32" Millenium Falcon V.2

this is going to be great and is already coming together, but who could expect anything less, your models are amazing!
Looks great! What are those parts in the upper mandible, far left? They are located below the F1 engine and to the left of the POW part? Also, that grey hook part that is near these parts.

Been searching for those for a loooong time!!!
Hi Julien

Just thinking that there's a part missing on your set up of the port mandible,..you probably know what the real part is, but I think it looks close to part A3 of the Leichter 222...some sort of hatch/ peephole thing... It's the part marked with the red arrow..
BTW, do you know the green arrow part..?


Hope it helps...prolly not..


Darn....right kit wrong part...on the right track though..:lol
Thanks for the nelson part help Julien,..

No worries. I have a spare one of these now, so let me know if you need it.

Don't suppose you've figured out what these parts are?

It's good to see how the sidewalls look with all these newly found parts on them. Still so many kits I need to pick up before I can get to this point.
Looks great!!

Is there any chance that you might spill some silicon on those sidewalls?

That's been the big deterrent for me on building a falcon. The fear that I'd never be able to track down the parts needed to kitbash the sidewalls.
