Sources for Obi Wan ANH lightsaber reference?

IncrediPAUL--Well the saber is 'second' only because it's new to US. No way to tell which was made 'first'. Most likely the two were made at the same time in the usual way.

The photo was most likely taken before the Chronicles photo, just because the Chronicles photos were most likely taken after production.

Are we 100% positive that the Chronicles/Mechanismo saber was in fact used on screen? I've always assumed so and just took it as a fact.

I think we have to take a look at that, it's not obvious from the screen caps which one appears in the movie. Time for another thread I guess. :)

As to whether the grenade was used, that LFL pre-production pic of the grenade is just not clear enough for me to say more than it seems similar to the Tunisia saber.
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Just when I thought it was time to build the 'perfect' Old Ben saber, you jerks come along and tell me theres two of them.:lol

How will I ever reconcile my chronicles replicated grenade with my Tunisia configuration build?
:lol I hear you, but it's too early to try for a 'Tunisia' IMO, we don't know for sure what that grenade is like. If we do find out for sure some day, Chen asymmetricals may suddenly be in high demand. ;)

But you don't really want a lightsaber with no cap on the pommel, do you? :p
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