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My gift has arrived. I opened a surprisingly large box to find two absolutely stunning Disney Parks signs. The first one is the quote that is at the entrance of every Disney Park. This one, if I'm not mistaken, is the sign above the entrance at Disneyland California. The second one is a massive (about 16in. x 12in.) Cinderella's Castle from Disney World Florida. Both seem to be cast out of resin and are either cold cast or painted masterfully. If not for the fact I can touch them and feel the weight myself, I would be convinced these were cast bronze.

Thank you The Cog for this wonderful gift and thank you to Michael Bergeron for organizing all this.

Received my gift today! Thank you so much Shyaporn , this Mando Merc Vibo blade is awesome! Love it :) I myself make star wars blasters but haven't made any of these yet and will go well with my Mando costume im working on :)
***also if anyone didn't know the message on the note is "This is the Way"
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I was were surprised today, as I received an unexpected package from an RPF member. It appears I've been so lucky as to receive an extra gift this year!
Within the package was a small wrapped up package from Dr. Terence Bey at Cairo Museum of Antiquities containing a mysterious map... The map from the Mummy (1999) is made with real Egyptian Papyrus. It is really wonderfully made and it will keep me company next time I watch the movie. :)
In the package was also a number plate retrieved from the most dangerous amusement park on Earth. The Jurassic Park plate is very nicely weathered to match the real prop with scratches and rust marks!

Thank you very much for both of these gifts. :D unfortunately I don't know who made them, so... reveal yourself! (please)

A happy unexpected turn of events on a Monday in January. I'm very pleased.


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So! Some insight on that:

We had one "deadbeat" this year. A few weeks into the exchange he PM'd me basically saying "nah, can't do it. Send in a backup Santa". The only thing saving him from being banned was that he told me BEFORE his Santa had sent him his gift. Needless to say, this flake will not be permitted to join any future activities I organize, Secret Santa or otherwise.

Unfortunately, when I contacted his Santa and asked if he could sent to this other member's intended recipient instead, he told me he had already made something very specific to their wants (JP & The Mummy). He identified you as someone who had the same interests and asked if he could switch recipients to have you instead. I then contacted your original Santa who said "I already made him something but give me the other guy's info, I'll send two gifts." This legend of a man is Muddler and deserves all the credit in the world. Not a moment of hesitation, just "It's Christmas, let's do this".

What did this mean? It meant that I had everyone covered but one person with a gift and no recipient. So I told him to pick someone to get a bonus gift and we'll have an extra Christmas surprise for them. He picked you :)

And that gift is truly awesome. If his original recipient sees this I *HOPE* he kicks himself for not just buying something online for $20 and sending it to his recipient like he should have. :rolleyes:

Not only did he miss out on this great gift, he's completely destroyed any good will I had towards him.
Also, a reminder that at the end of this week any packages not received that didn't have tracking will be considered lost! If you have received and haven't posted please let me know!
So! Some insight on that:

We had one "deadbeat" this year. A few weeks into the exchange he PM'd me basically saying "nah, can't do it. Send in a backup Santa". The only thing saving him from being banned was that he told me BEFORE his Santa had sent him his gift. Needless to say, this flake will not be permitted to join any future activities I organize, Secret Santa or otherwise.

Unfortunately, when I contacted his Santa and asked if he could sent to this other member's intended recipient instead, he told me he had already made something very specific to their wants (JP & The Mummy). He identified you as someone who had the same interests and asked if he could switch recipients to have you instead. I then contacted your original Santa who said "I already made him something but give me the other guy's info, I'll send two gifts." This legend of a man is Muddler and deserves all the credit in the world. Not a moment of hesitation, just "It's Christmas, let's do this".

What did this mean? It meant that I had everyone covered but one person with a gift and no recipient. So I told him to pick someone to get a bonus gift and we'll have an extra Christmas surprise for them. He picked you :)

And that gift is truly awesome. If his original recipient sees this I *HOPE* he kicks himself for not just buying something online for $20 and sending it to his recipient like he should have. :rolleyes:

Not only did he miss out on this great gift, he's completely destroyed any good will I had towards him.
I see, then I was very lucky indeed. Good on you Muddler, you have been most kind! Thanks again Michael for hosting the secret santa event.
Just got my gift!


A fellow Captain Jack Sparrow fan sent me this cool gift:


For those who don't want to read the card above in its entirety, here is an important snippet:

"The voodoo instilled in this gift behaved well at it departed my shores, but due to my meager skills in these arts, the strength may diminish before it safely crosses the Tasman. I shall make an offering and wish for a safe passage."

Inside is a toy Jack compass... but when opened, McFlyte's "voodoo" is a little sound card that spits out a classic Jack quote. I've been walking around making everyone listen to this. What a fun mod!


Coincidentally, McFlyte was my SS as well, so looks like this year was a 1:1 gift exchange across the Tasman!

Thanks, McFlyte as well as [mention]Michael Bergeron[/mention] for organizing another great SS!

Kind regards,
Thanks for the kind words Indy Magnoli! I'm very happy it finally arrived. Three and a half weeks was more than I expected for delivery!

Your gift to me is waiting for me in Sydney, where I was supposed to be for Christmas. But that trip was cancelled due to a Covid outbreak. But hopefully I'll get it in the next month or so. I'm looking forward to seeing it but don't want to risk posting it again.

Given the delays to shipping, the compass was created using stuff I had in my components box or could buy at my local electronics store. It should semi-randomly play one of five quotes, and if you leave it open it'll play them every... 10 seconds or so?

It was a fun build. I'm glad you got a kick out of it.
I was were surprised today, as I received an unexpected package from an RPF member. It appears I've been so lucky as to receive an extra gift this year!
Within the package was a small wrapped up package from Dr. Terence Bey at Cairo Museum of Antiquities containing a mysterious map... The map from the Mummy (1999) is made with real Egyptian Papyrus. It is really wonderfully made and it will keep me company next time I watch the movie. :)
In the package was also a number plate retrieved from the most dangerous amusement park on Earth. The Jurassic Park plate is very nicely weathered to match the real prop with scratches and rust marks!

Thank you very much for both of these gifts. :D unfortunately I don't know who made them, so... reveal yourself! (please)

A happy unexpected turn of events on a Monday in January. I'm very pleased.
I have been constantly checking up on the tracking for this, so I'm glad to see it arrived in once piece and that you're happy with it! The map was a fun one to make.
It seems I came up with an idea of what to send too quickly, so thanks to Muddler for stepping in, when I only had specific gifts to send.

Thanks Michael Bergeron for being quick to sort everything out and organising the SS!
Yes thank you Michael Bergeron for hosting this secret Santa event and I am looking forward to the next event, right now my recipient hasn't posted what he got i hope he likes them everyone that has posted their gifts are great.Happy new year to everyone stay safe and healthy
Originally, waiting until my recipient received my gift. Been tracking it since, don't know why it is stalled. Anyway, I realized that this is unfair to my Santa and I wanted to showcase their work. Finally, got some time to give it the attention it deserved.

Seeing my love of Indiana Jones and Han Solo, Santa went with an artifact seen in both Raiders of the Lost Ark and Solo: A Star Wars Story (very clever!): The Chachapoyan Fertility Idol.

Presumably, 3D Printed and Painted Gold, I love how the gold finish came out. It photographed nicely

Upon Seeing it my brother immediately demanded, "Throw me the idol, I throw you the whip!" and was quite impressed.

I now have a beautiful prop for my future Indy costume (who knows when that will be)

I just wanted to thank my Santa Beanduck for this amazing piece of work. I've got those dumb hands that can't seem to make props, so I am thrilled to add this piece to my meager collection. I might add a picture with the Belle of Lincoln bottle I got from the COW SS last year.

Thanks again Michael for running this. I can't express how much I look forward/dread it every year!
Finally got around to taking some photos of my secret santa gifts. I received a great Metal of Yavin christmas ornament, a deck of Sabacc shaped playing cards from Galaxy's Edge, and a 3-D printed prop from Firefly. Thank you Secret Santa!!


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