Alien: Covenant (Prometheus Sequel)

im ashamed to say i will probably watch this because i am starved for any kind of science fiction in the theatre.

That's actually the only reason I can think of too. I've still undecided. It's bound to LOOK good at any rate, but do I want to give RS my $?
Well, Fox Home Entertainment released ALIEN and ALIENS on BluRay with digital codes that work with iTunes (YAY!) and each came with a $7.50 ticket to Covenant. So there I go. I support two fantastic movies, get them added to my library and I won't have to pay much for seeing Covenant.
To each their own. For me, the only thing more infuriating that watching the film was the realization that I paid to see this film in the theater.
Suspicion and terror were missed. The monster must be confused with the darkness and see only with a lightning light between the structures, move like a threatening spectrum, make his breath feel unseen, stretch the skeletal hand to grab someone in the dark, otherwise it becomes like any normal animal Fierce, a bear, a lion. A monster must be much more disturbing and mystical than an animal. Would I have done better to myself? With the means available to Riddley, I probably will, because I understand these things. Jokes apart, maybe James Cameron would do better.
I think you're missing Ridley's point.

He has said in multiple recent interviews that he realises the xeno isn't really scary anymore...we've all been so over exposed to it.

His thought was to give us something new to be frightened of....namely David.

I personally liked that this installment wasn't focused so much on the xenos--though they were there--but more on David and his maniacal drive to perfect his creation. The way he is willing to sacrifice 2000 innocent souls in order to advance his pet project is truly terrifying to me.
Ok, story is good, but I think it was necessary to create more terror with the monster, because this did not detract from the meaning of the story centered on David; indeed, he would only reiterate David's terrifying work.
Dear God, Man! Haven't you anything more important to do like: watch paint dry, get a prostate exam, a vasectomy, perhaps a root canal?

You have my sympathy.


Ha, I've done at least one of those! But at least I've managed to still not see the Ghostbusters reboot. I think that gives me at least a little leeway in seeing this franchise-lessening installment. Either way I'll be sure to go in with paper bags at the ready. I might bring my Pulse Rifle.
Bring a pillow I almost fell asleep a couple of times

There was a point where I was actually contemplating leaving and seeing if I could have my ticket swapped to just go see GOTG again. Like a bout with stomach flu, I rode it through to it's bitter, explosive end.
There was a point where I was actually contemplating leaving and seeing if I could have my ticket swapped to just go see GOTG again. Like a bout with stomach flu, I rode it through to it's bitter, explosive end.

I actually contemplated that too, before buying tickets. Should I pay for this, knowing that I am against several ideas it contains or should I go see the most entertaining movie I've ever seen a fourth time instead? If I were going alone, the latter would have won out.
I think you're missing Ridley's point.

He has said in multiple recent interviews that he realises the xeno isn't really scary anymore...we've all been so over exposed to it.

His thought was to give us something new to be frightened of....namely David.

I personally liked that this installment wasn't focused so much on the xenos--though they were there--but more on David and his maniacal drive to perfect his creation. The way he is willing to sacrifice 2000 innocent souls in order to advance his pet project is truly terrifying to me.

Then the name of the movie should be, "David". But, it's, "Alien", and they completely ruined the "Alien" by breaking rule number one and robbing it of its mystery and mystique and reducing it to a science project for a robot with issues. And, why is it in these movies we only send morons of the highest order into space? Yes. Let's visit an alien planet and not wear our space suits, because that's smart and we're "courageous" settlers starting a new life....without brains. The ONLY enjoyable thing was watching these characters get knocked off. Nature knows best. Stop "stupid" early. Don't wear your suit on alien world? Here's your sign. Time to go.

It pretty much played out exactly as my worst fears for it thought it would. Dumb, predictable, boring, and nothing remotely resembling frightening. It telegraphed EVERY punch so badly that events were obvious minutes or more before they happened. Just god awful. The only "scary" thing here was that someone green lit this "story". It staggers reason to know people signed off on this mess. So sad. Alien could've been great under proper stewardship. It's dead now. If you go to see, you may as well leave flowers on your way out.
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