Be aware all jack sparrows around ..This guy cannot be trusted .

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You like to call it yours, but it is a recast (which technically is stealing). So even if it was a recast, that makes another recaster of it, a recaster of another recaster.

Ok.... I'm the total newbie here but I don't think that someone truly innocent would ever have volunteered the statement above.
That just screams out guilty to me.
Cristian, you are a human contradiction. Didn't you just say, "well my case is done here."...yet your crazy self is still provoking and name calling. Grow up kid.
Just by the pictures, it's clear enough evidence to me, regardless of the stories on other forums. I'm just looking at that coin. for so many tiny little things to be spot on, but for general details to be 'missing' is enough for me to judge, when those things that ar e missing are the types of details which would be lost in a copy-of-a-copy process.
I have deleted several posts that have nothing to do with the issue at hand, but present different issues. Those issues may play a role in a decision that the staff has to make, but have no place in the current discussion.

Please respect that and just stick to the topic.

RPF staff

i just pulled this one from the mold ,painted and drill the hole.
I'm gonna chime in and just say this... it is very clear that someone is making copies, but the truth is that people do this all the time and don't get any credit... it was bound to happen eventually. They look good and the buyers can judge for themselves as to who makes a better one. Verbal contracts were violated yes, but then again your pirates and thats just what they do... and the code is more like guidelines anyway. Just keep doing what your doing and it will all come to light as to whos is a copy of a copy and so forth.
The issue is that here on the RPF if someone copies someone elses work like this, then they get banned. Paplooo is trying to prove it.
I get that and that is fine, but the hard part is trying to prove it. The arguments are very legitimate but the said original is still a copy of someones work to my understanding... and please correct me if I'm wrong. I have an example... Indy Magnoli made a replica Copper Bones from the Goonies and Mezco Toys used his prop without permission to duplicate and sell. If someone made a recast of the Mezco version to sell, even though Indy made the original, what happens then? Its the slightest variation that pinholes the argument, which sucks, and leaves room for people to duplicate, which is the problem with making "replica" props. If someone makes a perfect replica and another tries their hardest to make it perfect as well, and they look almost identical, then it hard to say who copied who. Unfortunately the honor code is not favored among pirates.
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excuse me Onlyalad19. we are not pisrates this is real life dude. jack sparrow is a character

duplicate replicate "make" something

. we are talking about re-cast and make profit. breaking the rules of prop makers.

this is the hole point.
There are two kinds of casting -

1. I made my own version of Yoda's left hand, I looked at pictures and then from scratch, molded my own "artistic" piece. So even though I didn't "invent" Yoda, this mold is totally mine. Anyone who then copies it - is stealing from me as an artist.

2. Or a buddy of mine works on set, he lets me come over after hours and I cast a resin mold of the original It's my "mold" but the "image" isn't mine. So now if someone casts my "cast" in essence they are making a copy of a copy.

So, granted both involve someone "recasting" someone's work without permission
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I know, but we can't say who gets banned... its up to the staff. Believe me I would be pissed too if this happened with someone I trusted. I just thought I could make a few pirate references along the way since that is technically what is going on... someone is pirating someones work. Please don't get angry at me, I didn't steal from you nor would I do that to anybody here.
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I know, but we can't say who gets banned... its up to the staff. Believe me I would be pissed too if this happened with someone I trusted. I just thought I could make a few pirate references along the way since that is technically what is going on... someone is pirating someones work. Please don't get angry at me, I didn't steal from you nor would I do that to anybody here.

cool! i understood the joke is just, this is a serious matter:love
I think the point Janty is trying to make is that if paplooo's cast is directly from the set piece, and Janty used it to make his own sculpt of it, who's to say that he didn't just make a damn good copy?
I bought a SidKit a couple weeks ago, and I'm modifying my airsoft .45 handgun to match it. I'm not casting anything from the SidKit, I'm raw cutting the pieces from aluminum and such. So if it comes out looking like the original kit, is that recasting? No, because I didn't recast it, I just made it look like it is supposed to. Like the original.
Janty could AT THE VERY LEAST credit paplooo with the base casting he gave him though.

Not on either side, just my 2 cents..
I'm with Cristian here! never mind the moralities of casting and licenses, if someone does another person a favour in all good faith, that person should respect that.
Janty seems to have broken that trust, if he uses the pieces as reference and makes his own to sell, he should have okayed this with Cristian or at least offer him a percentage!
For the record, whenever someone contacts me about the coin and cross, I always tell them, "if you want a copy of the real deal, contact Cristian... if you want mine, which might aswell be the real deal, that's fine". Why would I do that if mine is a direct copy of the real deal? I have worked for Chavant clay, I have worked on music videos, I have sculpted various things and have an eye for detail, even if I don't sculpt as much as I used to. Replicating a tiny cross, tassel and coin is nothing compared to what I have done and judging by the messages I'm getting, many people see differences between the pieces. I'm not a stupid guy and Cristian and I live like on the opposite side of the pond from one another (I'm in California, he's in England), we were never close friends, but I agreed to not recast his and I didn't. He and I are in the same community of pirates (other then keep to the code, where he blasted a lot of us and left...) so it would be stupid of me to buy something from him, then post pics all over the place. If I was trying to get away with anything, I would do it in private. These accusations are just that, accusations.

Also, the idea that I am doing it for profit is laughable at best. I have made a few bucks off little pieces like this, but let's face it, how much do you expect people to pay for these trinkets? I make wigs and in the wigs, people get the items I have made or have aquired. Items I have made like the sprocket bead (red bead with white bumps), tassel, bone strand, sea coin etc... was going to work on my own cross piece and skull coin, but got me one of his for reference. I never made a stink when people got a cowl, a torso or anything of mine and used them as reference for making their own...but I have also been recasted, as has my mentor in this... in fact, my mentor is the most recasted guy on he planet and many of them are members here. Nobody ever had any problems, because the consensus was that his stuff was sooo good, they just let it go. I'm not making big profits here, not able to retire on an island in the Caribbean anytime soon... truth is, Cristian is upset, because he thinks I stole some thunder. He loves being the first at anything and anybody who takes some of that thunder, gets a lashing. I am who I am, I am not perfect, have made plenty of mistakes in my life, but continue to do nothing but help fellow Sparrow's as often as I can. Youtube videos with almost 500,000 views, all (for the most part) tutorials on how to do things. I give away all of my secrets, I don't hold nothing back because it is not a competition to me... I share, because I enjoy sharing... I enjoy helping.

Now onto the coin comparisons. Everything in red shows differences. Not the same, but very close and in a sense, I'm stoked that people think mine is a direct recast. Means I did a pretty good job. :)

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I can see differences, but to be honest, the qulity of some of these photos makes any real compairison very difficult. Please post some hi-rez images of both and we'll be better able to judge.
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