Re: 1:1 Suicide Squad Harley Quinn MODEL PRINT PICS IN LAST POST.
I'm keeping mine as a bust since I don't have the money or the space for a full body. This will be a centerpiece of my collection as I'm starting over. I usually don't collect life size pieces, but Harley Quinn is one of my favorite characters and I'm looking to stick mainly to Harley, Joker and Batman pieces if anything. Also I've talked with reelprops about adding a nameplate or something to the bottom front of this. As for the look, I'm going with a battle damage look towards the end of the film with the smeared makeup and a little blood. I'm a sucker for battle damage looks from the 1989 Cathedral style Batman, the unmasked and damaged 1987 Robocop and so on. So when I ask about that, it was a no brainer for me. Eager to see pics of the skin texture and paint. October can't come soon enough. Just wish the Leto Joker bust would have gained enough traction to move forward.