Are these the vintage T-tracks we've been looking for?

I think Todd is right though... I've seen exactly what he's talking about and you can even see it on the Vader MPP from the casino.

In any case, Roger Christanson in the Reddit thing recently said they were DRAFT EXCLUDERS from cars... not cupboard Tracks.

So who knows...
Indeed. So ... since I don't like to debate such minute details without proper pictures ... here's what I've found in my files about the Vader MPP previously from the Casino T-tracks, currently in private collection, now highlighted :





And here are some more close-ups of the grips on the Darth Vader ROTJ G R A F L E X T-tracks also highlighted :




Now keep in mind these are minute details we're trying to detect on pictures sometimes taken under poor quality lighting conditions
... having seen Todd's profile and read his research I can see how he came up to the conclusion of a-symmetry now ... whether it is fact
... still remains to be seen until we get a good close-ups of the T-tracks on that MPP bottom or the ROTJ G R A F L E X ... in the quality as
I took of all the profiles seen above.

That said these are just T-tracks based on one movie prop seen in ESB and ROTJ ... with 6 T-tracks. In ANH Vader had 7 ... so it's possible
he lost one on the way and these are still the same original T-tracks from 1976 . . . however likely . . . it's also my gut feeling that over the
years during the production of the OT T-tracks may have come from different sources. As for the comments made by Roger Christian . . .
I'd love to see the evidence ... he's made several contradicting arguments over the years in regards of the T-strips, as he calls them, and I
don't blame him for not being able to pin-point the exact source anymore, because he had far more on his plate back in 1976 to deal with
than just grips on lightsabers and was glad he found something that worked. So eventhough I found something close . . . the quest to find
the source of vintage T-tracks still remains and the truth is out there.

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Oh I agree. I was only pointing to Rogers statement to highlight the contradictions over the years.

We'll only know for sure when they're found and matched.
So what are these U-shaped thingies screwed onto the barrel? I've seen them on blasters at a few different exhibits. Any ideas, anyone?

Star Wars Blaster Props 5.jpg

Disney Trooper Blaster.JPG
I have no clue whatsoever U-tracks? ... Though I have noticed them too, I'm more into lightsabers and not that familiar with blasters ... so uncivilized ;)

For the ROTJ blaster's U-grips, I remember reading somewhere before (can't remember the source) that they were metal and, from a practical "we-need-it-yesterday" standpoint, my theory is that they're metal tubes cut in half with the edges ground down.
I'm a blaster guy and Imperial collector. The U-tracks are metal indeed. They could be made from tubes cut in half, but from some pics like below you might see that if you cut an o tube in half the result will not be quite like on the ROTJ E-11. Or maybe the 2 halves of the U-track are pressed together hard






It seems to full on the sides to be a tube cut in half. Seems more like a channel or for covering exposed wires, etc.

Something else to work on, I guess.
So without further delay . . . here's my recent lucky discovery and very huge revelation.

Hard black plastic vintage T-tracks from cupboards in United Kingdom :

Now what's so unique about these T-tracks?

Ever since it was suggested on that the black grips used for lightsabers in
ANH/ESB although their exact identity of the grip material had yet to be determined revelations
suggested the hard black plastic T-track might come from old cupboards with sliding doors . . .
sofar the best looking profile in black plastic had not been found and revealed . . . until now. On
the left GINO's replica . . . center Vintage T-tracks . . . and Roy's replica on the right :

T-tracks in profile :

Here again with Saberfreak's vintage brown plastic next to the vintage black plastic T-tracks :

Notice how there's no glue-channel in either of the vintage parts . . . and one side, left from the
center rib, is a bit thinner towards the edge :

Question : Do I claim these recently found black plastic vintage T-tracks to be the exact same parts used in the
making of the lightsabergrips for the movies?

Answer : No. While the profile looks okay ... the size is 11.5 mm for the bottom and the height 6.5 mm for the
center rib. And eventhough we know the same kind of T-tracks may have been used for the E-11 stormtrooper
blasters . . . after some inquiry I learned the hole sizes are 11 mm in real vintage E-11 guns, so it looks like the
T-tracks should be a bit wider than 11.5 mm im size, however I suppose that's an entirely different discussion :
(Picture Courtesy JKNO)

So are these vintage T-tracks coming from cupboards in the UK the closest thats we've ever come in regards to
material hard black plastic and profile? ... most certainly. Am I happy enough to put these on one of my vintage
flashguns? Absolutely :)


I'm not sure why this is a new revelation?
These real vintage black plastic grips were sold on the RPF years ago.
I have them on my E-11 already, I bought them to replace my brown ones from Saberfreak.
According to my e-mail records I bought them from RPF member Marv in November 2011.

They are very nice. Really close to the originals but the base is a little too narrow (which makes them fit better in a Sterling).
BTW - I stuck the ends in boiling water to heat them up and jammed them into the Sterling barrel holes. The plastic curls and bends just as it looks on the real props.

I'm pretty sure any aluminum grips made by Bapty are probably newer post-production to replace the missing parts for the collectors market.
Thanks for posting Chris, very much appreciated ... however you're mistaken ... these are not the same as sold by Marv! ... These were found in a shed on almost rotten 1970's cupboards and reckognized by the previous owner and taken down ... alas I don't have Marv's T-tracks but I did find a picture of his next to GINO's and Roy's, so you can see the center rib on Marv's T-track is much higher compared to mine and indeed the base is more narrow too at 11,5 mm and thus these would also fit better on an E-11 Blaster prop :

GINO - Roy - Marv :


GINO - Vintage - Roy :


So the profile on these vintage T-tracks is much closer to the replica's being sold today than Marv's :)

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Seriously....the difference between acceptable and cannon is point 5mm.

Also the top curve is mostly accepted as incorrect and the splay of angle is 90 degrees left.

***** people.....I love accuracy...but really???
Sorry man but this is RPF, we strive for accuracy, we dream of accuracy, we eat and drink accuracy ;)

I accept your apology.....;) You make the RPF sound like some kind of special club where the difference between accuracy and lunacy is .00005....:lol

The thread title is a tease to a redundant argument never to be why George Lucas called Disney white slavers, when his wife is black.
I accept your apology.....;) You make the RPF sound like some kind of special club where the difference between accuracy and lunacy is .00005....:lol

The thread title is a tease to a redundant argument never to be why George Lucas called Disney white slavers, when his wife is black.

You are way too new here to truly understand how wonderful and different this RPF special club is indeed :)
Thanks for posting Chris, very much appreciated ... however you're mistaken ... these are not the same as sold by Marv! ... These were found in a shed on almost rotten 1970's cupboards and reckognized by the previous owner and taken down ... alas I don't have Marv's T-tracks but I did find a picture of his next to GINO's and Roy's, so you can see the center rib on Marv's T-track is much higher compared to mine and indeed the base is more narrow too at 11,5 mm and thus these would also fit better on an E-11 Blaster prop

Thanks for the comparisons.
I noticed you didn't list Marv's in your collection and eyeballing the grips on my E-11 they looked about the same.
Yours look about the same width as Marv's, but have a more accurate ridge.
I think yours are probably the most accurate found part grips yet.
I think yours are probably the most accurate found part grips yet.

Thanks Chris, . . . my initial response when seeing the original auction was the same as yours . . . thinking those were Marv's grips . . . until I read the description fully and got in touch with the seller, who was kind enough to send me additional pictures ... so I could compare and notice that the ridge was indeed more accurate than Marv's. And you're right the width is probably about the same.

I was elated when the seller indeed had an extra set and was willing to negotiate a deal much to both our advantage :)

You are way too new here to truly understand how wonderful and different this RPF special club is indeed :) post and points are still valid wether you agree with them or not.....showing zero respect for 'new' people is not a positive way forward....this thread is about the accuracy and continued efforts to resolve the issue regarding the original t-tracks....My POV is that it's unsolvable on every me it's a waste of valuable replica prop building time...

You may agree or disagree., but don't play the 'I'm're a newbee and your contribution is not worthy'...all that does is drive people away.

I've added to the conversation and now I will move along...move along...