1/72 Scale Docking Bay 94

GT still hasn't taken his 3D printer out of the box, because he's a pansy and afraid of it LOL

Well bust it out! I'm currently working through all the ins and outs with mine and have been printing some things. It definitely takes patience. But I love it and can't wait to show everyone the epicness of this build!
After gawking over GEEK1138 newest endeavor, I've been mastering my Elegoo Mars printer.

Here's some of what I've been working on:


And then what I currently have printing:

Ooh nice!

I've been looking for a good 1/7 Speeder Bike

There is an Action Fleet that is something like 1/85 or and the micromachines one which 1/87 or so

Either just too big ,or just too small
Ooh nice!

I've been looking for a good 1/7 Speeder Bike

There is an Action Fleet that is something like 1/85 or and the micromachines one which 1/87 or so

Either just too big ,or just too small

That's what is amazing about being able to print your own... You're only limited to the size of your printer! I do want the Elegoo Saturn when that comes available. It has a much larger print bed and a 4k lcd.

The tricky part, for me, has been the supports and finding the right exposure times for the bottom layers and each additional layer. But, I have (2) 1000mL bottles of grey resin...
Are these all at this tiny scale already or did you scale down a bigger print to your size ?
Just asking, because I am thinking of getting a resin printer to expand my collection of .45 lightsabers and I planned to shrink down fullsized models to desired size, hoping not to loose any details.
I could be wrong, but I think resin printers handle shrinking down better than FDM printers so you shouldn't lose much detail unless you are going really small. And I think the biggest issue when shrinking down is winding up with parts that may be too thin. For example, a support wall for something might wind up too thin to support anything and may have to be beefed up?
Are these all at this tiny scale already or did you scale down a bigger print to your size ?
Just asking, because I am thinking of getting a resin printer to expand my collection of .45 lightsabers and I planned to shrink down fullsized models to desired size, hoping not to loose any details.

Most of them are just scaled down to the size I need. As long as you get your exposure times right, my resin printer handles the detail very well. Even at 1/350 scale. But, like Analyzer said, the smaller you go, the more you need to watch /adjust the finer details like small pipes or support structures.