Anh Star Destroyer Devestator Parts Map

Also 28 but I believe the current issue kit has been retooled so only a vintage model will supply the correct parts.

The Morser Karl is a possibility for #28 as well, thoughts? I know that there was talk that the MK was released after ANH but before TESB, but I also know that the Devastator saw some additions between the two films.
Yes some railgun parts were added after ANH (for the ESB "refit") but as far as I know #28 is from the (vintage only) Hasegawa Yamato/Musashi. Sadly, those kits have become rare and very expensive.
#6 is not the old Revell Missouri! It is the AMT Chevy Titan 90.
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Just to close the book on one of the original posts in this thread, in the section labeled "Upper Structure Portside Rear":

#9 is from the Airfix 1:72 Shooting Star
#11 doesn't really point to anything, the thin line is the side of the superstructure build. The part directly under the line, mounted to the side of the superstructure is from the Tamiya 1:12 MacLaren M23
#12 is from the AMT 1:25 White Freightliner (the same part appears again behind part #3 in the image)

See below, the image that was originally attached to the post (with one addition in yellow, by me):


As mentioned earlier in this thread as well, the small part attached to #33 is from the Italeri 1:32 BM-13 "KATYUSHA":
Did we ever figure out these pipe-type things on the back of the neck? Part of an axel maybe?

Thanks for that Eric!

My Missouri turrets aren't quite a match, is yours from the original tooling? I might have the more recent retool:


That's funny, I thought I checked the 312b but I'll look again - thanks again Eric!


This must be it(?):


Funny, it wasn't what I was picturing. I thought that it was symmetrical with the claws/circular cutout at both ends, which is why I couldn't find it. :)

Post updated:

Thanks again for your help! The main turret is just about complete, although #13 is still up for some debate. I have to say that this is pretty remarkable, and a testament to the collaborative spirit that has kept this thread going after all of these years.
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Here's a WIP top ortho render of some of my work on the Devastator:


It's based on in-hand original kit parts measurements and on the photogrammetry work that I did with photographs of the original studio model. Still lots to do and tweak and I'm sure that we could quibble over some of the details, but I'm fairly confident about the overall hull shape and proportions. Obviously mine is symmetrical whereas the original is not (no huge gaping hole on the left, etc.), but you get the idea.

More to come.
Nice work! :) This ship might not *seem* that complicated (at least at first glance), but it's surprisingly difficult to recreate accurately. All those angles can be a HUGE challenge to figure out. I wish I had photogrammetry data when I was making patterns for my replica! Or, even a couple overall measurements would have helped tremendously. Even having all the kit parts in hand will only get you so far. You still have to figure out things like the overall hull length, width, angle, etc. It's a big challenge to be sure!
Thank you, agreed! It wasn't until I was able to put together the photogrammetry stuff that I was able to get a clear look at the over length and the angles - even with the kit parts some of my original superstructure measurements were wrong. :)