Anyone notice there is like 50 million Iron Man threads

I'm sick of Iron Man and I have some Iron man projects in the works. I love it but I need an Iron Man break soon. I think that pepakura making Iron man easier to build for people contributed a lot to the influx of Iron Man projects this year. That said, I do have to impose on you a few more threads as these projects wrap up.
It's getting worse... 15 out of 30 threads in the costume forum, are now Iron Man related

You mean those on the first page? Well, the forums have more than one page to read through, and I am sure that it´s just new members pushing older IM threads to the front. So no, the world as we know it is not ending THAT soon...
Here's my pep helmet!
Here's my pep face plate!
Here's another pep helmet.
Yet another pepekura helmet!

I've done a few iron man threads so I haven't room to talk. I will be happy when it dies down though. The unique projects are interesting but the new pep project of the day threads get old. Just my opinion.

I'm Just ranting. Don't take me seriously.
Im just glad that there is not 3000000 obiwan saber emitter ect ect parts threads. There use to be so many. It will die down eventually and then everyone will start making batman 3 props and so on lol.
So is the story of the prop-makers' life. A new movie comes out and you deal with a good month or two of boards getting clogged by that particular theme.

Same thing happend with POTC, Batman Begins cowls, Spiderman I, II, & II suits, etc. etc....
If it's loved, it becomes the next big thing for everyone! I think they're called fads? :)

And like I always like to say... "this too, shall pass". (Unless you're TMP, an example of one of the good things that comes from "the influx" as I call it)
I have to agree I am burnt out on Iron Man. :wacko I believe the reason the Iron Man boom is bigger then Spidey boom; is for the simple fact that almost anyone can make their own suit. Where as to Spidey info on making a GOOD suit is so guarded it makes Vader seem like much less of a nightmare.
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This isn't even the first thread complaining about this. There's pretty much infinite real estate on the internet, fellas, and these things always come in waves. Roll with it; just click on the threads you're interested in (even if that means starting on page 2 of the costuming forum).
Iron Man, Iron Man, Iron Man... its crazy. They're even on the PREDATOR forums! GAWD! Go find your own forum! hahahaha

Just like before it, you couldn't look around on the forums without seeing 5 thousand Joker threads... or Captain Jack threads...
It was, and it should be thanked for launching a kazillion comic to film adaptations.

actually that thanks should go to the first X-men, which came 2 years before spiderman...

Actually that thanks should go to Batman which came 11 years before X-Men.

Unfortunately you could equally give credit to Batman and Robin killing the comic to film adaptations for years as well. :lol
