I agree with everything Ry said. But I will re-iterate some exceptionally-cogent points and add a few awesome points of my own
-You do NOT want the board management exercising MORE control over its members. They already have some very odd "rules" here that border on "Big Brother".
Infraction points anyone? MORE government is NEVER better. Do some of you people actually LIVE in the US??? The government getting involved in private business has worked out just GREAT, hasn't it... :confused
-The mods are unpaid and probably don't want to spend more MORE of their personal life monitoring
your personal transactions. It simply isn't their job and you shouldn't expect them to do so.
-The "major" dealers on this forum have been here for many years (Ry and I have been around since the mid-1980's, and there are others with 10+ year histories here). If you don't know who you are buying from, then do some research.
"Anyone here buy from mister XXXX???" "How have his deliveries been running?" "Is he trust-worthy?"
If a new customer contacts me and asks "Are you legit?" (and they have)
I tell them to GOOGLE me. slam dunk. 'Nuff said.
If you DON'T know (or trust) someone who is selling something, and you CAN'T get enough feedback from other customers to make you feel comfortable about your pending transaction...DO NOT BUY FROM THEM.
Some dealers have projects that go into the high-thousands of dollars to produce and manage. Multiple subcontractors, machining, resin casting, laser-etching, pad-printing, etc. All of that takes a long time to do. Some of my projects take 4 or 5 months (or more) to complete. I send a monthly update to my personal mailing list. I don't (generally) post upadates here.
Crap happens, delays occur, things get goofed up (my shop recently made one of the parts for the UTs incorrectly and had to do them all over again). When humans are involved... stupid, unexpected, and unfortunate things happen. Expect it. Plan on it.
I often don't hear from a sucontractor for 6 to 8 weeks, but I trust that they are doing their appointed job, because I have worked with them in the past. If I don't trust them, I don't HIRE them and I certainly don't pay them a bunch of money up-front! (Which I DO).
In summary:
1) To demand that weekly updates be manditory is unrealistic and it simply won't work for a ton of reasons. (some have been stated here and some haven't.)
2) Don't buy if you don't trust. Period.
3) Don't trust "Newbies". People have to prove themselves before they can earn your trust (and your money). That is exactly how it works in the "real world" Why doesn't that follow here???
I have found that many times people post ONE picture of an item...it looks great...a bunch of people buy it and then everyone finds out that they are scammers (or at least... "exaggerators") or their stuff turns out to look like it was sculpted out of pla-doh by a retarded monkey.
Have you people not learned ANYTHING from this experience?
"Those who do not learn from the past are doomed to repeat it."
4) If you are someone who needs your "hand held" to the point that you need a weekly update, you won't be buying too much from many people here, because they will not accept orders from you (or they will leave the board and mine their personal mailing lists, leaving you behind). asking someone to post a weekly "nothing new to report" is silly and a waste of time and IT WILL die out, as people will get tired of it and simply will NOT follow through after a while.
5) The statement "don't sell what you don't have" is simply unrealistic. If that was made a "stone rule" here, 80% of the on-going projects will leave the board...that is a
fact. Very few dealers have $10,000 to pay in advance to fund a project, hoping that (just maybe) people will actually follow-through and buy what they say they will.
I can list you many dealers here who do NOT follow the above rule and their system has been working for 5...10...15 years JUST FINE. They have proven over and over that you CAN sell what you
don't have, and it has worked great!
6) On the inverse, I can tell you from personal experience, the "flake factor" on this board is extremely high (and getting worse every day) and most "customers" will leave you stuck and never even give you the courtesy of returning a single communication.
If you don't believe me...read THIS:
There ya go.
Umph! (Jumps off soapbox...)