300 Persian Immortal

Wookiee stuff just keeps getting in the way which is a good thing!

I have all the armour pieces cut out and materials sourced, just a matter of knuckling down and putting it all together.

My target for completion for this project is end Feb 2012 (Heroes & Legends Con in Belfast), gives me a realistic timeframe to get it done. Pics to follow.
Managed to knock together a near complete costume for a Con in Belfast!
The mask and swords are Neca, the armour is made from sintra, the shoulders, armour panels and jacket are made from 9oz leather. The swords are ridiculously heavy, they tend to pull the leather parts back too much.
Other than that, I'm very happy so far! Very comfy costume to wear and easy to get in and out of.

Still a few bits to do!
-Mould and cast latex feet
-Add some leather extensions to the shoulder bells, need to be bigger
-Mould and cast my own mask
-Make lighter copies of the swords






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