Hello there
Looooooooooooooong time no see.
...what to say...
A new update

Zaf'el-DA friend OC
Bad Blood Predator who preffers to use whips.
Elder, extremely experienced Predator.
Colored by my girlfriend
An idea of A Predator that could play in Predator 3
First try at engineer predator, and first predator drawing from february.
There will be more like this because this one is garbage.
Idea- Predator killing engineers/space jockeys and due to some situation he is consumed by the engineers armor/technology mambojumbo, slowly consumed.
Here is a Predator that in some story turned to be on space jockeys/engineers space craft. He managed to kill the pilot. He was a Youngblood with little experience. Still trying to define himself he collected armor/suit parts from the now dead engineer/jockey. In time it absorbed him/ changed him completely.
He is no longer a Predator he is neither an honorable hunter nor bad blood renegade, he became an Enginner/space jockey.
The lack of dreads- originally i wanted to draw something like tubes instead of dreads coming from his head and merging into his shoulders and back, but left the idea. Engineers/jockeys dont have any hair on their bodies so I decided that during his transformation/being consumed by the technolody he would lost his hairs/dreads.
In this state he is way stronger than any normal predator, and can control aliens/xenomorphs, as well as use engineer technology.
Alien Exterminator-oc of Ronnie solano/Deadklown
Something from the past.
Albino Predator returns, he repaired his mask.
The end is coming.
Enjoy the hunt untill it lasts.
Since I will be ending this fav character of mine I decided to draw a whole lot works focused on him.
Here is Hate as a Youngblood Predator with little experience and tactics.
This is his first serious kill.
Little backstory for this one:
Hate was hunting in jungle for human trophies.
Hate was watching the drug cartel and military soldiers firefights.
Sought to find worthy opponent to duel with.
When he was about to make his move, team of this soldier betrayed him and tried to kill him(were paid by druglords), soldier was badly injuried but managed to kill them, all but one, he had no ammo left. Second before his ex-collegue was to shoot the soldier in the head Hate showed his existence and murdered him. Blablabla Hate teamed up with soldier to kill the drug lords buisness. After they were done the soldier was so badly injuried, in so much pain that he asked Hate to end his suffering. Hate granted his request.
Here is Hate in a duel with some mafia(probably some Japan) assasin/ninja/jumy type.
Assasin was aiming for Hate heart but Hate caught his sword with his cybernetic hand and ended the duel by bunctuating the assasins heart.
Redesign of Kainde Predator.
And here is "Hate Last stand"
Based this on the cover of "eternal warrior 1"
Like i said some time ago I am ending the life of my OC Hate Predator.
The big reveal hehe. Lets make this quick-what is happening?
Hate was on Earth, hunting.
Isolated area-probably some jungle near city.
A whole clan of bad bloods leaded by Really really REALLY old and nasty Elder who wants nothing more than Hates death.
I wanted this to be realistic but decided why the hell not to make it impossible.
One Hate-almost elder rank predator, a whole clan of bad bloods-about 50 of them-they are variety of skill and age among their ranks but none as skilled as Hate.
Bad Blood Elder leader of the clan suprised Hate during his hunt on Earth, Hate was not prepared for such fight. seeing the numbers he knew he will not win this. He knew this was his end, but he wasn't going to make it easy for the bad blood bastards. He took off most of his armor covering his upper body-for it not to hinder his moves- his every move must be of 100% precision.
Bad blood Elder first sent a bunch of Youngbloods-who wanted to make name for themselves by killing a Legend like Hate
On this work this is what happens, one strike= 3 sliced throats=3 dead.
more to come.
Hate is almost Elder rank his dreads becoming grey/ white at the tips, his body is cowered in scars+one cybernetic forearm prostetic. He is quite experienced fella.
After first wave of bad bloods Elder sent the biggest warrior he had in his clan.
Size and brutal force isn't everything...
more to come.
I will end this update with Work of a frien.
Ronnie Solano/Deadklown draw my OC Hate
Comments are welcome