Vanquish ARS ●WIP●


Sr Member
I'd like to complete an ARS suit both to enhance the pdo files I've released for it, and to point some tricky stages that will remain even after an optimal unfolding. This way those of you who want to build it too won't waste their time to much in useless tries and errors, and by the way I'll build the next ones faster and cleaner.

As said the pdo files of this suit may be modifed along the build process, so if you want to use them by now just as they are it's at your own risks. That said, a piece of foam, a bit of time, you won't risk anything that is too dramatic.

I'll use, as always, my usual 6.5mm PE foam rolls from Domyos.
(first issue encountered : how to draw anything onto black foam... :confused)
The suit will remain unpainted untill all parts are done.

Aim pic :



Well, let's start with the forbiden-first-part, the helmet. I love challenges.

No particular trouble there, since you remember to glue the chin/ears part at very last ! I left the back 'T' part removable so I can lock the helmet once my head is inside.
I'm not happy with the curve of the blue visor. It's a matter of gluing, I thought this piece was more flat.

Next time, a thigh. Or two.
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I spent hours and hours, trials after trials to do what you did here.
And I am still far from moderate.
How can you glue bended curve like that so clean?
Unfair, this is unfair.......
You're killing me.
Wow, very cool suit. I'll definitely be following this build.

It doesn't look like you're having any problem with drawing on black foam, but my first thought is silver sharpie. What did you use?
WOW! Me and my brother have always dreamed of making this suit, but never really thought it would be possible. Good work and good luck!

-The Armorer
It is I who should be envious, IMIM2, you are modeling and building the next reference armour whith your Iron Man mark 8, when for my part I can only make three clean curves on the head of a guy from a quite outdated videogame... :lol

What did I use to draw on black foam. In fact, since every pen I tried have left an invisible draw, I had to resign myself to use... nothing. I simply laid down the paper onto the foam, and cut out my paper masks and my foam pieces at the same time. When a reverse piece was required, I flipped upside down the first foam piece to act as a mask, and obtained the second piece by cutting along the edge of the first one. It needed a larger workspace than usual to be sure that nothing would move during the process, because with a pen you have several trial runs you don't have with a blade.
In return it seems I saved time, and my cutting lines were more accurate.
Anyway, I will continue this way waiting for a silver sharpie, even if the cutting lines for the mountains and valley must be roughly located by rule of thumb. After all it aims just to serve as a kind of a crash-test speed foam build prototype, not a masterpiece. Even if, I must confess, I plan to show off a bit at my local videogame store if the suit turns out not too bad. :love
Cod piece and abs done.

I had to stretch cod, abs and spine, chest and back in height to match human proportions. So, many files are now updated in the shared *.rar package.

Thighs booster are still in spare parts on my desk. I didn't see it coming, but now I run out of glue... Will have to make a jump at my craftstore.
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Yesss... Some trial parts I can't resolve to through away without heartache :$ Let's say they dress my dummy for the winter :)
The files are by default scaled... for me. I'm 5'10" for 150lbs.
The result of this 100% scaled suit will be an armor of 186cm overall including the antenna (something like 4 cm above the helmet).
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Thank you for the info. I am 9" shorter and 40lb lighter than you so now I know how much I should decrease the size.
Yesss... Some trial parts I can't resolve to through away without heartache :$ Let's say they dress my dummy for the winter :)

hahaha well it looks incredibly clean!! wish my build came out as well!!

still loving the ARS suit! gonna look class! make sure to pull plenty of wicked slides in that thing!