Star Wars Credits and Coinage - References and Recreation


Sr Member
Star Wars Credits and Coinage

As I wasn't able to find any specific thread on the Credits and coins used throughout the Star Wars universe, I thought I'd start this thread.

The idea is to collect reference-material and share experiences for creating the different forms of currencies.
While there are single posts disseminated all over the forum, I found it hard to locate usable information with the available search-tools.
My plan is to update this first post with all shared photos and explanations to have everything in one place and make it easier for interested people to find the needed information.

So let's start!

Episode I - The Phantom Menace:


Used on Tatooine (and other Outer Rim worlds).

FcItN2L.jpg SfC2B1b.jpg aLSr4sZ.jpg

(Pix from the Visual Dictionary)

Thoughts and findings
: I didn't start with this one, because I'd deemed it the most important, but rather because (surprisingly) there's the greatest amount of official photos to be found.

The coin on the right (pictures show front and backside) has been identified as a "Yuzluk"-coin from the Ottoman Empire (Turkey, late 18th century).
Thanks to Mike J. !

Galactic Credit Chip

No idea where those were actually seen in the movies. That's the only official picture I found in the Visual Dictionary.


SOLO - A Star Wars Story

Fortunately quite a lot material of all the coins and creditbars used during the Sabacc-games!
I'll just quote a few posts from our Sabacc-thread, because those where the best closeup-pix so far.

Not sure if anyone brought it up on this thread or not but in the Solo A Star Wars Story Visual Guide they have a really nice picture and explanation of the chips used in Sabacc as well as a nice wooden Deck Holder and Dice Holder. I found some pictures of examples of the types of bargaining chips they used but it would be amazing to buy this in a beautiful set altogether cards, wooden box, instructions bargaining chips and all. I would easily bay 100 to 150 for a good quality set with nice reproduction pieces and nice quality printed cards.

uPbO5FY.jpg 3Ef50RX.jpg BvW7lU6.jpg

These are all really interesting and could grow the lore even deeper now that they have a definitive set of events that took place for this game and the game now has rules etc. Beautiful pieces too! I should state these are in fact the original props that are also shown in that book but the book has some other really nice pieces not shown in these pictures. Hope it helps!

Here are a few more photos that I found. I really like the leather case for the cards and will have to make one of those soon!

DegUhNk.jpg tpd0LqM.jpg liqAE3P.jpg
pRi7Lf2.jpg SdSCR55.jpg

While the coins with the Mythosaur-Symbol will surely be Mandalorian, I don't know if the smaller coin above is also a Mandalorian one.
Crystal Vertex - the nonagonal shaped coin with the crystal. I don't think the octagonal coin with the Aurabesh-credit-symbol will also be a Crystal-Vertex.
There are other coins with included crystals in the movie, so I guess those would rather be the other units belonging to this "family".

The Visual Dictionary doesn't offer too much on the distinction between different types of coinage.


The SOLO Movie posters provide some really nice closeups of the different coins and ingots (same types from multple angles! Great! ):

0AOsKNM.jpg fWXZOCE.jpg 5IFmIWh.jpg MqC1WDx.jpg

Somehow there seems to be a universal Star Wars rule that every single type of coin or ingot always comes in the exact same colors (gold, silver, bronze). I get why they did it from the optical point of view, though I don't think this is very logical.

Whatever - recreating those should be possible. (see later posts).

Star Wars - The Clone Wars

Galactic credit ingots

While those are the type of credits which where recreated the most by other fans, I've hardly been able to find good references. The only pic I got is this one:


If anyone has found other good references for the ingots, please share them here!
(The ones from SOLO look a little different...)

Star Wars Rebels

Republic Credit Chips


Seen in the episode "Idiot's Array" we got this type of credits in another game of Sabacc.

Star Wars money from licensed board games

There were some officially released bills and coins with different versions of Star Wars Monopoly.
While those are not related to any screen appearences, they are still added here for completeness.

(Thanks to division 6 and Mara Jade's Father for providing the info!)


There have been a number of different editions throughout the years. This is just a small selection:

CI2JAH2.jpg woQrYKw.jpg GvxtUdk.jpg

That's what I got so far. Any additions and experiences would really be appreciated!
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Re: Star Wars Credits and Coinage - Reference Collection Thread

My first steps in recreating some of the coinage from "SOLO".

There's someone on who already modelled a lot of the coins seen in the movie:

I started to model some of the parts that are still missing:

Imperial Credit Ingot:

Crystalline Vertex Coin:

tGdgwYs.jpg BjI4ASF.jpg

(Created the model with a 25mm spare-hole to fit in an Acryl-Crystal as you get them on ebay. Second picture just with a quickly modelled placeholder for comparison).

I will do test-prints of those and post the results.
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Re: Star Wars Credits and Coinage - Reference Collection Thread

Great! I always was wondering what starwars currency looked like. Were they usually coins or credits? What material were credits made out of?
Re: Star Wars Credits and Coinage - Reference Collection Thread

The thingiverse credits are mine - they're kind of an ongoing thing - the more ref material I get the more I add or change.
I mainly did them to display with my DL44 so didn't go crazy modelling everything just a handful of variants to add variety.

I also spent a fair amount of time actually on set for the Ypso scene and handled the credits, they are, irl very light (probably resin casts) and the "chinking" sounds in the movie were added post to make them appear more weighty.
Re: Star Wars Credits and Coinage - Reference Collection Thread

The thingiverse credits are mine - they're kind of an ongoing thing - the more ref material I get the more I add or change.
I mainly did them to display with my DL44 so didn't go crazy modelling everything just a handful of variants to add variety.

I also spent a fair amount of time actually on set for the Ypso scene and handled the credits, they are, irl very light (probably resin casts) and the "chinking" sounds in the movie were added post to make them appear more weighty.

Cool! Thanks for your models of the credits! I think they are great and look very accurate.

Regarding your spending time on the actual set: WOW! I'm really jealous! Do you happen to remember if any of the coins had a detailed backside? (The Crystalline Vertex look like there's also a crystal mounted on the back...)
I can imagine that most coins were produced single-sided - or with identical sides at best.
Any additional Information would really be appreciated!
Re: Star Wars Credits and Coinage - Reference Collection Thread

If I recall correctly the coins were double sided (same design or the crystal as you say) and the chips (the oblongs with Aurbesh numbers) were flat on one side.
There was also a lot of the strange bits of rolled up leather in various sizes with twine wrapped around the middle which was used at the table as well as around the droid fight area as betting slips.
Re: Star Wars Credits and Coinage - Reference Collection Thread

If I recall correctly the coins were double sided (same design or the crystal as you say) and the chips (the oblongs with Aurbesh numbers) were flat on one side.
There was also a lot of the strange bits of rolled up leather in various sizes with twine wrapped around the middle which was used at the table as well as around the droid fight area as betting slips.
Thanks for the info! So I'll try to make my coins double sided if possible. (Plan is to make molds of the 3D prints and then cast some in metal)
Re: Star Wars Credits and Coinage - Reference Collection Thread

While still working on the Solo-coins, I can already share a little side-project of mine which turned out surprisingly well:
I've been searching quite a while for any kind of usable token from the Star Wars universe to play a nice round of Sabacc.

Surely there's quite a number of beautifully crafted 3D-meshes, prints and casts of coins and ingots on the net.
But to make an evening of Sabacc really fun you'll need a few dozens of playing-tokens. As I can't afford to buy or build any of the mentioned in a number high enough, I went on looking further, until I stumbled accross the episode "Idiot's Array" of the Rebels animated series.


The Republic Credits seen there seemed like a viable option, so I took a shot.

This is what I ended up with:


While they are surely not 100% screen-accurate (which is a tough goal with animated series anyway), they still look and feel quite nice.

(Here's a little video of me playing around with my first bunch of credits. I know it might seem a bit stupid, but the look and sound really come accross a lot better on video...)

I used tranparent hardplastic which was then foil-imprinted in copper-metallic. In order to keep the project within my financial limits, I used pre-manufactured plastic-blanks which are slightly smaller than what I estimated as the "real size" of the credits from the stills. And while I tried to recreate the barcode-pattern as closely as possible, there still were limits due to the printing-method.
I had to leave a 2mm-border which couldn't be printed. And some of the lines and spaces where too small in diameter to be imprinted accurately enough.

WcSUN1L.jpg cfkUzY8.jpg

But for the intended use as playing-chips they are a cool enough. They've got a nice "Sci-Fi-feeling" to them and I was able to create a few dozens which is just what I was looking for at the moment.

And regarding my goal of playing a round of Corellian Spike as seen on Solo, there's at least some small relief: The timeline of Rebels and Solo is close enough that I can still imagine playing an appropriate game with Solo Sabacc Cards and my Republic Credits... ;-)
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Re: Star Wars Credits and Coinage - Reference Collection Thread

Love those republic credits!

After a little Googleing, I can ID one of the Wupiupi coins as an Ottoman 'Yuzluk' coin, which seem to go for about $24 and up (and way up) on eBay.


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Re: Star Wars Credits and Coinage - Reference Collection Thread

Love those republic credits!

After a little Googleing, I can ID one of the Wupiupi coins as an Ottoman 'Yuzluk' coin, which seem to go for about $24 and up (and way up) on eBay.

Thanks! Already updated the info on the coins!

Regarding my Republic Credits: If people are interested, I could start a run on those.
Just let me know and I could do some calculations on prices and production time. ;-)
Re: Star Wars Credits and Coinage - Reference Collection Thread

There were also some coins that came with the Star Wars Monopoly PC game. They aren't necessarily canon, but still cool. I don't have a pic of mine right now though.
Finally some progress on the SOLO Coinage...

I started with one of the (presumably) Imperial credit ingots.

Here's the raw 3D print, first cycle of sanding and priming (still a little crappy) and the finalized master already mounted to be molded:

exCpV9o.jpg dnoBqys.jpg MmET6r2.jpg

The finished silikon-mold and the first resin-cast ingot! Was quite thrilled to hold that one actually in hand!

eE9RoXm.jpg vtvZzG4.jpgDUy2HuO.jpg

A little side-by-side comparison of one of the references and my first attempt:

eJqQ3O8.jpg ASASwI3.jpg

I know: not quite, but I'm getting there!

Played around with different ways of treating the surfaces. So far I'm not really satisfied with any of the colors, but I'll keep you up-to-date!


The two other Imperial ingots are already in print, so hopefully some pix of those coming soon!
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Hi Muddler! Nice work! Those are looking really great! Not surprised since you made them. Will you be doing a run of these at some point? I know it's a lot to ask but I want them! LOL
Hi Muddler! Nice work! Those are looking really great! Not surprised since you made them. Will you be doing a run of these at some point? I know it's a lot to ask but I want them! LOL

Thanks for the kind words! :)
Regarding a possible run: I'm not sure yet. My personal dream is of course to recreate the COMPLETE coinage from the epic Solo Sabacc games.
I'd definetely like to share the results of my work, but I'm afraid those would only be small runs. (One resin cast takes a at least a day to set, so you'll figure how many - or better how few - I'll be able to produce in a given amount of time.)

I'd first like to finish the other two Imperial coins. Maybe I'll then offer a set of those three or something like that. But for now there's still a lot of ground to break...
No problem! I understand completely. I've done a small bit of molding and casting too and I know how long it takes for the resin to fully set up. That's great that you want to to all the coinage! Even if you might not be able to share it I'd love to see you be able to do it for your own collection! If and I mean, IF, you decide to do a run you can contact me and I'd be in for some. Keep up the fantastic work Muddler! Best of luck! :D

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