Actors referencing their previous roles...

In that venerable classic of cinema Piranha 3D, Richard Dreyfuss does a cameo essentially as Matt Hooper signing "Show Me the Way To Go Home" while fishing. Graciously, he dies in the scene.
Invasion of the Body Snatchers. Kevin McCarthy was the old lunatic running through traffic and screaming that they're coming. At the end of the original film he was last seen running through traffic screaming that they were coming
Also in tapeheads the guy arresting them who says "remember what we did to Jello Biafra?" is actually Jello Biafra ( ala Dead Kennedy's and the PMRC nonsense)
The exchange between Alan Shore (James Spader) and Denny Crane (William Shatner) on "Boston Legal":

Alan Shore: "This book? The Stain Upon the Sea? It's all about these sea lice."

Denny Crane: "Interesting."

Alan Shore: "They call them cling-ons."

Denny Crane: "Did you say Klingons?"

For the win: The Stakeout. Richard Dreyfuss and Emilio Estivez playing movie trivia. "This was no boating accident..." Richard has no idea.

Chris Lecce: [Chris and Bill are whiling away the time playing trivia questions] Okay, I got one, name the 16th President
Bill Reimers: I don't know
Chris Lecce: Here's a hint...
Bill Reimers: Abraham Lincoln.
Bill Reimers: [His questions are identifying quotes] Okay, "This was no boating accident!"
Chris Lecce: No idea
Bill Reimers: Man, you suck at this
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Just remembered another favourite.

Hot Shots part deux. Charlie Sheen is basically doing a Rambo parody, but on the boat scene he starts channeling Martin Sheen from Apocalypse Now.

A few seconds in, Martin's voice takes over, then we actually see Martin Sheen in costume on a passing boat.

As they pass they point at each other and say "I loved you in Wall Street!"
The exchange between Alan Shore (James Spader) and Denny Crane (William Shatner) on "Boston Legal":

Alan Shore: "This book? The Stain Upon the Sea? It's all about these sea lice."

Denny Crane: "Interesting."

Alan Shore: "They call them cling-ons."

Denny Crane: "Did you say Klingons?"


Also in several episodes of that show Shatner opens his flip phone and it makes the Star trek communicator chirp. A few times it actually happens in front of other Trek alumns and always followed by a pause where they give him a long look of exasperation.


Another one I liked is in Stargate, several times during the series the cast make a point of saying they are going to MacGuyver something together in front of Richard Dean Anderson on screen. I always got the feeling it was unscripted.
In that venerable classic of cinema Piranha 3D, Richard Dreyfuss does a cameo essentially as Matt Hooper signing "Show Me the Way To Go Home" while fishing. Graciously, he dies in the scene.
Also, his character's name was Matt Boyd, and he was drinking Amity Beer (an obvious reference to Amity Island in Jaws).

For the win: The Stakeout. Richard Dreyfuss and Emilio Estivez playing movie trivia. "This was no boating accident..." Richard has no idea.

Chris Lecce: [Chris and Bill are whiling away the time playing trivia questions] Okay, I got one, name the 16th President
Bill Reimers: I don't know
Chris Lecce: Here's a hint...
Bill Reimers: Abraham Lincoln.
Bill Reimers: [His questions are identifying quotes] Okay, "This was no boating accident!"
Chris Lecce: No idea
Bill Reimers: Man, you suck at this
I saw that movie when it was released in 1987, and I was the only person in the theater who laughed at that exchange. No one else got the joke, including the friend I went with who is usually right on top of inside jokes like this. :facepalm
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No one else got the joke, including the friend I went with who is usually right on top of inside jokes like this. :facepalm

It's more like an Easter egg, You are not supposed to get it. In contrast, William Shatner has gone on to do great television but he will always be Kirk. He is a living Allusion and he has made it work.
Another good bit from "Last Action Hero" - the kid warns Arnold not to trust his partner, played by F. Murray Abraham, because "he killed Mozart!" (Abraham played Salieri in "Amadeus.")

Of course Arnold's response was "Who's Moe Zart?" which is kind of funny, given that Arnold and Mozart are both Austrian...
One of my favorite scenes of self parody was when Damon and Affleck were working on Goodwill Hunting 2: Hunting season in "jay and silent bob strike back.

The shots of Gus Van Sant counting money was priceless
One of my favorite scenes of self parody was when Damon and Affleck were working on Goodwill Hunting 2: Hunting season in "jay and silent bob strike back.

The shots of Gus Van Sant counting money was priceless

Yeah, and the whole "Affleck was the bomb in Phantoms" thing too.
This is kind of off the wall... (comedy after all)-

The Cannonball Run (coast to coast "illegal" race movie with Burt Reynolds and Dom Deluise)---

Roger Moore (famous for playing James Bond), plays a rich family's son, Seymour Goldfarb, Jr, who constantly refers to himself as Roger Moore in the movie, and acts like James Bond (he enters the race with an Aston Martin DB5, complete with rotating license plates and a smokescreen).

It's more like an Easter egg, You are not supposed to get it...
I agree that exchange of dialogue was more like an Easter Egg, but if you weren't supposed to get it they wouldn't have included it in the movie.

By the way, Richard Dreyfuss is currently in a horrible sitcom called Your Family or Mine, and his character's wife is played by JoBeth Williams. In one of the episodes the movie Jaws entered into the conversation, and when Williams' character commented that she'd never seen it Dreyfuss' character replied, "Neither did I."
Yeah, I have the same feeling. Like in Scream the kids are all watching the first Halloween movie. Then in Halloween: H20, they play Scream 2. So, in Scream, Halloween is just a movie. But in Halloween... Scream is just a movie.... so how can a universe that Halloween is just a movie appear in a universe that Scream is just a... ah screw it. It makes my head hurt!

You would hate the recap episode of Martian Successor Nadesico, then. Many of the characters in the show watch an in-universe show called Gekigangar. The recap episode is the Gekigangar characters watching Nadesico. Until you get to the end, where you find out that
the entire episode was the Nadesico characters watching Gekigangar watching Nadesico
. It was awesome.
The Doctor watches eastenders, but never comments when an eastenders actress turns up to play a different part in his show.