Best Gun Design

This post reminded me of a little picture I made of my favourites.


Higher resolution here.
4.5" SAA Hand of god from 310 to yuma
1851 navy conversion from The Good The Bad and The Ugly
Beretta 92fs compensated from the professional
S&W model 29 from Dirty Harry
Imanishi 17/Safari arms matchmaster, and the various flintlock conversions from Wanted
Winchester Yellowboy made to look like a henry in Good Bad and Ugly
1911 compensated from The Punisher
Colt Python from The Walking Dead
Glock 17 full auto from The Dark Knight
Sawn off double barrel from Mad Max series

Those are my favorites.
JacksColon, some fine choices there!

1866 Winchester (Yellowboy)
1873 Winchester Saddle Ring Carbine
Colt 1911 (the older and more basic the better)
1921 Thompson
AR-10 (1958 original)
KRISS Vector

Sci-Fi & Fantasy:
Star Trek TOS Phaser II
Calahan Fullbore Autolock (AKA Vera) from Firefly
Flame Gun from Logan's Run
Gears of War Chainsaw Lancer
Mass Effect Assault Rifle

And my all-time fav, the Spartan Laser from Halo 3. I love this gun, but I suck with it. Well I suck at FPS games, hence the Redshirt monicker.


I'm much handier with with the Spartan Laser in airsoft though.

In real life I carried a 1911 and still do, one of the most versatile pistols ever made. I also love my M1 Gerand and M1 Carbine I have. But I have to say that the Mangalore Rifle the ZF1 in 5th element is my favorite movie prop.
Best gun designs?
Sci-fi: (In no particular order
Cobra Assault Cannon from Robocop (yes I know its just an early Barrett 82, It's still cool)
DS Gun from Logan's Run( I really want a working one)
Morita Rifle from Starship Troopers
M41A Pulse Rifle from Aliens
LAPD Blaster from Blde Runner
Mateba from Ghost in the Shell
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One of my favorite guns was the "Link Blaster" from the TV series Special Unit 2. I was fortunate enough acquire many of the screen used props after the show was cancelled, so a badge and sticker from that show are in my collection along with a replica cast from an original gun.
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This is my "future cops" display in my TV room.

From left to right:
- "Smart gun" from the movie "Runaway" (Tom Selleck as a cop who fights wayward robots)
- Robotic spider from the same movie. This is a fully articulated and functional metal prop that was screen used/seen.
- Blaster from "The Fifth Element"
- "Sandman gun" from the movie "Logan's Run" on a stand representing a hand with the life clock crystal
- Charging cradle for my Pronto TV remote
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My beloved minigun. One of the prop makers who worked on the original provided me with parts and expertise in order for me to build this replica. All metal, several real G.I. components used in this faithful recreation of "Ole Painless" from the original Predator. Weighs a ton, a hit at prop parties.

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My beloved minigun. One of the prop makers who worked on the original provided me with parts and expertise in order for me to build this replica. All metal, several real G.I. components used in this faithful recreation of "Ole Painless" from the original Predator. Weighs a ton, a hit at prop parties.

View attachment 518410

That is so awesome! It looks like it has part of an M60 under the barrels
It is an M60 fore end. It was used, in part. to keep hands away from spinning barrels and to offset the torque.
View attachment 518309

One of my favorite guns was the "Link Blaster" from the TV series Special Unit 2. I was fortunate enough acquire many of the screen used props after the show was cancelled, so a badge and sticker from that show are in my collection along with a replica cast from an original gun.

Eltee, where did you get the In the line of Fire gun?
Eltee, where did you get the In the line of Fire gun?
The creator of the gun is a retired SF cop who started a prop gun business in L.A. His name is Frank Rousseau and his co. is Rousseau and Son. Frank is semi retired but his son still runs the business, most famous currently for the guns in the Transformer series. The company did almost all of the weapons for the Rambo films and Frank worked with SId Stembridge and others on the Predator minigun.

Frank built the gun. The actual shooter was made of aluminum and painted putty color, it was donated to the USSS museum. He made several resin versions. I worked for the same dept. as Frank so we met and developed a friendship. I acquired one of his originals with provenance, the one I display is a copy. The real prop is locked in a gun safe. I've posted pics of the original in the past here on RPF.
The creator of the gun is a retired SF cop who started a prop gun business in L.A. His name is Frank Rousseau and his co. is Rousseau and Son. Frank is semi retired but his son still runs the business, most famous currently for the guns in the Transformer series. The company did almost all of the weapons for the Rambo films and Frank worked with SId Stembridge and others on the Predator minigun.

Frank built the gun. The actual shooter was made of aluminum and painted putty color, it was donated to the USSS museum. He made several resin versions. I worked for the same dept. as Frank so we met and developed a friendship. I acquired one of his originals with provenance, the one I display is a copy. The real prop is locked in a gun safe. I've posted pics of the original in the past here on RPF.

Wow - thanks for sharing the story. Very interesting. I've always loved that particular gun. Very original! And a perfect example of a prop that really adds to the story in the movie!