So without further delay . . . here's my recent lucky discovery and very huge revelation.
Hard black plastic vintage T-tracks from cupboards in United Kingdom :
Now what's so unique about these T-tracks?
Ever since it was suggested on that the black grips used for lightsabers in
ANH/ESB although their exact identity of the grip material had yet to be determined revelations
suggested the hard black plastic T-track might come from old cupboards with sliding doors . . .
sofar the best looking profile in black plastic had not been found and revealed . . . until now. On
the left GINO's replica . . . center Vintage T-tracks . . . and Roy's replica on the right :
T-tracks in profile :
Here again with Saberfreak's vintage brown plastic next to the vintage black plastic T-tracks :
Notice how there's no glue-channel in either of the vintage parts . . . and one side, left from the
center rib, is a bit thinner towards the edge :
Question : Do I claim these recently found black plastic vintage T-tracks to be the exact same parts used in the
making of the lightsabergrips for the movies?
Answer : No. While the profile looks okay ... the size is 11.5 mm for the bottom and the height 6.5 mm for the
center rib. And eventhough we know the same kind of T-tracks may have been used for the E-11 stormtrooper
blasters . . . after some inquiry I learned the hole sizes are 11 mm in real vintage E-11 guns, so it looks like the
T-tracks should be a bit wider than 11.5 mm im size, however I suppose that's an entirely different discussion :
(Picture Courtesy JKNO)
So are these vintage T-tracks coming from cupboards in the UK the closest thats we've ever come in regards to
material hard black plastic and profile? ... most certainly. Am I happy enough to put these on one of my vintage
flashguns? Absolutely