such as gadgets, test gear and technical curiosities such as a 500KV Van de graaf generator through bits of robotics and an animatronic project, which is one I'm hoping to find assistance with on here!

(How on earth do you create a realistic, flexible base "skin" for an animatronic bird?? - I'll be asking in an appropriate part of the forum)

Meet Rufus the Raven, still in skeletal form - the servos within the body box are for wings, an alternate beak actuation via bowden cable and the tail. It looks odd, but everything fits within the profile of an adult raven body.


His brain at the left, with voice and hearing at the right:
The microphones that were part of the speech recognition module will be positioned where the ears should be, with a tiny laptop speaker somewhere near the back of the jaw.


I was hoping originally to have the electronics in the body, but the wing servos would have made it too big, so now everything will connect up via the hole in the plinth.

I'm presently working through his idle animations & state machine.
Hello everyone! I am new here as a member, but have browsed the threads here and there over some years.
I do have a question or two.... Are we allowed to post props from video games? Regardless of the answer maybe a category could be created for them? Just a thought from a newbie :p
My biggest current project is editing the well known "good" T-800 model previously available on CGTrader (but still available on other sites). Excellent model, but short on details and accuracy.
Not gonna trash it's quality, as I could never model anything as good as that. But I wanted something even better before 3D printing it. It's taking me forever, but it's coming along and i'll be much happier with it :)
The pics show old versions vs edited versions of some parts. I fully intend and plan on a little extra post finishing, as I intend to cast them in resin as the final step.
Updates will be slow, I'm sure LoL


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I've been into 3D modeling (starting in 3D Studio for video games, migrating to Blender for 3D printing) for over 20 years and printing (starting with the first Ultimaker and later the Makerbox Replicator 2 growing into (Peopoly Resin printers and Prusa/Bambu Labs/Extreme Builder FDM printers) for over 10 years. Here's a pic for attention with my Bambu X1C in my Builder3D Extreme 1500 :


In the process of converting my Delorean into a Back to the Future Time Machine I started doing props for it.

Some of them 3D printed, some of them injection molded (Torin Blower) and some aluminum extrusion (heatsinks).



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Hi all! I just started my journey: I am from Rome, Italy and I had a passion for special effects since I was a kid but left if unexpressed until now, where a little more time and a little more money in my pockets finally got me going. I got a resin printer and for my first experiment I went for a classic, the Blaster from Blade Runner: free file from Thingiverse, has been also my starting tutorial for 3d printing. After completing a first blaster I decided to make another one to see if what I learned along the way would lead to better results and I must say that for a first experiment I am pretty pleased. Comments and encouragements welcome!


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Hello folks.

I'm a cosplayer, costume maker and prop maker based in Scotland. I'm mostly known for my Doomguy cosplay and Guts cosplay.

I've been doing a model making/3D design course at college in hopes that someday I will be working in industry.

Here are some of cosplays I've worked on :



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Hello everyone. I'm a mechanic by trade, but finally got a Prusa Mini+ over the summer and started getting back into 3d modelling stuff. I used to use wings 3d to make models of my favorite cars to put into a freeware game for Mac called redline. I'm extremely rusty with it now. I'd like to learn blender someday, but for now I'm using tinkercad and Adobe illustrator to do what I need.

I suppose I am a bit weird as mechanics go. I'm a bit of a nerd. I grew up loving Star Trek, Babylon 5, Dr Who, Time Trax, and Knight Rider. Some time ago ai ran across a forum thread somewhere put up by the folks over at Star Trek continues, detailing what goes into a screen accurate Star Trek Tridimensional chess set. Since then I've been on this quest to find a way to make one on a budget.

So far, the freely available 3D printable models are lackluster at best. The links on thingiverse are a vallient effort but the knight looks like an extremely low resolution scan that loses most of the important details. None of the commercially available sets are accurate enough, not from Franklin Mint or the Noble Collection, though the Noble Collection is closer.

I just bought a space checkers set from 1971 that has the orange boards. I've scoured eBay for the clear ones for 20 years without any luck so the only way I'm doing this is to find a way to make exact copies of the orange boards in a clear material of some kind.

I've been a fan of Adam Savage's tested over the years and I also want a better Maltese Falcon. I printed one out, but I haven't quite finished painting it yet, and don't feel much motivation to do so now that I know it's not quite the right shape.
Hi all, been trawling around online for sometime just reading and doing the occasional model, generally Star Wars related but a few others too.
Thought I'd upload my latest print of 4x DL-44 AHN blasters.
A few surprise gifts for Christmas....


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Hello - I'm Steve. I came across this forum while researching a helmet build I've started. The thread is for an ACES helmet but I will be working on a Gemini helmet. NASA ACES Helmet Been a great resource!

I have a small basement setup in Northern Virginia where I am building a replica of a Lockheed A-12 cockpit. Work in progress.... All instruments (except for 3 temporary ones in the images below - to fill up a few remaining spaces) and panels either 3D printed, laser cut, and/or laser engraved. Planning on building out the side consoles, center console, and flight controls. More info at my Instagram site: @a12oxcartproject

I have a couple of Anycubic Kobra Maxs, a Bambu Labs Carbon X1(which I love!), and a couple of Photon Mono Xs for resing printing.

Really happy to have come across this forum!






Welcome to the RPF! We're happy that you could join us, especially since some of you have been waiting for quite some time.

Please take the time to introduce yourself to the community. Tell us about yourself, your prop interests, maybe even show us some pics of your collection.

Also, here are some useful links to better familiarize yourself with the site. If you have questions, please ask!

Classifies Guidelines

Community Guidelines

Terms and Rules

Frequently Asked Questions

Questions and Suggestions

Other links that can ease your way into the RPF can be found here FAQs.

Again, welcome! :)(y)

The RPF Staff

Hello, everyone, I’m Sam. I’m completely new to both making things and to communities about making things. I’ve become interested in making wands ( usually of my own design) through inspiration from Every Tool’s A Hammer and others’ posts and projects on Reddit. I’m just here to learn and grow as a creator and to enjoy the work of others. I’ve only been making wands for about 3 weeks and only have been using a Dremel to do that work for about a week. Pictured is my attempt at recreating the Elder Wand from Harry Potter. It is, this far, the only replica type item I’ve made.
Hello, new here, forgot if I introduced myself. I joined because I was scammed/defrauded by Mario Sarrico Jr, aka Tim Roans, aka Jen Ford, aka Sydney Sarrica, aka Dene Sarrica, aka you can find his 1000 names on this forum.
I joined here a while ago, but never really introduced myself I guess.

I am Bear and I like making all kinds of stuff from leather, wood, metal and I also do a bit of tailoring. For the last years my main interest has been Indiana Jones and the props related to the movies.

Can't remember if I introduced myself when I first joined in 2017. My main project since around that time has been making a lightsaber. I have finally finished it and am very proud! I'm interested in growing into making costumes next, starting with a Jedi costume. Big Star Wars fan and I'm enjoying the journey of making it come to life in my own hands!

Hi all!

Thanks for accepting this geek from the UK! I will be honest I have failed....it's taken me far too long to join the forum and I don't have a good excuse! Apologies!

I was watching a video from the amazing Adam Savage recently where he mentioned the RPF and I realised that this was now the time to come on board and say hi.

I am a hobby maker in the south of the UK, I mainly make out of enjoyment for the process and to seek items for charity. I very much believe in paying forward and this is my way of giving back. I have a humble little Instagram where I post my builds (Astrowaz) but other than that I am hoping the RPF can be a home for me to meet other makers!

I am here to learn, share and help anyone who would want my humble advice! Pop me a message on here or Instagram as always happy to chat!

I've attached some photos of a few of my builds, frowned upon by some but most is 3D printed with parts made / added and then painted etc.

All the best



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I'm Zane and I love Indiana Jones, I've been a member at indygear and COW for a while and I'm here to watch for prop runs that might be interested in
Hello, I came across this forum when I was researching about matrix sunglasses. I am a big fan of the franchise and I've been making replicas of the agents' glasses since last year.
Hello Everyone!

I've never really posted to a forum before but decided to take the leap here. I've been following props/costumes for so many years and have collected a few along the way. A few years back I decided to start my journey when I saw a punished props video on making a Mandalorian helmet out of EVA foam and have been hooked ever since! I've just made the leap to 3d printing and decided it was time to actually start posting something.

It's great to be a part of something so amazing.

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