Doctor Who? 15th Doctor on D+

May 10

With RTD back in charge it has a chance to have some good stories but we will see what happens. For all we know that BBC will pull the same PC crap they did with the last couple of Doctors.
Well, I watched the new baby episode. Didn’t particularly work for me.

But you know what? That’s fine. It’s a commercial entertainment product, and it’s aimed at an audience that’s not me. There have been plenty of Doctors and producers and scripts that didn’t work for me, and plenty which did. It’s all fine.
Never seen an ep, but may just check out whatever this new drop is!

It’s weird having such a gaping hole in my pop culture knowledge.
So, we’ve had the Doctor give Ruby a phone top up that works wherever and whenever in time and space. (9 and Rose)
A companion hit with bogeys. (11 and Amy)
A creature made of snot. (12 and Clara, eye bogey monster)
Fish fingers and custard. (11 and Amy)

So, Russell comes back and copies Stephen?
I always found it interesting that some of the best RTD episodes were written by Stephen Moffat but when he was in charge they were more hit and miss though I did like most of Matt Smiths run.
I see that Russell is bringing back his annual ‘Doctor light’ episode that nobody wants.
I'd have to disagree with that one. TURN LEFT & BLINK are 2 of my favorite episodes, but I even enjoyed the episode from 10's first season where Moaning Myrtle got turned into a paving stone.

The first half was great. And I was on board assuming something would get explained in the end, but nope.

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