Limited Run 5' Millennium Falcon Rarities Castings and Vintage Koolshade -- Limited to 10 Sets

On May 5 these molds will also go up for sale, so if you're interested in having the ability to cast a whole lot of greeblies for Y-Wings and Millennium Falcons and other ANH Star Wars stuff, make me an offer. I'll consider all offers between now and May 5. Some of these molds are six years old and well used, some of them are six days old. Most of them were made by me, but some of the older ones were made by Dave Goldberg. But if they are in the collection, at least some or all parts of them are still usable. (As molds wear out, I've discarded all the truly "junked" ones already, so this collection is simply what's left that are still completely or partially usable.) Some are two-part molds, most are one-part.



May the 4th Be With You.

This project reaches total conclusion and shut-down with no possibility of resurrection within 24 hours. One set left.
Anyone still waiting on Millennium Falcon rare greeblies from the last casting run (that ended in May), these are being produced and are about one-third shipped out, with the other two-thirds of the orders still to go. Thanks for your patience. We are getting 2-part molds made for the complex pieces by a master craftsman in the Hollywood FX industry, and these will be worth the wait. Meanwhile, there is very little Koolshade left, very little Holgate & Reynolds original brick pattern left, but if you're looking for scraps or just one or two little things, I may be able to provide them.
1-2 sets of these still available, with vintage Koolshade for engine vents and cockpit tube and upper walkways. PM me if interested, this summer/fall is the very last I'll be offering these pieces.