Assault Phaser: MiM Resin Cast

Thanks Tripper & FunkyJedi,

I stopped posting the progress for a bit thinking people were getting up in arms about it being a recast. As you said, I didn't know. And I wanted to make an effort to actually post an "in progress" thread to the board after being here all this time. So I just figured if anyone had a problem with my honest mistake, the Mods would let me know.

There are a couple more shots I'm going to post tonight and notes as well.

I was at MIM last month when I went to LA, I checked one of these out, it was pretty decent, and not that expensive

Yeah... that's what I thought as well. For the price and the given intel at the time, I could not NOT get it.

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<later that night...>


Much better blacks on these. Here's the dorsal view free of mold lines, sinks, and general unevenness. The red you see is Testor's red putty dust transferred from my hand from the workbench.


Grip backstrap. Again, what was marred by mold lines and pinholes is now whole and smooth. Here you see where I gave up at the magazine butt. I looked at all the time and work I put in so far and tried to convince myself I didn't need a hero prop.


Closer look at the magazine butt area. Upon seeing it painted, I can't live with it. Back to putty and sanding.

ADDITIONALLY: The nozzle is crap. Anyone make an aftermarket one?
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Bump! Many months later and the phaser languishes on my shelf awaiting a proper nozzle. No luck with Cmanium or anyone else!
Bump! Still looking for a nozzle!! Thanks in advance.

Or maybe time to get a 3D printer?
Thanks for the recommendation Chrisisall. I'd have turned one myself if the base wood hobby shop was still open (don't ask). But they're not, and as you said, the price of having a local shop do one starting from their own master or file would be prohibitive. I'd be better off buying a new complete kit from here north of $120.
I'd be better off buying a new complete kit from here north of $120.

So, this had no nozzel with it? Well, if you can wait 'till January, I could sell you a resin nozzle all chromed & coated pretty cheap... it should fit nicely...
I'm working on these now for my own new phasers.
I did come with a nozzle, but it's horrendous. Looks like the middle one in the background of your picture. The phaser is just languishing on the shelf awaiting a "good" nozzle and I was hoping to find the forum member that was selling machined ones a ways back. I'd be very interested in yours! What price range are we talking?
I'd be very interested in yours! What price range are we talking?

$20 plus shipping (and that's not much for something this small). I'm making bunch currently.

That one in the middle is a test nozzle that came from my first mould disaster.:angry
don't feel bad that its a recast. I got one from ebay and its in worse shape. this will be the 4th one and i think the last. ill post pics when i get the chance tomorrow or this weekend