THE ENCOUNTER Dutch vs Predator

Wow!, I love that figure Narin, I have seen many of them in your videos, and the truth is that your preds... excellent!, I'm starting this figures modeling, soon attempts to a predator, though I was not as yours, jajaja
Narin Very good!
I'm new to the forum. But I know your works of predator.

You're so good, I love your pictures. And with the latter. The truth is that I have conquered.

I hope you can show photos of the painting process. It would be great.

thank you very much

I´m sorry for my inglish.
Hola NARIN soy antonio de sevilla me encanta tu Trabajo e mandao te he mandado un PM Aun no e tenido Respuesta y espero recibirla pronto pués do me gustaria ESA Obra nueva tuya Que es Impresionante depredador de Arnol .
PD: espero Respuesta y perdon pues no se ingles.
I paid for it and the badblood kit on the 17th, Narin said it'll take 3 weeks to cast it up. Either way I'm excited as hell, sooner the better
ya i paid for mine on the 18th, and i cannot ******* wait till it gets here!!!! not that i'll be painting it any time soon, so intimidating... but i'll work up the nerve eventually... i know you can always "repaint" it, but you lose that much depth in the detail every time... so i want it right the first time :) anyway, soooooo excited, feel bad i had to assassinate the chiefs of a couple tribes to get enough money for it, but excited nonetheless. (that was just a joke please no one find a way to take it personal)
Narin hello.
I also am interested in getting this amazing sculpture.
What is the procedure to follow?
What time do I have to wait for a response?

Thank you very much for everything.
In my experience mine arrived after 4 weeks from the order!!!

I think also that I was one of the first to put the order in fact the cast was ready in 2 weeks!!!!

Amazin kit.....high raccomanded

Anyone get theirs in the mail yet? I'm wondering when they will start showing up in Canada/USA?

yes they are showing up I got #6
the only thing I do not like is the predator arm holding dutch; the hand is cut half way ,it is going to be a great chalenge to bond the to kits together

do any one have any sugestions about this little problem

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