So I've been messing around with paint lately, a LOT.
I'm trying out a few new things here. Since the PlanEx ship is sort of unique with its color palette, I wasn't able to find any generic rattle cans to match the colors exactly. Since I've got a new spray booth, I decided to give some new airbrush paints a whirl. I've been working with Createx "Wicked Colors" on this - I think they'd probably be suited to a smaller build, or possibly something that would be okay with a bit of weathering. I've painted a lot of things, though mostly with enamels, and this large volume acrylic stuff just isn't my jam. I'm still plugging along though, but I think next time I'll probably go with the Auto Air series of paints.
I did a LOT of tests with this stuff, and they all went pretty smoothly. Some small fisheyes, but I was shooting unprimed chunks of styrene so that was to be expected. Got a decent feel for the paint, or so I thought...
Putting it into practice went poorly. The paint seems to prefer bare plastic over primer, and any primed parts should actually be rougher than I usually prefer. 400-600 grit pre-scuff so the paint can stick. Paint too thick, and it'll never fully cure. You can just peel it right off...
So I got to paint all the fins twice. Secret here is going in very very very thin passes. This is a dusting at best. 6, maybe 8 coats for full coverage, 2-3 minutes between each pass. I spent about 8 hours spraying and finished all the ship bodies and fins, along with landing gear and turrets.
Here's the first of the guide coats:
Here's seven coats and two coats of flat clear:
Unfortunately, all these thin coats leaves a bit of a pebbly texture, which isn't what I'm after here. The paint itself can't be wet sanded for smoothness, so I'm actually doing pretty thick clear coat build up so I can sand out any imperfections with 1000 grit, then shoot with flat clear again. I finished the bay doors this way, but I've got a lot left to go.
More updates as they happen! I'm doing masking and accent colors next. fun fun fun.