Batman TDK Cowl and Batsuit Pepakura Files

Re: Batman TDK Cowl Pepakura File

Little update, I've been pretty busy with long hours at work so I'm not having the kind of time I was hoping to in order to work on this...

Still working on the batsuit, I had to start by removing the base body/ skin underneath everything. Next step will be to simplify the strapping that was modeled, I'd like to keep the straps included for sizing and spacing but right now every little rib and detail are modeled in there. After that I'll modify the armor parts for pepakura and/or foam.

I have two parts that I've already modified and unfolded. These have been edited for pepakura but unfolded for foam. These were scaled for myself so they'll have to be adjusted for each person, as I'm only 5'-5".

The Chest (This does not include the layered part that the emblem sits on, as that is a fairly simple piece to make from 3mm foam):

TDK Chest PichetPaithoon and Ruze789 (Letter).pdo - - online file sharing and storage - download

The Upper Shoulder (This is only the upper or top piece, I haven't worked on the second/ lower layer yet):

TDK Shoulder PichetPaithoon and Ruze789 (Letter).pdo - - online file sharing and storage - download
Thanks a lot Ruze 789, already pepping the cowl, take your time with the rest of the armor, the chest and shoulder pieces look fantastic :D
Re: Batman TDK Cowl Pepakura File

The hole is definitely not big enough for a head to fit through. I was planning on cutting out a section of the lower back and attaching it via magnets, like an Iron Man helmet. There would be a seam line but I think a seam would be better than missing a large section of the back to get your head to fit in.

Here's the cut line I had in mind, I did not get to build this helmet so I didn't get to see if it would work:

Your right about cutting the back out and reattaching. That's what I did ands though it would look better without a seam, it just wouldnt look like a cowl if you could see the whole back of Batmans head.

Also, your work is great I really appreciate you sharing this. Also, it's a bonus for me cause I'm only 5'5 too. Not scaling work to be done!
Hi Ruze will you also release them for paper pepakura? Thanks man Im also so interested in the bane mask
Awesome work, thanks for the chest and shoulder parts! Oh and thanks for the foam cowl file as well.

In terms of sizing, I guess resizing the suit files for a 6`3" person is necessary?!
Adding a whole 10 % in sizing will def be too much, won´t it?

Thanks again, can´t wait for the rest of the suit!

Don't mind at all, thanks! Looks good, much better for foam than mine. Added it to the OP.

Awesome work, thanks for the chest and shoulder parts! Oh and thanks for the foam cowl file as well.

In terms of sizing, I guess resizing the suit files for a 6`3" person is necessary?!
Adding a whole 10 % in sizing will def be too much, won´t it?

Thanks again, can´t wait for the rest of the suit!

Yes you'll definitely want to resize!
Here's the best picture I've found for scaling purposes, it's what I've used for myself so far:

And again thanks for the encouraging words guys! I'm still plugging away at the armor.
Ruze, I refolded your file a bit for foam build.
I am using 6mm thick foam, and it turn out great.
I scaled down to 170mm width, and it fit nicely.
Thank you again for your hard work. Looking forward to build the other parts.
I leave the back with flap-like end. It's working nice.
I will add magnets later on.

I went ahead an tried making the cowl. I liked the result though I felt that there was too many lines so I simplified it on my own and tried it again here's the result.


To make easier to get it on and off I added some velco at the chin and some foam to cover it. Now it comes on and off very easily

Any chance to get this converted version, Random490?
Cause the cowl turned out looking awesome, yet simple.

Hoping for further updates on the batsuit files, since this really is the reason why I started pepping things in the first place.
Any chance to get this converted version, Random490?
Cause the cowl turned out looking awesome, yet simple.

Hoping for further updates on the batsuit files, since this really is the reason why I started pepping things in the first place.
Actually what I did was print out the file and assemble it with paper just to check the sizing. Then I just cut it apart and flatten it out as best as I can. I actually used regular paper and scotch tape when putting together the test since it was just to see if it fits. Just keep in mind that the less segments you have the flatter the mask will be then you'd have to heat and form the foam to get the right shape.
My second build (v2.0). Love it! Reduced to only 5 parts!
Again, many thanks for this amazing file.

Maybe its just me but i think its way to large, I think you could do it so much better since you are working with foam it could be much more small so it feet you better speacially in the shin plart

Keep up the good work man

My second build (v2.0). Love it! Reduced to only 5 parts!
Again, many thanks for this amazing file.

Thank you SajaRawr,

Yeah, I made it 1cm wider that the previous, because v1.0 become too hot. Not comfortable for wearing it more than 15 minutes.

I may put padding on the back to push my face to the front.
I just don't like my cheek and nose to be in contact with the foam.
Also I didn't use the balaclava yet to hide some "flesh".
Thanks for constructive suggestion!