A proposal for those that do a "run". Thoughts?

As I am in the process of starting a run here, I am totally down with the idea of a weekly update, given that I actually have something to say. A post along the lines of "silicone is curing folks!" just seems a little pointless to me.
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Sure, that's all I'm sayin' man.

Besides, like I said. We as builders lead by reputation. Keep your nose clean and provide good stuff and you'll last. Screw people over and you're outta here anyway.

You can't regulate, peace of mind and I believe that's what funky is looking for here.

Sure, it starts with update guidlines and then the next guy wants limits on deposits, etc. etc until you regulate the talent right out the door.

The system just isn't broken. There are good guys and bad guys. Be an educated consumer and know what you're getting when you buy.


Rylo well said, as always communication...

I too don't believe 'rules' of all sorts need to be implemented across the board, but rather just better communication on a one to one basis between the buyer and seller before they enter an agreement to do business with each other... If the buyer and seller agree to a set of 'rules' cool but they shouldn't be forced to IMO...
Yeah' man. When it shoots fire or has about 15 large in engineering alone behind it, tell me all about it. :rolleyes

Not all runs are created equal...Apples and oranges in this market my friend.

As I am in the process of starting a run here, I am totally down with the idea of a weekly update.
I agree. Sellers should be required to post at least once every 1 or 2 weeks, even if they have nothing to say. If they don't want to abide by this, then they should be blocked from selling in the Junkyard. Very simple.

As for the people who say that real life can sometimes intrude into a run, I could really care less what kind of troubles you are having. If you took my money, then you are responsible to finishing what you agreed to no matter what. If you have a real world job and a someone really close to you dies, you may get 3 days off if your lucky, but you don't get to take couple of weeks, like what happens hear sometimes.

You would not be able to get away with a lot of the crap that goes on in the Junkyard in a real world job, you would be fired the first time you said you couldn't do something because you dog ate your homework.

You can be an educated buyer and only buy from people with great reps and still get burned by problems out of the control of the seller. If the seller is having problems with his source, he needs to be up front about it and let you know what is going on. This still comes back to just once a week saying here is an update, even if you have nothing to say.

If you have time to get on the RPF to push your next sale in the Junkyard or go on the OT Forum and BS with your buddies, you have time to make a post in your sales thread.
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The problem with that statement is, this isn't a "real world job" for a guy doing a small run of something. Listen, I'm not against updates, but there is a big difference between a hobbiest and a licensed dealer like MR. One is doing it for little to no profit just to be a part of a sharing community, the other because it's their livelyhood.

Also, demanding a refund on a project that does not meet a deadline is a little extreme IMHO. Some of my projects involve a good amount of research and artwork tweeking....and it has happened to me twice where I didn't get artwork adjustment feedback until AFTER I starting collecting funds to pay for the blank tees I just ordered. I felt that it was unfair to issue refunds because of a delay, but as a seller that really does value his rep here on the RPF, I did it.

I honestly think that we sometimes see a project go bad and assume that, at the first sight of delay, the one you're in on is headed the same way. One bad apple doesn't spoil the bunch. Realize that some sellers are not able to be online every single day...and that we (sellers) deal with plenty of "real world issues" when it comes to a project with 50+ people.

As for the people who say that real life can sometimes intrude into a run, I could really care less what kind of troubles you are having. If you took my money, then you are responsible to finishing what you agreed to no matter what. If you have a real world job and a someone really close to you dies, you may get 3 days off if your lucky, but you don't get to take couple of weeks, like what happens hear sometimes.

I'm sorry, but this attitude will completely ruin many potential projects. This is a community, not wal-mart. I care about the people here and I practice the "measure you give is the measure you get" approach. You don't think a seller gets 10-15 excuses for late payment on every project? Jeez man, I'd have been done a LONG time ago if I practiced your "tough ****, I want my stuff now" approach :(

I agree with everything Ry said. But I will re-iterate some exceptionally-cogent points and add a few awesome points of my own :lol:

-You do NOT want the board management exercising MORE control over its members. They already have some very odd "rules" here that border on "Big Brother". Infraction points anyone? MORE government is NEVER better. Do some of you people actually LIVE in the US??? The government getting involved in private business has worked out just GREAT, hasn't it... :confused

-The mods are unpaid and probably don't want to spend more MORE of their personal life monitoring your personal transactions. It simply isn't their job and you shouldn't expect them to do so.

-The "major" dealers on this forum have been here for many years (Ry and I have been around since the mid-1980's, and there are others with 10+ year histories here). If you don't know who you are buying from, then do some research.

"Anyone here buy from mister XXXX???" "How have his deliveries been running?" "Is he trust-worthy?"

If a new customer contacts me and asks "Are you legit?" (and they have)
I tell them to GOOGLE me. slam dunk. 'Nuff said.

If you DON'T know (or trust) someone who is selling something, and you CAN'T get enough feedback from other customers to make you feel comfortable about your pending transaction...DO NOT BUY FROM THEM.

Some dealers have projects that go into the high-thousands of dollars to produce and manage. Multiple subcontractors, machining, resin casting, laser-etching, pad-printing, etc. All of that takes a long time to do. Some of my projects take 4 or 5 months (or more) to complete. I send a monthly update to my personal mailing list. I don't (generally) post upadates here.

Crap happens, delays occur, things get goofed up (my shop recently made one of the parts for the UTs incorrectly and had to do them all over again). When humans are involved... stupid, unexpected, and unfortunate things happen. Expect it. Plan on it.

I often don't hear from a sucontractor for 6 to 8 weeks, but I trust that they are doing their appointed job, because I have worked with them in the past. If I don't trust them, I don't HIRE them and I certainly don't pay them a bunch of money up-front! (Which I DO).

In summary:

1) To demand that weekly updates be manditory is unrealistic and it simply won't work for a ton of reasons. (some have been stated here and some haven't.)

2) Don't buy if you don't trust. Period.

3) Don't trust "Newbies". People have to prove themselves before they can earn your trust (and your money). That is exactly how it works in the "real world" Why doesn't that follow here???

I have found that many times people post ONE picture of an item...it looks great...a bunch of people buy it and then everyone finds out that they are scammers (or at least... "exaggerators") or their stuff turns out to look like it was sculpted out of pla-doh by a retarded monkey.

Have you people not learned ANYTHING from this experience? "Those who do not learn from the past are doomed to repeat it."

4) If you are someone who needs your "hand held" to the point that you need a weekly update, you won't be buying too much from many people here, because they will not accept orders from you (or they will leave the board and mine their personal mailing lists, leaving you behind). asking someone to post a weekly "nothing new to report" is silly and a waste of time and IT WILL die out, as people will get tired of it and simply will NOT follow through after a while.

5) The statement "don't sell what you don't have" is simply unrealistic. If that was made a "stone rule" here, 80% of the on-going projects will leave the board...that is a fact. Very few dealers have $10,000 to pay in advance to fund a project, hoping that (just maybe) people will actually follow-through and buy what they say they will.

I can list you many dealers here who do NOT follow the above rule and their system has been working for 5...10...15 years JUST FINE. They have proven over and over that you CAN sell what you don't have, and it has worked great!

6) On the inverse, I can tell you from personal experience, the "flake factor" on this board is extremely high (and getting worse every day) and most "customers" will leave you stuck and never even give you the courtesy of returning a single communication.

If you don't believe me...read THIS:


There ya go.

Umph! (Jumps off soapbox...)
Uh-oh, soap box in sight... climbing, climbing... No, step down, don't do it! Too late...

I feel very passionately about entrepreneurial endeavors. So feel compelled to opine and hope I am not inserting foot and proceeding to choke. I really do try to stay out of opinion-based threads. Ah well, here goes.


A small run, a large run, a single one-off, an ebay auction... it's all business. And all business can be summed up as Service (with a capital S). It's small entrepreneurial businesses I'm talking about specifically here, and to survive, we must provide good Service. Know what happens when entrepreneurs don't deliver Service? They get Fired by their clients and they don't get to do business anymore because no one buys from them.

Consumers can get burned by bad sellers, and that sucks. I've been there and I am all about punishing sellers who burn you. However, sometimes all you can do to punish bad sellers is to shop with your feet and cry your message of bad review from the roof tops, warning others and eating your loss. Which also sucks to have to do but is a good thing too.

I am a super-small-time guy crankin' stuff out of his garage every month or so to fund my own prop projects, but I conduct things like any good and self sustaining business which means all I really do is provide Service, and that Service has to remain top notch in order to continue. I like doing my thing and doing it right.

I have read a lot about small business and learned much from small business owners, like Service, integrity, open communication, and quality. Want to know something else I've come to learn from successful entrepreneurs? Whether big or small or tiny, too much regulation from any authority usually just gets in the way and scares us off. Bye-bye Service, nice to have regulated you. As you storm out disgusted, don't let the door hit you where the... you know the rest.

I will close with saying I try to post updates on my threads as often as possible, and post personal updates where appropriate, which is cumbersome even on my tiny-scale. I do it because I appreciate such communication from sellers I do business with, but I don't demand it. I am sure that I am able to regularly and publicly update my small runs mostly because I have a day job where I sit at a computer for 8 hours and can take the time to do so. But if it came to it, I would not want someone micromanaging my business practices because I do a good job and someone else doesn’t. This may be going out a little far onto an ego-limb but... That’s an unfair competitive advantage for crappy Service providers.


Oh, and P.S. if you are a consumer - do your homework! Buying a car, a house, Cheetos with a coupon, or a movie prop, find out about who you are thinking of giving your hard earned money to before doing it! The person with the most knowledge always wins in negotiations and sales situations.
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I've found out the hardest of ways how not to do a run, and it paid off down the road for me. Wish it had for the buyers.:(

Needless to say, supportive communications are the key.
Honest posts work wonders, as does honest feedback.
Talking to each other in the cornerstone of what we do here.
While I agree completely with what's being said, I'd like to go a step further and suggest a solid set of guidelines for sellers AND buyers.

Nothing in stone, but something more than what's currently in place.
I have "thoughts" on the matter - and given the opportunity (& the Time) I'll post in a week (or so...):lol

Meanwhile, I'd like to Thank those who have dealt with me & the Many unforeseen circumstances that We (together) endure when realizing my products & creations!

On occasion, I ask for Full Pre-payments - Before - I do Anything at all.
This makes it possible for me to offer my creations for an Insane discount, often times - for pennies above My production costs!

If I should fail (which Never happens!) I'm ready to refund All monies.
My reputation for quality & delivery is Pristine. Only one person Ever wanted their money back (a misunderstanding) because he thought I included the actual C-57D kit.
(I make the accurate upper Dome & I wish I could find the kit (And Dome) for a mere $30!!!)

Being Late (with-in reason) & not posting every single week: Guilty (with an explination, your Honors)

Given these economic times - especially Now, the only way for me to offer anything as inexpensively as I do - is to share the creative process & All of it's expenses, ...the chief among those expenses is the Time it takes!

Again, my undying gratitude to those who believe in me & my work!
And remember - I didn't make my replicas - WE DID!

Oh! ...and regarding the once a week post: I vote - NO
(I'd rather Keep Working & post when I got something to show or say)

A final word or two on the subject & excuses for being Late:
"**** Happens", ...from the appropriately titled film Risky Business (1983)
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I'm sorry, but this attitude will completely ruin many potential projects. This is a community, not wal-mart. I care about the people here and I practice the "measure you give is the measure you get" approach. You don't think a seller gets 10-15 excuses for late payment on every project? Jeez man, I'd have been done a LONG time ago if I practiced your "tough ****, I want my stuff now" approach :(


I'm not talking about interest runs or where you don't pay until it is ready to ship. I'm also not talking about I want my stuff now crap. I'm talking about when you take money up front, then I want some updates on what is happening.

It may be a communitry, but the minute you take money from someone, you make it a business. Once you take money, you have an obligation to keep your customers updated. If you don't think so, then maybe you shouldn't be selling in the first place.

I have never had a problem with anyone on this board with any purchase I have ever made. The main reason for this is that I only buy from people with long track records of coming through with what they say they will. So far, every one of them has kept the buyers up to date on what is going on.

But, I have seen a number of threads in the junkyard where once the seller has the money, he does not communicate again until he is ready to ship the product out even when people are asking for updates.
Wow! Some good stuff here and all of you have very valid points, several of which I clearly had not considered. At the very least this thread can serve as shedding some light on both buyer and seller's side. At least for me, this has been educational. I appreciate everybody's feedback and I agree. Let's just leave well enough alone.
Also one thing to keep in mind is that everyone has a different level of tolerance for how long they are willing to wait for an update. Some will ask every week, some won't ask at all. Posting updates also then requires that you spend the time to explain why the delay, answer more questions, then get more questions etc. That could conceivably take even more time then just answering the odd email about progress.

I think the bottom line for instilling confidence in the buyers is that if they contact you with an update, reply asap. That way they know that they can contact you anytime. Then they won't feel a need to have so frequent updates because they'll trust you that it is getting done and that it takes a reasonable amount of time to get it done.

Let alone getting the mods involved (and they don't really need even more put on their plate since it is between the buyer and seller) I think even the reporting of progress of a run in some detail can open up the maker to potential trouble.

But if you accept money from anyone, please please provide a reasonable time-line for completion, or provide a minimum and maximum time it could take so at least the buyer has some idea of when to start asking about progress. It saves everyone so much time and hassle.
Having just finished 2 prop runs (Hobbes dolls) and producing many shirt runs, I look at it this way...

I feel a moral obligation to let someone know where I'm at just out of simple respect. You give me hard earned money on good faith, it's OWED back in return in the form of communication.

If you have time to set up a thread, accept payments, keep a list, then you can make regular posts as to what's happening.

Simple as that.

I feel good about it, I can sleep at night, and everyone I've ever dealt with here has been super understanding on the rare occasion when a delay has occurred.

An RPF controlled rule? Not a good idea in my book. Many have stated why already. A moral rule? Yes.
A rule? Not needed and requires a lot of time to enforce. Besides, if someone's trying to make off with the cash, having them banned isn't going to hinder that process.

Good communication is necessary, and anyone who treats this like a business should know that. Poor communication will rapidly leave a seller on a black list, which would be the same result as if it were a rule anyway.
I'm not talking about interest runs or where you don't pay until it is ready to ship.
I wasn't either.

I'm also not talking about I want my stuff now crap. I'm talking about when you take money up front, then I want some updates on what is happening.
Your quote below rubs me, as a seller of many many items since I joined the prop forums in the early 1990's, the wrong way:

As for the people who say that real life can sometimes intrude into a run, I could really care less what kind of troubles you are having. If you took my money, then you are responsible to finishing what you agreed to no matter what. If you have a real world job and a someone really close to you dies, you may get 3 days off if your lucky, but you don't get to take couple of weeks, like what happens hear sometimes.
I feel sorry for you if your employer is that heartless. I don't look at my customers (and the people I'm buying from) the same as my full-time job associates.
Do I take it seriously? HELL YES. I give my customers LOTS of slack, and when I receive it in return, I'm VERY grateful.

It may be a communitry, but the minute you take money from someone, you make it a business. Once you take money, you have an obligation to keep your customers updated. If you don't think so, then maybe you shouldn't be selling in the first place.
I've probably done over 100 some odd projects here, and I've been the buyer in more then that. I speak from experience on BOTH sides of the coin...so for you to throw the "maybe you shouldn't be selling" line at me is also pretty disrespectful.

I have never had a problem with anyone on this board with any purchase I have ever made. The main reason for this is that I only buy from people with long track records of coming through with what they say they will. So far, every one of them has kept the buyers up to date on what is going on.
Not me. If I don't know the guy and he's got a $15 resin trinket, I'll go for it. That's part of "community". Give the guy the chance to build a reputation.

Ok, my bottom line is this:

Until you've put up 100's or 1000's of dollars of your OWN money, give your local area RPF seller a tiny bit more slack. That's all I'm asking :)

I'm all for updates. I agree that updates go a long way...but please, PLEASE people....don't linch the sellers if things don't go EXACTLY how you personally would see perfect. As it has been said, everybody has a different opinion on what is adequate when it comes to updates.

Finally, if you want to know what a good many regular project organizers here feel.....re-read SDStudios post above. It could not possibly be stated better. :):thumbsup

I've read this thread through and given the ideas on either side, it seems the only solution is no solution. There are good sellers and bad sellers, and no amount of regulation is going to change that.

If you're a good seller, one way or another, you'll keep your customers informed.

That said, there is the pont of this vs your "real job". If you've accepted monies for product or service, it IS a real job. If you can't approach it from that point of view, perhaps you shouldn't do it. "Doing it the right way", and all that...

I'm sure there are some who are satisfied to throw their money at a seller and say "Whenever...", but others may want more frequent feedback or progress reports. It's up to you to determine the tolerances of your customers, both the "I'll wait" crew and the antsy "I want it now" bunch. They both gave you money just the same.
That's it - I'm writing the Pope to suggest that 'Ss' be nominated for Sainthood. (Well Writ, Sir!!!)
And thanx FJ for Hostin' this Postin'!
That's it - I'm writing the Pope to suggest that 'Ss' be nominated for Sainthood. (Well Writ, Sir!!!)
And thanx FJ for Hostin' this Postin'!

I appreciate the compliments, but when it comes to project runs and sellers that "paved the way", the real kudos go to guys like SD, Ry and bobadebt. These guys know what it is like to put up serious cash time and time again.

They have more experience with deals involving multiple vendors, delays, labor difficulties....ok, that last one was a Lando quote, but you get my meaning ;)

A little personal story...one of my biggest projects ever was my first run of Jayne "troublemaker" tees. I wanted them to be DEAD ON accurate since I was fortunate enough to get the actual screen used artwork. I had ringer shirts custom dyed yellow, had the artwork heat transferred like the originals etc etc. I ran into EVERY friggin snag I could. Everything that could take 3 tries did, and it took for-EVER to get them done. Sometimes I was good with updates, other times not. The project took so long I honestly couldn't get to everyone on every forum to post often enough. The project was finally done, and I lost a handfull of customers along the way.....but the people here on the RPF were AWESOME. Despite delays in communication I never had one person back out on their order.

When I have a project run long, in the end, I always, ALWAYS have a couple people say "worth the wait man". My communication isn't always 100%, but the product I deliver in the end has every bit of my heart and energy in it to make sure it's the most accurate, highest quality product I could deliver to my customers. And, dammit, that's good enough for me. :)

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