Aliens Pepakura M41-A Pulse Rifle

PFC Hudson

New Member
Intro: I want to first state off that this is not 150% exact. I made this with the only .pdo file I could find. The model was way different so I tried my best to fix it to look like the one in the movie and game. Also, this is my first post on the website and I just joined so hello RPF commuinity! Enjoy! :)

Status: Ok at the moment I have created, coated with primer, and painted the Pulse Rifle. I am now working on details and moveable parts.


The M41-A Pulse Rifle coated with plaster cloth.


The M41-A Pulse Rifle coated with primer.


The M41-A Pulse Rifle with a coat of paint.
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Re: Pepakura M41-A Pulse Rifle

Thanks! I plan on painting the Pulse Rifle this weekend and nice Iron Man build!
Ok guys! I added some more photos and a little more of a description. Now I'm gonna work on the grip, clip, and bolt. Each part will hopefully be able to move when I'm done.