Best Aluminum Finish Paint?

That's the one I was looking for for the pack. Thanks a lot Rocketeer 25. Now, do you have the one for the flaps? the one on how to layer the candy apple colors?
Nevermind. I finally remember where I saw it. Here it is for anyone that wants to know.

"The burn effect on the flaps. Okay.
You have to paint backwards. Outside first to the middle. I used Boyd's candyapple colors. They are trasparent when applied thin in an airbrush.
Brass/yellow stripes first on the outside like a "V" Then hot pink further towards the middle, then teal, blue, then purple and in the center matt black.

I have a screen used Rocketpack and that is how it took a bit to figure it out! Each flap of my pack is different. All the Disney pack parts got jumbled and swapped around at some point

Same treatment on the engines...but you paint the engines all dark metal color and then paint a layer of silver everywhere you want color. Then paint over the silver with your color. Since the color goes over the silver and the black you get that "I got really hot" look."

Hope Rocketbobs doesn't mind I posted this.
Originally posted by PHArchivist@Feb 20 2006, 02:35 PM
I think he's trying to replicate aluminum, not paint on to aluminum.

Alclad Chrome will give you a polished aluminum or weathered nickel type finish.  I've considered it for a large project too (R2 dome -- that what you're doing?).

Next in line for me would be Testors Buffing Aluminum Plate. Comes in standard rattle can so is easier for large projects, but the finish isn't as good as Alclad.
I don't think that Testors Buffing metallics can even be handled without marring their finish, can they? And any clearcoat destroys teh surface.
It it was something going in a display case, or safely out of reach, they'd be good though.
Originally posted by Mechinyun@Feb 20 2006, 10:21 PM
Thanks for the tips guys, keep um coming.

I'm having a rocketeer rockpack painted. Like in my pic over there <--. I am trying to see what options are out there. And yeah I am looking to paint the kit aluminum. Im not 100% sure what its made of, but I think its like a resin/Polyurethane material.

Glad to hear some good stuff on alclad, but I dunno if it would be cost effective considering how big the pack is vs. how small a bottle of that paint is. Intresting that clear coating it would screw up the finish. Didnt know that.
Lacquer clearcoats will screw up any metallic paint. The solvent in the clear lifts / disturbs the particles in the metallic, dulling / marring the finish (never have tried a wax, though, hmmm). ETA: Futura works well because it is basically clear acrylic paint.

And ALCLAD comes in a more economical 4oz bottle last I checked. Might even be enough for such a project, applied thinly / properly.