I did indeed find the text near the back as I gave it a read. I did a double take as I though it was just filled with space for notes towards the back and there it was! I do have a bottle of IPA/rubbing alcohol I could spray/test on a small part of the cover to age it and dry it out quicker to see what it could look like...
so the cover is real leather embossed with the snake skin pattern and then finished with a few coats of acrylic resolene to get the glossy shine and protect it. leather dyes are often alcohol based so i imagine that the rubbing alcohol would age the cover by pulling some of the black dye off (it is dyed through so is black all the way). i do have some more if you like i could send you a small piece to experiment with.
After some shipping delays, I have received my Secret Santa present - a custom lightsaber hilt! A nice bit of nostalgia, as a custom saber hilt was one of my own favorite SS presents that I ever made and sent! I kept telling myself I was going to make one for myself, but never got around to it, so thank you much, CreechMagoo!

I actually haven't had a chance to hold it myself, but my partner was kind enough to photograph it and your nice letter and send those along:

2022 Secret Santa Gift Received IMG_7576.jpeg
2022 Secret Santa Gift Received IMG_7577.jpeg

Looking forward to adding some paint and textures, picking out a kyber crystal from the icebound caves of Ilum, etc... !

A little bit about the build in the lovely note:

2022 Secret Santa Gift Received Letter 69560563475__57B43E40-D5C8-4F34-A264-131C9D5DA4EC.jpeg
New Year's madness had me spinning right away, so I completely forgot to post pictures of the present I got! :eek:

I opened a really heavy-weight box and found this inside:


A 3D-printed replica of a Han Solo Blaster. Pretty cool! Still, my Secret Santa apologized, because he wasn't quite satisfied with the result - and so also sent a gigantic pile of Belgian sweets! :)
As I got three kids and we all got quite a sweet tooth this was quite the gift!

Thanks to my Secret Santa! :D
Very Late Post but I'm back in the country now so I could FINALLY open my gift!

Seems I'll be making several lovely additions to my Indiana Jones collection this year.

Santa send me a lovely print and a replica Staff of Ra Headpiece as well as a mysterious package addressed to Dr Henry Jones Jr..

Opening the package revealed what I believe is a replica of the Antikythera Mechanism!


Very appropriate given the new film Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny is due to release later this year!

Thankyou very much Santa, I'm blown away!
I guess I will help as for the gift I sent out had not been posted yet I sent 3d printed vehicles as my gift.

Thank you so much for the offer! We have sorted things out though, if anything else falls through I'll let you know! Did you take any pics of the gift you sent? Would love to see it. Always makes me sad when people don't post pics of what they got, it's always so fun to see!
Here is pictures of the 3d printed star wars vehicles I sent as my gift this year I had a company called Sculpteo print them for me and I sent them out the three vehicles are a tie fighter, x wing, and a landspeeder


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Thank you to my (backup) Secret Santa! Just received this amazing miniature of Gollum made by none other than Weta Workshop. I loved the message, made us all smile here! We are huge LOTR fans in our house. Thank you to Michael as well.

The detail on this is truly amazing, just look at how the light comes though the ears!!!

Thanks again!

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