1:1 Terminator Arnold Bust customization project

Re: 1:1 T1 Arnold Bust (minor) customization project

I have a new update......metal endoeye is here, so I decided to take the plastic eye out....it was a stressful thing, as I didn't know where it'll snap, and if it'll damage the bust..
For now, only three pictures, and update with the pictures of a new eye will follow shortly!

Temporary setup:

With the plastic eye:

without the plastic eye (as you can see already, on the lower part of the wound around the eye, I have touched up the blood, so it looks a bit darker and more gory, I'll do the same thing on the upper part):
Re: 1:1 T1 Arnold Bust (minor) customization project

Looking good...is that a movie accurate shirt? Where did you get it?
Re: 1:1 T1 Arnold Bust (minor) customization project

Looking good...is that a movie accurate shirt? Where did you get it?

Thanks man :)
Actually, that's me messing with the design on shirt to make it more screen accurate, however I'm not happy with it....it's too dark, and lines are too thick....I'll see about that later!
I'll try to do it again with thinner lines, it's very time consuming tho.

And here we are.....behold the metal endo eye upgrade (HUGE THANKS to Jamie, great work!)
First, couple of pictures, and then we go to description of a problem..
Eye in pieces:

How it'll look once completely put together:

so..the problem is, the eye lacks the back part of the sphere, and is actually "too short" and when I put it on the bust, it sits too deep into the eye socket, so I decided to cut the plastic eye with dremel, and use the back part as a "leveler" for the metal eye....and.....it works!
Few comparison pictures:

Plastic eye cut:

And comparison of the eye with the bust:

..you can't see too clearly on the picture, but without that "leveler" eye sits far too deep, and looks "outside" so the plastic bit will also be used to position eye under the right angle!

Just to show how it'll look in the future:

Eye still isn't permanently put in, it's just testing and fitting stage, now I plan to touch up blood around the eye more, paint those holes for the glasses on the sides, and somehow combine plastic and metal bits for the eye, to make a smooth "transaction"..
Re: 1:1 T1 Arnold Bust (minor) customization project

Man, that new eye assembly really ties the piece together nicely. Also, love the vintage Gargoyles - I used to wear them in the 80's!
Re: 1:1 T1 Arnold Bust (minor) customization project

Man, that new eye assembly really ties the piece together nicely. Also, love the vintage Gargoyles - I used to wear them in the 80's!

Thanks for the kind words.....I'm pretty sure you'll like the update I have to show now :p

I have worked on the eye today, and got things done! :D

Blood and gore has been added, holes for glasses painted, and leveler for eye modified, so eye is angled properly. I had to widen holes for 4 ball bearings around the eyes, as well as grind down sides, to make everything fit properly. Cool thing is that I didn't use any glue/adhesive for the eye, ball bearings are holding it in the place, and those aren't glued either, just pushed in, so everything can be removed easily if needed.

Now , onto pictures..

Light in eye is turned off in this picture:

Light ON:


One with Gargoyles:

And short video to show how cool is the fade out effect (camera picks it up weirdly, in person, it's completely smooth!)
Re: 1:1 T1 Arnold Bust (minor) customization project

Just to show the difference in how the eye looked before and how it looks now:
Re: 1:1 T1 Arnold Bust (minor) customization project

that looks awesome! and the eye looks heaps better even tho it already was a good looking display piece
Re: 1:1 T1 Arnold Bust (minor) customization project

that looks awesome! and the eye looks heaps better even tho it already was a good looking display piece
Yeah, I think the same thing, I liked how it looked when I got it, but I love the way it looks now :D
I figured, if I can make it look better, why not!

Yeah, i'm liking the progress on this a lot!


Thanks a lot for the kind words, I'm doing my best, I know it's a slow progress, but as long as it's moving forward, I'm satisfied!
Re: 1:1 T1 Arnold Bust (minor) customization project

Hey Toni where did u get the endo eye? Love to get one myself
Re: 1:1 T1 Arnold Bust (minor) customization project

Hey Toni where did u get the endo eye? Love to get one myself

Friend made it for me..It was just one-off thing, however he's planning to do few more at some point in the future, if/when it happens, I can contact you and let you know, if you wish!
Re: 1:1 T1 Arnold Bust (minor) customization project

New update!
Finally got around taking off the mannequin's head.


..that wasn't such a big deal, but next part was really nerve breaking. I had to cut parts of Arnold bust, to make it fit up there. Unfortunately, I was too much concentrated on doing it, not to mess up, that I forgot to take pictures, I only took these two, removing the part on the back, tho I did the same thing on the front, and took off both of his shoulders.
I wanted to avoid things like that, but it was no other way around, it had to be done.



So this is the result:


Obviously I'll need to buff him up, and that's the next step..This was just to finally give him the body, and see how it'll look standing there..and I must say, I'm very impressed to have him in my room, even at this stage..still a lot to do, but damn, I'm already at the point I never imagined I'd be!
Re: 1:1 T1 Arnold Bust (minor) customization project

Some updates..

Thumb has been de-attached, so he could hold SPAS:

I have widen the hole on the body, so bust would fit better, however, there is still gap that will be fixed later on ;)

This is the gap I mentioned:

Next thing I'm doing (tomorrow) is drilling trough both bust and body of a mannequin, and installing these screws (they act as anchors, one part is pushed trough the hole, and it kinda anchors in, and then you just tighten it), so they are properly connected, and that gap will become history!
Re: 1:1 T1 Arnold Bust (minor) customization project

Some work done on the arms, I've buffed up the right arm, and cut the left one for the pose (holding SPAS on his shoulder), now I have to figure out how to actually attach parts.

How it looks on him (looks great with the jacket on):

And couple of pictures taken for the heck of it:
Re: 1:1 T1 Arnold Bust (minor) customization project

THOSE BOTH LOOK GREAT, you guys rocked this bust. Please keep posting pics Toni.
Re: 1:1 T1 Arnold Bust (minor) customization project

Awesome work! Would you to post a schematic for that fading endo eye?