1:1 '84 Terminator (Arnold) Bust... (Final Pics Pg 3!!)

Re: 1:1 '84 Terminator (Arnold) Bust... 'Ran Over By A Truck' Version!!

Looking forward to seeing this awsome bust completed, Any update ?
Re: 1:1 '84 Terminator (Arnold) Bust... 'Ran Over By A Truck' Version!!

Uncanny resemblance. That is 1984 Arnold right there, even unpainted...
Re: 1:1 '84 Terminator (Arnold) Bust... 'Ran Over By A Truck' Version!!

This is definetly my favourite damaged Arnie terminator look. Just real dark and horror like. You are an insane artist Howard. God knows how you get such talent. I could never afford a silicon mock up and wish sideshow would get you to do this for them seeing they are doing T1 stuff now.

Re: 1:1 '84 Terminator (Arnold) Bust... 'Ran Over By A Truck' Version!!

Howard, sell me your T2 stage 5 molds :)
Re: 1:1 '84 Terminator (Arnold) Bust... 'Ran Over By A Truck' Version!!

Yes sir! I loves me some damaged Arnie!!
Re: 1:1 '84 Terminator (Arnold) Bust... 'Ran Over By A Truck' Version!!

Hey Guys,

Finally wrapped up my 1:1 Silicone '84 Arnold from the first 'Terminator' movie! I really focused on his 'zombie' state with this one and tried to capture the actual Stan Winston puppet ;) I might even try to make an actual puppet one of these days!

The leather coat used on this guy is the Museum Replicas one, it was patterned from the original coat!








This piece takes the CAKE!!! I do feel that you've captured the "soul" (or lack thereof) of the original film puppet, while still managing a clever balance with the ultra realism involved with your usual silicone work. The hair style is phenomenal, and the display draws your attention upward toward the head, as it should be. 'Really no critique to give on this piece...You can tell it was a labor of love. :)

Thanks for sharing and cheers,
