Anovos Kylo Ren Helmet!!!

Holy crap, the helmet looks really fine - can't wait for mine to arrive. Anovos doesn't seem to be able to capture decent photos for their product pages, because the wondercon pictures are absolutely amazing. Apart from the usual trash talk from the Sith Lord Detachment, I think everyone's pleasantly surprised how good and accurate their costumes and helmets look in person. I can only repeat what joshvanrad said.
If the recent rumors of Anovos involvement with the next SW movies turns out to be true, then people can once and for all stop whining about their output.
Where are all the pics of this Anovos helmet???? I thought the thread would be flooded with detailed pics of the production helmet by now, especially from you guys who were able to see and touch the thing!

I saw this helmet in person at the con and it's a perfect size! The full cushioning inside is very cool too. It looks so good. Can't wait to get mine! :) I'll post the pics i took when i get home.
is it heavy?

Didn't feel that much heavier then the Black Series.

The pics i took of it





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I saw it in person, held it in my hands....guys this thing is the BOMB!
It's a perfect 1:1 scale replica of the actual screen used helmet and they did a phenomenal job with it.
I - Want - One!
To those that want to consider my post an endorsement of this helmet, by all means... go ahead and take it as such.

I saw it in person, held it in my hands....guys this thing is the BOMB!
It's a perfect 1:1 scale replica of the actual screen used helmet and they did a phenomenal job with it.
I - Want - One!
To those that want to consider my post an endorsement of this helmet, by all means... go ahead and take it as such.


that's great to know. Hopefully the final product will be even better.
that's great to know. Hopefully the final product will be even better.

That's obviously an Anovos question, but for me...honestly, I don't know how or where they'd need to improve it. It's pretty remarkable as it is already and as someone who produces large volumes of licensed merchandise, and have a reputation for improving or upgrading products from time to time, in this case I'm not sure it's even something that should be considered.
It's that good already. :)

It is very nice for the price. The only way it could be better is if they made it so that the face plate comes off like in the movie but sadly it doesn't.
Great, thanks! can't wait! (although I suspect we will)
You will not be disappointed when you see this in hand. I would've bought and taken one right then and there if i could lol. It actually looked a tad smaller then the black series helmet which is perfect for me.
Nvm... it's a significant step back from prototype. The chrome accent got a lot thicker with less variation of high and low spots (especially the left cheek) and the mouth pieces look like two completely different finishes. The thicknesses of mouth pieces make it look more cartoonish/CG as well. Talk all the **** you want about what I just said but it got "worse". Mine will most likely look better... say whatever you want about that too, but actions speak louder than words...
Nvm... it's a significant step back from prototype. The chrome accent got a lot thicker with less variation of high and low spots (especially the left cheek) and the mouth pieces look like two completely different finishes. The thicknesses of mouth pieces make it look more cartoonish/CG as well. Talk all the **** you want about what I just said but it got "worse". Mine will most likely look better... say whatever you want about that too, but actions speak louder than words...

what do you mean about the chrome accent?