Averaged Symmetrical Trooper Helmet

I´d like to repeat my question, since I am really curious about the "obvious" differences you guys are praising...sorry for being ignorant :lol
Well there are many aspects the OT helmets compared to the R1 helmets that is different. For me, and as is for other purists and Die Hard Star Wars fans. the big difference is the overall shapes and silhouettes of the OT helmets compared to the R-1 or even the other symmetrical helmets that came before it. It's mostly all about the look and feel or Spirit as some may say of the OT helmets that newer symmetrical helmets do not capture. Such as the silhouette and overall shape of the helmet,the eyes or lenses how those are shaped and the mouth. How that is shaped. It really all comes down to how the shapes are formed on the helmet. I will try and see if I can find some Rogue one helmets that show a frontal view so I can compare the two but I haven't been able to find any as of yet. But as soon as I do I will post some images to compare side-by-side. Or maybe someone here may have some that could do it for you as well.
It's not a matter of details in fact, but of general shape, lines and dimensions. Things very hard to describe to be honest. You really need to have your eye trained to it to see the difference between a helmet true to the originals and one that doesn't.
One of the obvious differences to me between the R1 helmet and the original is the height of the frown (the reversed grey V) and the shape of the eyes. The frown is much more narrow on the R1 which makes it look less menacing and more like a Master Replica, and the eyes... something's off with them.

Here's a comparison between DynamicMenace's and R1:

You don't see it in this picture but the ears of the R1 helmet are also a lot different. They're almost vertically straight now.

Ah ha. Lol they you go. Right the ears are definitely different on this but as you can see the mouth, the lenses and overall shape and silhouette of the helmet is different. Such as the top or crown of the helmet. On the R1 it's more rounded rather than on the TS as you can see the sides and top of the crown are not as round they're just slightly rounded. Which gives it a slightly squared look. Also the bottom silhouette of the helmet , the cheek tubes. It is wider on the TS than the R1. Which is also evident on the OT helmets. But what clearly stands out to me after seeing these side-by-side comparisons now. The face of the R1 is more narrow than the TS and the OT.
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This is awesome, and in the same spirit as the Quasimodo line of vader helmets, please print a tooling master ans vac pull some for us! Since you obviously changed it more than 10percent, it should be legally ok....
Bravo, job well done. See its not too hard to make it symmetrical and still look like the OT helmets.:thumbsup

Much better looking then those skinny mouth, rounded eyes, inaccurate Rogue One helmets.
Hey, I was going to point out those rounded R1 eyes, but you beat me to it! But WOW, never noticed how rounded off the cap is on the R1 too.

Overall, the R1 appears wider, a bit like the Hero helmet too. I love Hero helmets, but the R1 doesn't do it for me at all.

Of everything that is the R1 Stormtrooper, the helmet is the LEAST offensive part!

Bravo, job well done. See its not too hard to make it symmetrical and still look like the OT helmets.:thumbsup

Much better looking then those skinny mouth, rounded eyes, inaccurate Rogue One helmets.
thanks so much everyone. really appreciate the response this has received.hopefully everyone will like the end results of the life size version :D
The thing with average symmetry is that it is neither left side, nor right side, it is both sides averaged. If one side is more squared and the other more rounded, the averaged symmetrical version will be the median of the two, so will neither be one nor the other. That's the big difference between mirrored symmetry and frankensteined symmetry, where it will actually be one over the other and not both of them, and then averaged symmetry. It will attack everything you know about the asymmetry and idiosyncrasies of the original helmets, but won't favor one detail over another. That's the beauty of averaged symmetry, which the filmmakers and propmakers doesn't seem to have grasped yet, is the fact that it retains THE FEEL of the original, which other symmetry options loses.

Mirrored symmetry always looks weird. It always has and always will. Frankensteined symmetry that takes bits and pieces of the best details on both sides, but ignoring the rest, is a bit more pleasing than mirrored symmetry, but it is still lacking because it still fails to incorporate all details, shapes and idiosyncrasies into the design. That's where averaged symmetry marvels. It will give you perfection that utilizes everything and gives you something that actually still looks like the original, but in a symmetric form.

I'm so glad I was able to convince Dan that this was the kind of symmetry his project deserved and he was interested in making this happen, as it actually meant a fulfillment of his wishes by doing it that way. Even though I have been distancing myself from the hobby for some time now, I'm glad I didn't keep silent. The end result shows a perfectly averaged symmetrical version of the OT trooper helmet, which will be very hard to top.
The thing with average symmetry is that it is neither left side, nor right side, it is both sides averaged. If one side is more squared and the other more rounded, the averaged symmetrical version will be the median of the two, so will neither be one nor the other. That's the big difference between mirrored symmetry and frankensteined symmetry, where it will actually be one over the other and not both of them, and then averaged symmetry. It will attack everything you know about the asymmetry and idiosyncrasies of the original helmets, but won't favor one detail over another. That's the beauty of averaged symmetry, which the filmmakers and propmakers doesn't seem to have grasped yet, is the fact that it retains THE FEEL of the original, which other symmetry options loses.

Mirrored symmetry always looks weird. It always has and always will. Frankensteined symmetry that takes bits and pieces of the best details on both sides, but ignoring the rest, is a bit more pleasing than mirrored symmetry, but it is still lacking because it still fails to incorporate all details, shapes and idiosyncrasies into the design. That's where averaged symmetry marvels. It will give you perfection that utilizes everything and gives you something that actually still looks like the original, but in a symmetric form.

I'm so glad I was able to convince Dan that this was the kind of symmetry his project deserved and he was interested in making this happen, as it actually meant a fulfillment of his wishes by doing it that way. Even though I have been distancing myself from the hobby for some time now, I'm glad I didn't keep silent. The end result shows a perfectly averaged symmetrical version of the OT trooper helmet, which will be very hard to top.

yes, i have to admit, i was going for the mirrored style at first.the helmet's right side. the one with the sty. thought it would be a better version of what is seen on screen and of what others have done with the helmet's left side. but when you suggested and explained there was a way to combine both sides, i knew that would be the best route to take to make a true symmetrical helmet that would have the look and feel of the OT lids. plus, this is something that has not ever been done before. the first. so i have to say im very glad i took your advice.. because THIS is exactly what i wanted to accomplish.
Weird, it still has that asymmetric TK vibe but is somehow symmetrical. Great job! Not usually a fan of symmetrical versions but this is definitely the best of them :)
How could anyone honestly like the rogue1 redesign more than this?

I'm soo disappointed that your design wasn't closer to what they went with.

In my perfect world someone like RSprops would've supplied the helmets...

But I would take this new "DM" helmet over what we're getting any day.


Most impressive.
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I don't get why so many people feel the asymmetry was a deliberate choice when the original sculpts were done. They were quickly sculpted and manufactured because they had limited time and money. It's just how they turned out. Quality wasn't a high priority.

I'm not saying every symmetrical version looks good, but asymmetry does not mean good and symmetry does not mean bad. There can be good and bad versions of each.

I don't have an issue with the asymmetry of the originals, but I don't think that is how a real Stormtrooper helmet would be. I'm sure the Empire would have something like computers to create the designs.

I like this symmetrical version as well.
How could anyone honestly like the rogue1 redesign more than this?

I'm soo disappointed that your design wasn't closer to what they went with.

In my perfect world someone like RSprops would've supplied the helmets...

But I would take this new "DM" helmet over what we're getting any day.


Most impressive.

The R1 reflects a more realistic representation of how it'd look in reality VS being a costume
I also have a problem with asymmetrical things but at the same time the beauty of the original stormtrooper helmet like a human face lies precisely in this asymmetry.
thanks so much guys, really appreciate all the kind words.

and just to reiterate what i have stated before, for the 1:1 scale TS, i will be adding the functional details that the R1 helmets have applied to the helmet, but in a manner where ill be retaining the original shapes, details and features of TS helmet. so if you can imagine the OT helmets with the functional details the R1 helmets have. but on a symmetrical basis, then thats what the 1:1 TS will be.