Arrowhead Militaria - any experience?

You know, this isn't the first thread I've seen where someone is accused of taking people's money, only to have a "friend of the person" come in weeks later in attempt clear everything up.

I have no dog in this fight, but this has the makings of a good mystery novel. Carry on. :popcorn
Having just attended his funeral where I was informed about this site and the comments I wanted to set the record straight. I know what you are insinuating and this is no small matter for your ****ing amusement you *****.
As I said, no dog in this fight. Name-calling in your second post on the forums is a good way to get reported, however. I'll see myself out of this thread as swiftly as I entered. Good day, my condolences, etc.
This forum, as awesome as it is, is a relatively small community. Rest assured, no significant damage was done to your friend's reputation from this single thread. Condolences for your loss.
The facts are that the website's homepage clearly stated that due to severe health issues the owner was seeking to sell all his stock this was on the website for two full months prior to FEZFOX purchase.

As one of the many people scouring the internet for Hale's Grenades, and having been to Arrowhead Militaria's website, several, several times during this timeframe, I have no recollection of any such information being listed on that website.

One thing I do remember quite clearly however is that the grenade in question remained on that website for weeks after it was marked as sold. They were not speedy at updating their site.

The website's new name is War Chest Militaria...

... and it looks very much like the former website.
RIDIRE FIREAN - Your comments are 100% incorrect. The fact they you may have once or twice visited my friends site give you no reason whatsoever to make views relating to the content of the site or the statement made on the home page. Which I can confirm was there was a large message as mentioned for the specified time. Indeed, many of the former owner’s customers showed considerable concern and commented on such in the lead up to the sale. In fact, FEZFOX even commented about the statement made on the site. The stock sale was for everybody to see and you must have been blind or are simply lying to say otherwise, the owners file listed dozens of people concern and comments of support, the only way he sold the stock was to advertise this on his front page and the top listing every day - So you could not have been on the site any day during that two month period.

Furthermore you have made yourself look absolutely ridiculous in your comments with respect to the "item in question" i.e. the Hales grenade after being sold remained on the site for ages. For your information that particular grenade was sold to somebody completely different to FEZFOX. They were not the same item and also EVERY SINGLE SOLD item all 200+ of them remained on the site all the time for a very specific reason. They were NEVER intentionally removed as happens on virtually all militaria sites as it shows past sales and items that have been in stock to generate more interest for the future and to show the variety of items sold for new visitors. The site was updated every couple of days with new stock and provided a very professional and fast service of which all his customers can testify to (not that you would have any comment in this regard as you obviously did not visit it regularly enough to notice the changes or ever purchased anything – So it makes me wonder why you comment on this thread at all ?).

If you had bothered to read and understand with the smallest amount of intelligence any of what has been said in my previous comments, you would have noticed the website was NOT sold, the stock was. There is a new owner of this STOCK and part of the deal apparently was to have the remaining stock listed on his own website. The two sites are not connected at all. You can call the web site company who designed and manages these sorts of sites for clarification if you wish. Your comments make it look that there is a connection between the two sites (and other than one bought the remaining stock of another there is nothing). The unsold stock is naturally showing on the new owners site for the very reason that they have just acquired it, the hard work was already done by the original owner so why should that be wasted.

The two sites look nothing alike (in fact they are two completely different operating platforms, so I am told) the stock now is similar as it has just been listed after the acquisition of items several weeks ago so you would have thought this is pretty self-explanatory. In any event it has no connection to any of this discussion.

Why don't you bother to get your facts straight before making unfiltered comments about "an item - i.e. the Hales grenade" you ASSUME to be the same as the one purchased by FEZFOX and making all these connections like a childish Sherlock Holmes. If you had spoken to FEZFOX he would have told you it's not the same item at all as he FEZFOX did not buy from AHM! I am not on this site to become anybody’s friend or that I share your infantile hobby of collecting Star Wars memorabilia or dolls. Most of you are fully-grown men!! Whom I fully expect you are bunch of perverts, deviants and weirdos also but that is just speculation and casual banter and not meant to be offensive to those of you who not any of the above. I am here to bring FEZFOX to account and no amount of misdirection by a bunch of men that have not grown up will distract me from bringing him to account for bringing this subject onto the internet. The fact that the man in question is now not with us doesn't mean FEZFOX can simply disappear into obscurity as this is not going to happen.

What you have done in your unhelpful and purposely misdirecting way is to try and take the spotlight from FEZFOX who is no doubt a friend of yours and take the discussion to a more fanciful area which you can lay seeds of doubt and mystery. I am here to keep everything on track and see he is brought to justice and loses his job. If you have anything helpful to say, make sure you get your facts straight before commenting again.
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Goodness me. This is all nonsense let me tell you.

All I can say is that my attempt to make a simple purchase from Arrowhead Militaria has been the most bizarre internet purchase of my life.

Just. So. Bizarre.

Hirohito, there's so much nonsense in what you say I'm not going to bother to refute it. What the heck is up with you people?

I paid for something that wasn't delivered. I tried to find out what happened and got a nonsense story. I investigated fully and found that the (most likely by far) explanation was Arrowhead Millitaria ripped me off. That's it. All the rest is just the most bizarre story I have ever heard. I never threatened or hounded anybody. I tried to get answers and get my money back is all.

Seriously, stay away from this guy and anyone connected.
@Ridire Firean there is a (very) small amount of truth in Hirohito's statements. For a period of about two weeks after the AHM owner physically threatened me (as he did another RPF member), and blamed me for his ill-health, impending bankruptcy and a host of other misdeeds, he did post a message saying he wanted to sell his stock and cease internet trading. Shortly after the site closed. It was on the front page of the site briefly, then moved to the about page. So it would have been easy for you to miss it.

This was about 6 months after the purchase, and about 4 weeks after I received the bogus item. The odd thing is, while I was in communication with him (you know "Hey, where's that item I paid you for 6 months ago?") he told me in great detail about his personal ill-health for reasons that made no sense to me. I mean I barely knew the guy and he was telling me in extreme detail about what happened during his hospitalisation. It was at this time, when I was trying to be friendly and offer reassurances about his recovery that I mentioned I was a medical practitioner. This particular fact has been hence been used by him and this sock puppet in repeated threats since, including the bizarre claims that I am somehow responsible for his medical condition, and this weird notion that some email correspondence about his defrauding me some how constitutes medical negligence that is a threat to my job!

I might add, Hirohito's writing style including the rapid escalation to personal insults and threats, is pretty identical to the owner of AHM. But hey, who knows?
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Why don't you bother to get your facts straight before making unfiltered comments about "an item - i.e. the Hales grenade" you ASSUME to be the same as the one purchased by FEZFOX and making all these connections like a childish Sherlock Holmes. If you had spoken to FEZFOX he would have told you it's not the same item at all as he FEZFOX did not buy from AHM! I am not on this site to become anybody’s friend or that I share your infantile hobby of collecting Star Wars memorabilia or dolls. Most of you are fully-grown men!! Whom I fully expect you are bunch of perverts, deviants and weirdos also but that is just speculation and casual banter and not meant to be offensive to those of you who not any of the above. I am here to bring FEZFOX to account and no amount of misdirection by a bunch of men that have not grown up will distract me from bringing him to account for bringing this subject onto the internet. The fact that the man in question is now not with us doesn't mean FEZFOX can simply disappear into obscurity as this is not going to happen.

What you have done in your unhelpful and purposely misdirecting way is to try and take the spotlight from FEZFOX who is no doubt a friend of yours and take the discussion to a more fanciful area which you can lay seeds of doubt and mystery. I am here to keep everything on track and see he is brought to justice and loses his job. If you have anything helpful to say, make sure you get your facts straight before commenting again.

If you're hoping to sway the court of public opinion, I would suggest not walking into a community and acting akin to a petulant child throwing a temper tantrum and insulting everyone within it. If you have a grievance with one of the members on here that's fine; present your case and your evidence in a rational manner, if possible, and people can decide for themselves who was in the right or in the wrong. If *you* want to be treated like an adult on this forum then I suggest you start presenting yourself as one.
wow, I was stunned that this guy was already banned and thought it was maybe a bit quick, but then I read his last post... ouch. That's some quick judging of a whole community... very scary to read people like that.
I'm sure a majority of the people present on the board have an artistic background or job which requires great culture, education and openmindness and I'm sure the rest is surely doing something different but also surelly as clever. Reading or hearing something as filthy and judging is really the only thing I truly hate. :thumbsdown
wow, I was stunned that this guy was already banned and thought it was maybe a bit quick, but then I read his last post... ouch. That's some quick judging of a whole community... very scary to read people like that.
I'm sure a majority of the people present on the board have an artistic background or job which requires great culture, education and openmindness and I'm sure the rest is surely doing something different but also surelly as clever. Reading or hearing something as filthy and judging is really the only thing I truly hate. :thumbsdown

I wasn't. Wouldn't surprise me if he was a teen frankly. It royally annoys me when people join a forum (this, or any other that i'm on) and just proceed to act like they own the place, or that they can do whatever they want because they feel like it. It's an overly entitled attitude. And it's completely unacceptable to me. My personal take is you join and before getting to 'into it' you develop a feel for the place and how it works etc. You walk in and start acting entitled, it turns people off PDQ and all you'll wind up doing is making enemies and/or people avoiding/ignore you.

Walking into a forum and saying 'hey you bunch of @#$% @#$%@%$ #%^^ bleeps, etc, is pretty much a one-way ticket to immediate banning in pretty much any rational board/community out there. Hell, after his initial post i nearly replied with 'banned, in 3, 2,......' but thought better of it. He could have saved himself by the second post containing a bit of class and respect, but that first post pretty much assured he'd never do that.

It goes back to the 'take stock of a place' first method. There've beeen a number of people who've come here because they thought they or someone they knew was being badmouthed. Most have presented a straightforward response/case/whatever like Edraven suggested and things were fine.

You come in with a mouth like that, yeah, you're pretty much toast the second a mod sees it. If an admin sees it, you're probably looking at an IP block as well.
Wow Hirohito! That certainly was an unexpectedly long reply to my little three sentence post. I thought that was all that was required to sum up my recollection of that website. Perhaps I should have been more elaborate?

Yes, I am a grown man, I collect Star Wars memorabilia, and though I think they're cool, I don't collect action figures.

No, I do not look for war relics for any other reason than some of them were used to make Star Wars props. I find nothing deviant or perverse about collecting lightsabers (an imaginary weapon that cannot hurt anyone, but rather instills upon everyone who sees one a sense of mysticism and awe akin to the legendary Excalibur).

Yes, I visited the website "once or twice" A DAY as part of an exhausting daily search that included several other websites. I became familiar enough with all of them that I was able to remember their layouts and the fastest way to navigate them. Hence the immediate recognition of the new site's format. Including the "- Change Currency -", "Word/Code search - ", "<-prev page / next page->" features.

Yes, I do scour the internet looking for the items that make up the Obi-Wan Kenobi Lightsaber in hopes of one day having my very own ALL REAL PARTS REPLICA. I have 273 images of grenades that I have saved during the course of my search. 293 if I include all the diagrams I've saved, and that's not even including all of the photos of lightsaber props I've saved that have REAL PARTS grenades! I have a keen eye and a sharp memory for things I've seen in the past. It's helping me learn a great deal about the intricacies of the different types of Hale's Grenades. I can recognize not only the lightsabers that were created with them, but the individual grenades themselves in their unmodified relic state.

I even have some images from that site that show something very peculiar, namely that it appears as though they had the same Hale's Grenade listed twice!

Once in April 2017...
GRENADE - HALES - No3 MkI - arrowheadmilitaria dot com - 01.jpg

GRENADE - HALES - No3 MkI - arrowheadmilitaria dot com - 02.jpg

And the SAME Hale's Grenade, which was listed as SOLD back in April, was relisted in July 2017 and then marked as SOLD (this is the one I believe @fezfox purchased)...
GRENADE - HALES - No3 MkI - arrowheadmilitaria dot com - 2 - 01.jpg

GRENADE - HALES - No3 MkI - arrowheadmilitaria dot com - 2 - 02.jpg

GRENADE - HALES - No3 MkI - arrowheadmilitaria dot com - 2 - 03.jpg

Maybe I'm wrong, and I will admit that I am exceptionaly surprised if I am, but I find it very unlikely that two grenades would be so wildly similar in appearance. They both have the same assymetrical cuts in their fragmentation sections. They both have their windvane ring situated so that the windvane blades are poking out ever so slightly in the same amount. They both have the same patina on the brass neck. They both have the same polish mark on the rifle barrel rod beneath the spring clip. They both have the same transit/detonator plug. They both have the same amount of red paint and the variation in the weathering on the paint is spot on between the two. If only both sets of images were taken on the same side of the grenade, then we'd know for certain if they were one in the same. But what do I know I'm just a Toys'R'Us kid with a magnifying glass.

No, I do not join websites to call other people names. In fact, I like to think that I live up to my screennames, especially here, and have more than once done my best to de-escalate tensions between fellow members, I give answers to questions when I know them, I give praise to people when I like what they've done, and I do my best to give constructive criticism. I might even have extended that courtesy to you, but your third post was nothing but an attack on me, my fellow members here at TheRPF, and pretty much every Star Wars Geek on the planet.

So, if you must call me names, and you don't like my handle here, you're more than welcome to call me Mr. Watson (as I dig a little deeper). ;) <--- Hopefully someone here is old enough to remember that joke!

On second thought, I will offer you this simple bit of insight: as someone who appears to be coming from the militaria collectors market, I find great concern in your rampant escalation of hostility towards people you do not know. I would think that someone who collects war relics (clearly not for a geeky Star Wars prop), and who has anger management issues, is probably going to end up on someone's watchlist, and rightfully so. Threatening people and slinging slurs at them without provocation is a danger sign. I hope you seek council to deal with your aggression, and that they are able to help you with your issues before you end up harming someone.
Wow to label all of as weirdos and perverts seemed a bit harsh. I've been called worse by better people before. Remember "sticks and stones..."
Guys I understand this is an old post but I was the buyer that ended up with that grenade back in 2017.

I too was ripped off my ArrowHead and have all documentation with emails.

I received the first one, the one pictured but I was informed that another existed that he could get his hands on, again it was a third party who’s son was selling off his fathers old collection. It was the screen accurate version as the one pictured is not.

I never received it and again, I’m over it now and almost can’t be bothered to write it all out.

I lost my £750 I paid for the second one and had very nice emails back and forth from the owner of the store.

Not a great experience but a well learnt lesson.


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I will only add this to the story guys.
When purchasing such items never give away you are a Star Wars fan.

My email even has Darth in it.
I used another email to chat with the seller and when showing interest.
I told him I was a collector and that it was going on display.
It was only after the purchase and after I received the grenade that the owner of Arrowhead took an interest in me because I am female.
He thought apparently ‘how unusual it was to see a female collector’ so he looked me up on Facebook, little creepy you could say.
He then found my interest in Star Wars and that was when I didn’t receive the next grenade.
This is exhibited above with his distain for Star Wars collectors, so I am not at all surprised to read he ripped off others,
It was of course by this time too late and since I sent the money as friends and family I was not covered.
I hounded him for months and eventually was sent a box of grenades worth nothing to me as a sorry.
I still have them to this day.
Moral of the story guys just keep your interests in said items as a collector and never as a prop collector.
I truly believe that most collectors of these items, for the items they are and not for the props they make, hold such hatred for people like us (some of them) because they believe that that the item in question will be damaged in our hands, for the most part this may be partially true, but not all of us are like this.
It’s why I haven’t damaged my Graflex to drill a D ring into it, or glued my grips on, they are held on with double sided tape.
It’s also why my grenade where it enters the Graflex clamp has masking tape around it, I have kept all the parts from the grenade not used in my display and in perfect condition.
I even battled with drilling my Armitage shanks tap wheel for the D ring, but I allowed it since I own two others.
Where the brass weather vein section is clamped for the balance pipe bracket I put felt to cushion it against the screw fitting.
Every year my Graflex is sprayed with WD-40 inside and out, just given a gentle wipe and then popped back on display, to help keep it protected.
My grenade as my Graflex can be returned to a state that would be a show piece for their retrospective collectors, that to me is what it’s all about, keeping, protecting and preserving, for years to come.
I want to own it, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to damage it.
It’s well looked after.
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