BHP Death Star Tiles v2.0 - Done!!! NEW PICS pg.5

Re: BHP Death Star Tiles v2.0

They are 6 inches by 6 inches. A nine tile set would give you an 18X18 base which goes well with most 1/24 scale ships.

Re: BHP Death Star Tiles v2.0

updates please...
I bought the ones from starship modeller, but they are smallish at only 3x3
Re: BHP Death Star Tiles v2.0

Should have something by this weekend to report :)
Re: BHP Death Star Tiles v2.0

I just recieved my Millenium Falcon stand from Russrep & 4 of your tiles would be perfect. The base is 35cm x 35cm so it would leeve me a nice black edge were the tiles end. How easy is it to cut them as the falcon is on a mount simillar to the MR one. Cheers
Re: BHP Death Star Tiles v2.0

Wow - these look nice ^^ looking out for an update on the other tiles.
Re: BHP Death Star Tiles v2.0

Russrep made me a stand for my MR falcon, its the same as the one that cking has for his falcon.
Re: BHP Death Star Tiles v2.0

How curious! I happen to have in my possession, the Exact Same - 6" square piece from the original DS sets.
Re: BHP Death Star Tiles v2.0

OK Folks here they are almost done. I sucked so bad at my first attempt at scribing the panel lines on the tower they have to be redone but as you can see we are almost there.






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Re: BHP Death Star Tiles v2.0

those look great.

any other photos?

Did you get those laser cut or use a router?