audio modules


New Member
I used the search tool and came up with nothing.
Im looking for an audio module that is extremely tiny that I can load wav files onto.
The idea is when putting on an iron man helmet and closing the face plate, jarvis will say something inside the mask.
I have torn apart the toy darth vader mask (years ago) and found a small chip module that contained the wav files. It was about the size of a quarter. Something like this would be perfect for many other props should it be found or available.
The idea is to have a super small chip that simply plays a sound when the face plate closes and the eyes power up. It can be one wav file or several. But it has to fit inside the helmet while a person is wearing it.
Let me know if you have any ideas.
Thats outstanding! Thanks for that. I love being in a group of people that can see beyond the packaging of something.
You wouldnt beleive the greif I get on other forums when I talk about sourcing parts from other things to add to a car, motorcycle or even a quadcopter.

Now if I can only find a visible overlay for the eyes that looks like this (and is in focus)

Motorcycles now have super tiny (inside the helmet) hud displays but of course you cant change the imagery. So its of little use.

I hae been playing with optics from a HUD project for my car. I have a large assortment of lenses, perhaps I might be able to cook something up. Not animated of course, just a static overlay on the eyes with a focal distance a few feet away.
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I used the search tool and came up with nothing.
Im looking for an audio module that is extremely tiny that I can load wav files onto.
The idea is when putting on an iron man helmet and closing the face plate, jarvis will say something inside the mask.
I have torn apart the toy darth vader mask (years ago) and found a small chip module that contained the wav files. It was about the size of a quarter. Something like this would be perfect for many other props should it be found or available.
The idea is to have a super small chip that simply plays a sound when the face plate closes and the eyes power up. It can be one wav file or several. But it has to fit inside the helmet while a person is wearing it.
Let me know if you have any ideas.

Not sure if this is too big, it give you up to 200 seconds of sound. I use the five button
version in my builds that need sound. I used two in my Moebius B-9, here is the youtube video.
Hope this helps....$13 Sound Player.jpg
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Build-A-Bear workshops offer little sound chips they can insert into your teddy bear (I have 2 young daughters, don't judge :)) that have pre-recorded messages. I THINK they can also be customized to say whatever you want but not sure. Might be worth a look if all other avenues don't pan out.

Adafruit sells a few different versions of sound modules:
I plan on using this one in a ray-gun:

It's not super tiny, but small enough for most projects. They sell a smaller one without a connected amplifier.
It is dirt easy to use also, just load a few files and press one of the buttons. They have a full guide on using it.
Do any of these work with a Mac system? I bought something like one of these a few years ago but they are strictly Windows-based...